Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 10/1 (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 2007)

DÖMÖTÖR BEA: A rögzíthetetlen elbeszélői és olvasói pozíció. Népi önéletírások elemzése

TAMÁSI GÁSPÁR 1983 Vadon nőtt gyöngyvirág. Emlékezés két könyvben. Kányádi Sándor, bev. Bukarest: Kriterion. TÚRI ISTVÁNNÉ 1937 Az évek jönnek, mennek... Nőmunkás Regények Sorozata, 1937. április havi melléklet. Z. VARGA ZOLTÁN 2002 Az önéletírás-kutatások néhány aktuális elméleti kérdése. Helikon 48(3):247-257. WHITE, HAYDEN 1997 A történelem terhe. In A történelem terhe. Braun Róbert, szerk. 25-67. Budapest: Osiris. /Hor­ror Metaphysicae./ BEA DÖMÖTÖR Unfixable position of the narrator and the reader. Analysis of folk autobiographies Autobiography is not a genre any more, according to post-structuralist literary studies but a kind of reading. That means the autobiographical texts can't be distinguished from other types of texts on the basis of form or content. But we don't read these texts in the same way as we do fictional writings in the traditional sense. It is because the author has made some propositions about herself. This aspect has to be taken into consideration also in the social and cultural studies dealing with auto­biographical texts. So these rhetorical mechanisms must be put in the foreground by analysing folk autobiographical texts. This study aims at comparing two autobiographical texts from a person who migrated from Moldavia to Hungary. It partly tries to find methods for the interpretation of the texts' narratological and rhetorical structure and partly attempts to show how text and reader become building blocks in discourses of oneself and the other.

