Estók János (szerk.): A Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum Közleményei 2008-2010 (Budapest, 2010)

Nagy Ágota: A paprikatermesztés eszközei a Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeumban

szedés a zöldbab szedésére használt gép továbbfejlesztett változatával történt a fent említett rendszerek technológiájában. A nagyüzemi módszerek alkalmazása során a 4-6 hetes utóérlelésre nincs lehe­tőség, a bogyókból mesterséges szárítással párologtatják el a felesleges vizet, például Binder-féle szárítóberendezéssel.22 Ezek a berendezések, valamint a talajelőkészítés, növényápolás, betakarítás gépei már nem egyedül a fűszerpaprika termesztésére jellemzőek, így e tárgykörben rész­letesebb bemutatásuk nem indokolt. The tools of paprika cultivation in the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture ÁGOTA NAGY The cultivation of bell peppers - especially for ground paprika -, due to its special role in Hungary, is a separate branch of vegetable production with unique cultivation technology. The two strictly delineated paprika growing regions - Szeged and Kalocsa - have cultivating methods and tools with different characteristics. Concerning its production value paprika is the most important vegetable with the largest cultivated area. Green bell peppers are produced on 10-12 thousand hectares of plough-land, seasoning paprika on 7-8 thousand hectares. During its 100-year-old history, the museum has found several possibilities for the presentation of this topic tracing its history to this day, when it is considered to be a ‘Hungarikum’ (Hungarian specialty). The first guidebook in 1897 mentions the objects concerning paprika production. The tools dating from earlier times were almost completely destroyed during World War II and the Revolution of 1956. New specimens have been gathered starting from the 1960's. Bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) appeared in Hungary around the middle of the 16th century. The name paprika is mentioned in 1742, and a detailed description of the plant (also named paprika in Hungary) appeared in 1775. The earliest cultivation of paprika began in the mid 1700's in Szeged. The cultivation in Kalocsa began approximately at the same time. In Szeged the group of paprika growers was formed from the former tobacco growing farmers, and the use of cold frames for growing seedlings was general. In Kalocsa paprika growing was a new horticultural branch next to the cultivation of onions and garlic, and in this region covered warm beds were used. In the Kalocsa region paprika was produced in the vicinity of the towns Bátya, Foktő, Fájsz, Érsekcsanád, Úszód, Géderlak, on the loose sandy and loess soils. The first paprika growing districts in the Szeged region were Alsóváros, Röszke, Szentmihálytelek, and the southern farmstead area populated by the townspeople of Alsóváros, especially Feketeszél, Domaszék, Nagyszéksós, and to the west, Zákány, Mórahalom. 22 Somos András: A paprika. Budapest, 1981. 301-316. 90

