Budapest Régiségei 24/1. (1976)
ÓBUDA, RÓMAI KORI TÁBOROK, CANABAE ÉS KÖZÉPKORI VÁROS = ÓBUDA, ROMAN CAMPS, CANABAE AND THE MEDIEVAL TOWN = OBUDA, LAGERÂ I KANABE RIMSKOJ EPOHI I SREDNEVEKOVYJ GOROD - Kumorovitz L. Bernát: Óbuda 1355. évi felosztása : I. Lajos király és Erzsébet anyakirályné 1355. augusztus 17-i és 1356. október 17-i oklevele 279-302
BERNÁT L.KUMOROVITZ THE DIVISION OF ÓBUDA IN THE YEAR 1355 (THE DIPLOMAS OF AUGUST 17, 1355 and OCTOBER 17, 1356 of KING LOUIS I, AND THE QUEEN DOWAGER ELIZABETH) After the death of King Charles I. (July 16, 1342) his widow, Queen Elizabeth set up her court at Óbuda. The first authentic record of this is the letters patent of her son, King Louis, I. dated the 7th of January, 1343, in which he grants the castle of Obuda to his beloved, mother Elizabeth, so that "she live there, use it and reside therein to the end of her life or as long as she pleases". In the closing part of his diploma he remarked that as soon as it became possible he would also have his grant made out in the form of a privilege. This clause of the document was no empty formula. It seems that the king intended to liquidate definitely a situation which had been a very involved one for long: he wanted to separate the rights and appurtenances of the royal castle at Óbuda, from the possessory right in this castle pertaining to the chapter residing similarly at that town. With a view to settle the affair he made a request to Pope Innocent IV. for the delegation of a Hungarian pontifical commission on August 31, 1353. Since the royal family - as he writes in his supplication lives, together with its gentry-in-waiting, in the castle of Ujbuda, and since the Óbuda castle situated not far from the former, similarly belongs to the Óbuda Church of the Virgin Mary, to its provost and chapter, the people of the Church are forced to suffer many damages on account of the proximity of the two institutions: his request in that the said commission determine all right which are the due of the provostry and assign another castle or place, equal in value with the former, so that he may offer it to the Church in exchange. The final settlement took place in 1355. In the presence of a commission, set up of prelates and barons, the king and his mother had the documents, referring to the affair, submitted to themselves and since, relying upon the examination having been conducted by the commission they obtained certain knowledge of the fact that the Óbuda provost and chapter were entitled to exercise jurisdiction over Óbuda, as well as to collect the market tolls and the pail duties of the vineyards, planted near that town, but were not entitled to exercise proprietary rights and to levy tonnage dues which up to that time had been collected for the castle - they resolved that in a part of the town set a side for them they would take back in their royal and/or queenly hands the market tolls and tonnage dues, as well as the jurisdiction over the citizens, and would indemnify the provost and the chapter by way of an exchange of landed property ensuring higher income to the Church, - granting them the estates of Komár, Galambok, Szentpéter and Karos in the Counties of Somogy and Zala with all rights which had been their legal due in respect of the town up to that time. In the further parts of the document the provost and the chapter agreed that in the part of the town allotted to them the king and his mother should establish a parish falling under their patronage, with rights identical with those of the parish of the Buda castle. In the other part of the town, which remained in the hand of the church, seculer and spiritual jurisdiction stayed unchanged with the provost and the chapter. "And since the castle near the civitas and oppidum respectively, was laid up and built in olden times on the territory of the Buda Church, and therefore the castellan was obliged to pay a golden Mark to the provost and to the chapter each year under the title of the castle - now that the castle has become part of the royal and queenly estate, the provost and the chapter were for ever released from the payment of the yearly one golden Mark. " And eventually they declared the district, which had in this way come into 299