Estók János (szerk.): A Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum Közleményei 2008-2010 (Budapest, 2010)

Nagy Ágota: A paprikatermesztés eszközei a Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeumban

Cultivation had two parts: growing seedlings around the house and plough-land cultivation - this is followed by the processing of paprika. The most important tools are the planting line, ‘kole’ (seedling box), rake, planting-dibble, different watering utensils, water measurer, different hoes, harvesting basket, storing basket, blunt, packthread, different drying racks, sifters, crushing and grinding equipment. Upon the formation of the production systems, starting from the 1970's the ‘home farm’ and the large estate worked parallel to each other. Seasoning paprika never lost its importance as a home-grown product to this day, the ground paprika made in this manner is in demand and it is the most valuable. From the 1970's large­­scale farming also plays an important role in the production of ground paprika. A magyar fűszerpaprika című időszaki kiállítás megnyitója, 1972 91

