Budapest Régiségei 24/1. (1976)

ÓBUDA, RÓMAI KORI TÁBOROK, CANABAE ÉS KÖZÉPKORI VÁROS = ÓBUDA, ROMAN CAMPS, CANABAE AND THE MEDIEVAL TOWN = OBUDA, LAGERÂ I KANABE RIMSKOJ EPOHI I SREDNEVEKOVYJ GOROD - Kumorovitz L. Bernát: Óbuda 1355. évi felosztása : I. Lajos király és Erzsébet anyakirályné 1355. augusztus 17-i és 1356. október 17-i oklevele 279-302

their possession a town of the Queen and at the testimony of the Esztergom chapter the ho­mo regius also marked out its limits as described in full in the document. The 1355 division of Óbuda was regarded with anxiety from two sides, namely by the Clarissa nuns of Óbuda and the Augustine monks of the Komár monastery. The difficulties were eliminated on 17th January. 1356 in a way that for the Augustines the rights which they had obtained from their founder (King Béla IV. ) were also ensured towards the new pro­prietor and the chapter was forbidden to trespass in any way upon the nuns' estates situated in the queen 1 s part of the town. Thus in 1356, with the 1355 context left unchanged and with the said two supplements a new diploma came to light concerning the settlement of the rights at Óbuda, dated 1356. As the earlier publisher of the 1355 privilege did not clearly present the 1356 re-word­ing, and failed to use a quite reliable text (the actually used text dated from modern times), and his publication is burdened with a great number of errors, in the present study the author publishes a new critical edition of these documents. The publication of the new text is also timely because the reconstruction of Óbuda nears its completion thus the study privides a more reliable historical background for the evaluation of the excavations, parallel with the work of reconstruction, than the old text. 300

