Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 68. (Budapest 1976)
Jánossy, D. ; Kordos, L.: Pleistocene-holocene Mollusc and Vertebrate fauna of two caves in Hungary
Vertebrate biostratigraphy Locality Archaeology Botany Climate phases Bajót Phase Jankovich 5-4 ? microliths Petényi Pj(?)-H v epipalaeolithic — mesolithie Rejtek Bl. III. mesolithie Kőrös Phase Jankovich 3-2. — Petényi H IV neolithic Rejtek Bl. II. 3-4. neolithic Bükk Phase Jankovich 1. — Petényi H ni Iron Age/Bronz Age Rejtek Bl. II. 2. (?) Bronze (?) Kőhát Phase Petényi H n Rejtek Bl. II. 1. Postbronze Age Alföld Phase Petényi Hj_ n pine-birch pine-birch ? Dryas II Preboreal —Boreal pine-birch Boreal Boreal Boreal —Atlantic Boreal —Atlantic Atlantic —Subboreal Subboreal hazel/oak hazel/oak Subatlantic Subatlantic Subatlantic Results of palaeoclimatological investigations (L. K.) Palaeoclimatology is one of the key-problems of Holocene research. In Hungary mostly pollen-analyses and the investigation of vertebrate fauna yielded so far factual informations about climate. Both methods are based on actualism applying the temperature or present-day geographical distribution of species living even now and make an extrapolation for Holocene. JÁRAI—KOMLÓDI (1966. 1969) made calculations for Preboreal, Boreal and Atlantic phases with palynological method. Applying the optimum hibernation temperature of some batspecies, KORDOS (1973) made calculations for determining the mean annual temperature of the hibernaculum (the cave) and the surface. Voles are extremely good indicators of climate. With calculating the optimum from the mean July temperatures of their geographical distribution KRETZOI (1957) elaborated his "vole-thermometer" method. Thermal conditions of layers in Jankovich Cave were estimated with this method. Present-day optimum temperature of the distribution of certain vole-species (KRETZOI 1957, Vértes 1965) are: Microtus nivalis was omitted from the list because it is a mountain species therefore its distribution is not zonal. The mean July temperature of Microtus agrestis is our contribution. The calculation of the "vole thermometer" is: after the multiplication of the values of mean July temperature with the percentage of the species in question compared to other vole-species, these values are summed up and divided with 100. According to this method the mean July temperature of the layers in Petényi Cave and Rejtek I. Rock Shelter are the following : Myodes Arvicola Microtus arvalis Microtus agrestis Microtus gregalis Microtus oeconomus Dicrostonyx 15.0 °C 17.5 °C 21.0 °C 19.0 °C 10.0 °c 12.5 °C 7.5 °C