Horváth Géza (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 23. (Budapest 1926)

Esaki, T.: Notes on some species of Acanthosoma. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

This species was originally described from Ussuri, and the types are now kept in the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Science, St. Petersburg. This species is the commonest one of the genus in Japan. Those hitherto recorded as A. distinctum írom Japan are mostly belonging to this species. 7. Acanthosoma crassicauda JAK. Acanthosoma crassicaudum JAKOWLEW, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, LV. 2. p. 386 et 390. (1880). Acanthosoma glaucum ESAKI, Ent. Magaz., Kyoto, II. p. 125. fig. 1. (1916). This species is originally described from Wladiwostok, E. Siberia, and the types (1 cf, 1 9) are now in the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. A. glaucum ESAKI described from Japan is identical with this species, whose types were examined by me. This species seems to be rare, as I have seen only two specimens (1 9» Wladiwostok, in the Zoological Museum of the University, Helsing­fors, 1 9» „Mandshuria" in the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest), besides the types of JAKOWLEW and ot A. glaucum ESAKI. In Japan, only three specimens were hitherto captured so far as known to me. The enormously stout processes of the male genital segments in this species at once separate it from any other known species of the genus. 8. Acanthosoma forficula JAK. Acanthosoma forficula JAKOWLEW, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, LV. 2. p. 387 et 392. (1880). Acanthosoma kyotoanum ESAKI, Ent. Magaz., Kyoto, II. p. 126. fig. 2. (1916). This species is originally described from E. Siberia and the type (1 cf) is now preserved in the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. I am quite sure that A. kyotoanum ESAKI described from Japan is a synonym of this species, as I have examined the types of A. forficula JAK. This species is known only from the type localities of both A. forficula JAK. and A. kyotoanum ESAKI. The structure of the male genital segments is much allied to that of A. forcipatum REUT., but the humeral angles of the pronotum are not so angular as in the latter, and the general coloration is much paler. 9. Acanthosoma forcipatum REUT. (Plate IV. fig. 15—16.) Acanthosoma forcipatum REUTER, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XXV. p. 76. (1881). The types of this species from „Tarbogataj" (Tarbagatai), Central Asia, are now in the Natural. History Museum, Stockholm (3 cfcf, 1 9) and in the Zoological Museum of the University, Helsingfors (1 cf)- In general aspect, this species is much allied to Acanthosoma forficula JAK.,

