Kovács Tibor - Stanczik Ilona (szerk.): Bronze Age tell settlements of the Great Hungarian Plain I. (Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae 1; Budapest, 1988)

Márta SZ. MÁTHÉ: Bronze Age tells in the Berettyó valley

33 ORDENTLICH 1972, 82. 34 ORDENTLICH 1968, 152-153. 35 MAKKAY 1957. 36 SZ. MÁTHÉ 1981, 34-36, M. NEPPER-SZ. MÁTHÉ 1977, 177-179, M. NEPPER-SZ. MÁTHÉ 1980, 99. 37 BONA 1975, 127. 38 Zoltai found a gold lock-ring also on the Kádárdomb site (PI. 46:1). It represents a variant of the type in question (a similar item is known from Mezőberény: MOZSOLICS 1965-66, Taf. 18:3). Zoltai described the lock-ring-but did not publish it-and noted its similarity to the bronze specimen found in the Hajdubagos urn cemetery. Makkay and others accepted this comparison, even though the Kádárdomb specimen is made of solid gold, whilst those from Hajdubagos are of sheet bronze. The Kádárdomb lock­ring is more related both typologically and culturally to the solid bronze rings of the Nagydobos find (ZOLTAI 1922, 55-60, MAKKAY 1957, 39, KOVÁCS 1970, Fig. 1:2 and Fig. 2:14, BONA 1975, Taf. 200). 39 MOZSOLICS 1965-66, 19-23, Taf. 18, KOVÁCS 1979, 74-75, SZATHMÁRI 1982, 104-106. 40 BONA 1975, Pl. 173:10, Pl. 193:1, KEMENCZEI 1979, Pl. 1:1, PL 11:11 etc. 41 BONA 1975, PI. 112, 42 SZ. MÁTHÉ 1984, Fig. 3:6. 43 BONA 1979-80, 92, Figs 18-21. 44 SZ. MÁTHÉ 1984, Fig. 8:1. 45 BANNER-BÓNA 1974, PI. 5:17. 46 SZ, MÁTHÉ 1984, Fig. 1:4. 47 POPESCU 1956, Fig. 25 :11, 26:4, 11 etc. 48 BANNER-BÓNA 1974, 48-49. 49 The same was noted at Alpár by Bona: BONA­NOVÁKI 1982, 76. 50 See Herpály : SZ. MÁTHÉ 1984, Fig. 4:5. 51 BONA 1975, Verbreitungskarte VI. 52 KALICZ 1968, Pl. XLVII : 10, Pl. LXXI: 4. 53 BONA 1975, Verbreitungskarte VI. 54 CSÁNYI-STANCZIK 1982, 252 and Abb. 9:6. 55 BONA 1975, 137. 56 TASIC 1984, PI. XVm : 16. 57 CHIDIOSAN 1980, PI. 39 :41. 58 MOZSOLICS 1953, 1960, BÁNDI 1963, KOVÁCS 1969. 59 HÜTTEL 1981. 60 Torda find, HOREDT 1960, Abb. 13:10. 61 HÜTTEL 1981, Taf. 5-7. 62 A typological classification is presented by BONA 1975, 262-265. 63 Bodrogszerdahely: KOVÁCS 1982, Abb. 4:2-3, Kántorjánosi: Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza. Inv. no.: 57/159. Un­published. 64 BADER 1978, 134, Pl. IX: 1, 2, 3, 6. 65 ROMAN-NÉMETI 1986, 213. 66 Cf. the early layers of the Békés tell (BANNER-BÓNA 1974, Taf. 3:2-3) and Herpály (SZ. MÁTHÉ 1984, Fig. 10:8, 13, 11:12). 67 BONA 1975, 121. The item mentioned in the Cimeliotheca Mus. Nat. Hung. 1825 (170) but without a detailed description belonged to the Sárváry Collection of the Calvinist College, Debrecen. Since the inventory of the archaeological collection was destroyed during World War II, the Esztár finds cannot be identified. (Manuscript). 68 MAKKAY 1957, 38. 69 The two levels belonged to the Otomani B and the Gyulavarsánd cultures respectively, but the material was too mixed up to be worth publishing. Some finds from Trench I are shown in PI. 38:5, PI. 39: 6, 12, PI. 40: 9. 70 SZ. MÁTHÉ 1984, Fig. 6:3-4. 71 BONA 1975, 143. 72 BADER 1978, Pl. XXXVEI. 73 BADER 1978, Pl. XLV: 11-12, Pis XLVH-XLIX. 74 MÓDY 1975, 15-18. 75 KUTZIÁN 1972, 36, MAKKAY 1957. 76 NÉMETI 1979,527-536. 77 KALICZ 1967, 17. 78 KALICZ 1968, 103. 79 KALICZ 1981, 72-73. 80 CSÁNYI 1982-83, 33-65. 81 BANNER-BÓNA-MÁRTON 1959, Taf. IX. 82 KALICZ 1968, Pl. XXIV: 8. 83 KALICZ 1984, Pl. XXVI :4. 84 KACSÓ 1972, 33, 35, Fig. 3:1. 85 BADER 1978, Pl. VU: 16. 86 BANNER-BÓNA 1974, Pl. 11: 30. 87 One part of the finds is housed in the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, some of them have also been published (KOVÁCS 1982). Information about the Kassa finds were kindly provided by J. Bátora (see also BÁTORA 1981). 88 Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Inv. no.: 69.20.67- Tuzsér-Kálonga tanya. In fact, the decorative pattern of the Herpály altar appears also among the Bordrogszerdahely finds (BÁTORA 1983, obr. 1:6). 89 O RDENTLICH-KACSÓ 1970, 49-63. 90 BADER 1978, Pl. VU:6, 16. 91 KACSÓ 1972, 31-44. 92 BADER 1978, 134.

