Képviselőházi irományok, 1875. IV. kötet • 119-170. sz.
Irományszámok - 1875-122. Törvényjavaslat, az osztrák-magyar monarchia és a hawaii szigetek királysága közt kötött s Londonban 1875. évi junius 18-án aláirt barátsági, kereskedelmi és hajózási szerződésről
14 122. szám. i • anchorage, port charges, G-overnment wharfage, pilotage, quaraitine or other charges under any denomination whatsoever than those to which national vessels may be subjected; it being however expressly understood that no stipulation in this Treaty made, shall betaken as applying to the coasting trade, which each Oontracting Party reserves to itselfs, respectively, and will regulate according to its own laws. Article X. ,.-| Articles of all sorts imported intő or exported from the ports of either of the Oontracting Parties under the flag of the other, shall pay no other or higher duties or be subjected to any other charges than if imported or exported under the national flag. Article XI. Vessels of one of the Oontracting Parties, compelled to seek shelter in the ports of the other, shall pay neither on the vessél nor the cargo more duties than those levied on national vessels in the same situation, provided that «uch ships carry on no commerce, and delay no longer in the aforesaid ports, than may be required for the purposes which impelled theni to seek shelter. Article XII. Austro-Hungarian ships of war or whale ships shall have free acces to all the Hawaiian jjorts,.to anchor, be repaired and victual their crews and they may proceed from one harbour to another for fresh provisions. In all the ports which are or may hereafter be opened to foreign vessels Austro-Hungarian ships of war and whalers shall be subject to the same rules which are or may be imposed on, and shall enjoy all the same rights and privileges which are or may be granted to the ships of the most íavored nation. Article XIII. The two High Oontracting i Parties hereby agree that any favor, privilege or immunity whatsoever in matters of commerce or navigation which either Oontracting Party has granted, or may hereafter grant to the subjecís or citizens of any other state, shall be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other Oontracting Party gratuitoiisly if the concession in favor of the other State shall have been gratuitons: or in return for a compensation as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditional. Article XIV. Each of the Two Oontracting Parties may appoint Oonsuls, Vice-Oonsuls and OonsularAgents to reside in the territory of ihe other for the purpőse of the prolection of commerce, but before any Oonsul shall enter upon his functions, he shall first obtain the authorization of the Government to which he is sent; either of the Oontracting Parties may except írom the residence of Oonsuls such particular places as either may think fit to be excepted, it being understood that neither Party will iiapose any restriction which is not common in the country to all nations. Article XV. The Diplomatic Agents, Oonsuls. General-Gonsuls, Vice-Oonsuls and Oonsular-Agents of Austria-Hungary in the Hawaiian Islands, shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, immunities and exemptions enjoyed by the Diplomatic Agents, Oonsuls, Vice-Oonsuls and Oonsular-Agents of the same ránk belonging to the most favored nation, and the same shall be the position in Austria-