Képviselőházi irományok, 1875. IV. kötet • 119-170. sz.

Irományszámok - 1875-122. Törvényjavaslat, az osztrák-magyar monarchia és a hawaii szigetek királysága közt kötött s Londonban 1875. évi junius 18-án aláirt barátsági, kereskedelmi és hajózási szerződésről

122, szám. 15 Hungary of the Hawaiian Diplomatic Agents, Consuls, General-Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Con­sular-Agents. ArticleXVI. The Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Oonsular-Age'nts of either the Contraoting Parties residing within the territory of the other, may require the assistance of the local authorities for the search, arrest, detention and imprisonment of the deserters from the ships oí war or merohant vessels oí their country. For this purpose they shall apply to the competent local authorities in writing, pro­ving by the exhibition of the Crew List or other official document, that the persons named förmed a part of the ship's crew, and this reclamation being there substantiated, the snrrender shall not be refused. Ali aid and assistance shall be given for the discovery and arrest of such deserters, who shall be detained in the prisons of the country at the request and cost of those who shall claim them until they may be restored to the vessél to which they belonged, or sent back to their own country. If however they shall not be restored to the vessél from which they deserted or sent back to their own country within six months from the day of arrest, or if the party causing such arrest and imprisonment shajl not defray the expenses thereof, the deserter may be set at liberty and shall not be arrested thereafter for the sarae cause. However, if the deserter shall have com­mitted any crime or offence against the laws of the country where he is, his release shall not take place until a competent tribunal shall have given judgment, and that judgment been carried intő execution. It is however understood that seamen, natives of either country, who shall desert the vessels of either party within the territories of their own country shall be excepted from this arrangement and treated according to the laws of their own country. And it is formally agreed between the thwo Contracting Parties that every other favor or facility granted or to be granted by either to any other Party for the arrest of deserters, shall alsó be granted to the present Contracting Parties, as fully as ií they had förmed part of the present Treaty. Article XVII. Ali operations pertaining to the salvage of vessels carrying the Flag of either of the Contracting Parties stranded or wrecked upon the coasts of either of the Contracting Parties shall be superintended by the respective Consular-Agents; but if the persons interested be on the spot or the Oaptain possess adequate powers, the administration of the wreck shall be committed to them. The intervention of the local authorities s' all only be applied to the maintenance of order, to guarantee the rights of the salvors if they do not belong to the ship wrecked crew and to insure the execution of the measures to be taken for the entry and departure of the saved goods. In the absence,. and until the arrival, of the Consular-Agents the local authorities will take the needful steps for the protection of persons and property wrecked. The goods saved shall never be subjected to customs or other duty, unless they are disposed of for home consumption. Article XVIII. The ships merchandize and effects belonging to the respective citizens which may have been taken by Pirates or conveyed to or found in the ports of either of the Contracting Parties shall be delivered to their owners on payment of the expenses, should there be such, the amount to be determined by the competent tribunals when the rights of the proprietors shall be proved beíore these tribunals and the claim being made within the space of eigtheen months by the inte­rested parties, by their attornies, or by the Agents of their respective Grovernment.

