Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 68. (Budapest 1976)

Jánossy, D. ; Kordos, L.: Pleistocene-holocene Mollusc and Vertebrate fauna of two caves in Hungary

7. 8. 9. 10. il. 12. I 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1/1 1/1 — — 1/1 ­1/1 — — ­— 2/1 1/1 3/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 ­1/1 1/1 3/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 l/l 4/2 19/10 7/1 13/4 1/1 2/1 6/2 15/2 5/2 4/1 — 9/4 — 2/1 ­— — 1/1 — 2/2 — — — — — 14. = Block III, 110-114, northern part 15. = Block III, 110-117 N. 16. - Block III, northern part 110-140 17. = Rejtek, test hole 140 and 200 cms. The lower limit of the Bajót Phase probably was not excavated here therefore the material contains only the younger part of the phase. Pleistocene species like Lagopus lagopus, Lagopus mutus, Tetrao urogallus, Sicista, Microtus nivalis, Microtus gregalis, Microtus oeconomus are present, Rangifer and Bison are relic species. This period is characterized by the dominance of Microtus arvalis. The quantity of Myodes is significant and that of Apodemus is increasing. Kőrös Phase: Jankovich Cave — layers 3-2. Microtus nivalis is already lacking, there are only a few Microtus gregalis and Microtus oeconomus. Microtus arvalis is predomi­nant among voles. Cricetulus is lacking, the number of Sicista is increasing and that of Ochotona is decreasing, a rapid swarming of Apodemus can be ob­served. Petényi Cave — Hrv layer: Its is difficult to analyze because of the scarcity of finds. It is probable that Microtus nivalis, Sicista and Ochotona had already disappeared while Microtus gregalis and Microtus oeconomus could still survive. Myodes and Apodemus have a further expansion. Rejtek I. Rock Shelter — Block II. 3-4 levels (60-140 cms): Lagopus, Micro­tus nivalis and Ochotona are not demonstrable. Microtus gregalis, Microtus oecono­mus and Sicista are still present. Tetrastes bonasia appears, the expansion of Myodes continued at the expense of Microtus arvalis. Bükk Phase: Jankovich Cave — Layer 1. Even the last representatives of Pleistocene species (Sicista, Microtus gregalis, Ochotona) disappeared, only Microtus oeconomus survi­ved living now as a relic species. Its number slightly increased. Apodemus and Myo­des are predominant, the number of Microtus arvalis decreased. Petényi Cave — Layer Hm. Pleistocene species are not demonstrable. The number of Apodemus, Myodes and Pitymys reach their maximum while as a local

