Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 68. (Budapest 1976)

Jánossy, D. ; Kordos, L.: Pleistocene-holocene Mollusc and Vertebrate fauna of two caves in Hungary

Table II, continuation Mus musculus LINNÉ Ganis sp. Vulpes vulpes (LINNÉ) Ursus sp. Martes sp. Mustela cf. nivalis LINNÉ Mustela sp. Crocotta sp. Ochotona sp. Lepus sp. Sus scrofa LINNÉ Gervus elaphus LINNÉ Rangifer sp. Bison sp. 1.-2.-3.-4. = side-niche 1.-2.-3.-4. 5.-6.-7.-8. = Block II 1.-2.-3.-4. ("Neolithic") level 9.-10.-11.-12. = Block III 140-160, 160-180, 180-200, 200-220 cms 13. = Block III, at 1,10 meters' depth, northern part Kőrös Phase: Pleistocene species are subordinated. The abrupt expan­sion of some species characteristic of certain limited zoogeographical units can be observed. Bükk Phase: Only a few Pleistocene species remained, usually restrict­ed to a small area. The fauna became undoubtedly modern. Kőhát Phase (nom. n.) — Biostratotype: Pothole of Kis-Kőhát 4th locality. — The lower limit of this new phase can be set with the final fade-out of Pleistocene species or with their retrocession to considerably limited "replie" areas. The phase can be characterized by species of contemporary fauna showing however a divergence of dominance from the following phase. Alföld Phase: As a result of Man's more and more intensive activity the phase can be characterized by the upset of the original faunal balance together with the increase of the number of "anthropophilous" species. Although the evaluation discussed above is based on factual information it is generalized here, naturally therefore in different areas it may contain different fau­na! compositions. For example the material of Jankovich Cave, Petényi Cave and Rejtek I. Rock Shelter contain the following faunal phases —• with the record of characteristic faunal assemblages: Bajót Phase: Jankovich Cave — layers 5-4; Last occurence of Lagopus. Ochotona, Gricetulus, Dicrostonyx together with the presence of some "Pleistocene" relic species like Microtus nivalis, Microtus oeconomus and Microtus gregalis. The increasing of Micro­tus arvalis, Apodemus and Myodes is still subordinated. Petényi Cave — ?i(?) — Hy layers. Decrease of Lagopus, Sicista, Microtus nivalis, Microtus gregalis, Microtus oeconomus and Ochotona. Last occurrence of Ursus spelaeus and Rupicapra . First phase of the quantitative growth of Apodemus and Myodes. Rejtek I. Rock Shelter — The complete sequence of layers in Block III between

