Horváth Géza (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 21. (Budapest 1924)

Éhik, J.: Preliminary description of a new Microtus agrestis from Hungary

t)ESCRIPTION OF A NEW MICUoTl S. 77 Cranial nieamrements: Condylobasal lengtli 23'5 ; zygomatie breadth 13*5; interorbital eonstriction 3*6: occipital breadth 11: oecipital depth 6*6; nasal 6*1:; diastema 6*5; mandible 17*5; maxillary tooth-row 5*7; mandibtilar tooth-row 5*5 iiun. Remarks: Inhabiting marsbes. Ormand is the second type locality ol' Microtus agrestis in Hungary known up to Ihe present time. The question arises, if the agrestis of Ormand could be considered glacial relict like the agrestis of the county of Arva (N.Hungary) deseribed by MEHELY 1 ). There is nothing in the way to thiuk it so. inspite of the fact that thc countyof Zala was lefl outside of the glacial zone. On tbe otlier hand. the Alps near to it were eovered by snow and ice in the Pleistocene, so tbat the animals have been foreed to the neighbouring territories free of snow, That is why we find glaeial relict. species not only in the northern parts of Hungary. bul also in ber western, even middle paiis-). I have to remark furtherrnore Ihat Mr. OLIVER GEUULY sent us a Lacerta riripara froiu Ihe Great Hungarian Plains 3 ) eonsidered by Mr. FEJEKVAY as a glaeial relict. l ) In general. Ihe conelusions of litterature in eonnection with glacial relicts is thal places where glaeial reliet species are living, were included into Ihe zone of glaeiation This interpretation in its striel sense, is inadmissible in most of the cases for the glacial relict species are not the direct proofs of tiie limitis of the extension of ice, but only those of tbe exlension of the polar fauna in flight before the ice s ). I have to add sonie words about Ihe work of Mr. G. ,1. FEJEBVABT ,,0n the occurrence of Vipera berus in S. Hungary" published iu the meantime 6 ), where Ihe author is quoting an information of Mr. VASVAIM, according to which Ehere are <s specimens of Microtus agrestis of Ormand, said to have been spewn out by a viper sent to Prof. MEHELY from Ormand. Inquiring into the matter, I found out that Prof. MEHELY received really some rests, belonging to Mammals apparently, wilb Ihe snake. but in such a eondition (lllattened and rotten), that they have been Ihrown ofl' as of no avail. These aninials have not been determined neither by ') L. MEHELY. Ket uj poczokfaj a magyar faunaban. (Two new speeios of voles in tho tlungarian fauna.) Allattani Kozleiuenyek, vol. 7., 1908. *) EHIK, The glacial theories in the light of Biological Investigation. (Ann, Mus. Nat. Hung. XVJH. p. 89—110.) 3 ) 0. GEDULY, On the Occurrence ofLacerta vivipara Jacq. on the Great Hungarian Phi.iii. (Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung. XX. p. 148.) *) G. J. de FEJEBVABY, Xoto preliniinaire sur le Lezard vivipare (Lacerta vivipara Jacq.) dans la Grande Plaine Hongroise. lAnn. Mus. Nat. Hung. XX. p. 100—171.) b ) J. EHIK, Loe. cit. •) Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung. XX. p. 136—140.

