Az időskorúak életmódja, életkörülményei (1995)


4 INTRODUCTION The 1990 survey carried out by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office on the way and conditions of living, health status, occupational, migration, family and marital history of elderly people, dealt with data of more than 4200 persons aged 70 years or over. The data collection was based on the 1990 population census material, thus allowing to analyze housing, household and family characteristics of the persons in the sample, too. « The first volume dealing with the results of the survey was published in 1994 under the title "Health status of elderly people". Besides the short analysis of data, the volume contains detailed cross-tabulations on lasting diseases, handicap, health status and troubles characteristics of the elderly. Present publication - produced with the support provided by the social policy research programme of the PHARE - contains data relating to questions on the way and conditions of living of the elderly. Data are completed by a textual analysis with some charts illustrating the main results. Analysis and cross-tabulations present some characteristics pertaining to the way of living, family relations, family and marital history, occupational and residential mobility of the elderly. These sample data - similarly to the previous publication - haven't been inflated. The main totals in the tables are given in absolute numbers (in bold type), while their components are figuring in percentages as compared to these totals. In the event of a departure from this base of comparison, users are invited to consult the corresponding footnote related to the table. The survey questionnaire and methodology are presented in the volume entitled "Health status of elderly people" (HCSO, 1994). The most important concepts used in the present volume are also described in the above mentioned publication and in the volume "Summary data" of the 1990 Hungarian population census. 4

