Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


[2.] De Transsilvania nihil aliud audiebamus, quam quod Babai3 referre potuit. Quantum intelligo, Gritti difficulter exibit ex cassibus, in quos sesemet ipse coniecit.4 5 Dominum Lasky nostrum reliqui non captivum solum sed et aegrotum febri quaterna duplici laborantem.5 Doleo casum amici. [3.] Kapolnay6 noster adiunctis sibi Thardasensibus7 Batham proditione accepit, oppugnare dicebatur Zeek.x Mirum hominis ingenium et semper inquietum. Miror, quod cogitare potuit regem ista laturum, vel se ibi firmum futurum. Melius meo iudicio io fuisset aliter rebus suis consuluisset. Regi quod firmissimo iuramento datis etiam vadi­bus fideliter serviendo. Rex misit contra eum. Vestra Dominatio optime valeat cum omnibus suis. Ex Gwl9 16. Septembris 1534. Servitor Sirmiensis subscripsit 233 Piotr Tomicki to István Brodarics Cracow, 5 October 1534 Manuscript used: BN T. 18. föl. 44I-45V1 Published: Acta Tomiciana XVI. 243-245. I. He is surprised that he has not received any letters from Brodarics for such a long time, although he knows, Brodarics would have had reasons to write. But friends forget such things and so he is asking Brodarics to resume his good old habit of informing him about the King's, the country's, and his own things. — 2. He is especially wondering about the effects of recent confusion and why Hieronym Laski has been imprisoned. - 3. Tomicki was struggling with fever and stomach problems all last summer, he is still recovering. Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine Frater et Amice Carissime et Honorandissime. ' Péter Babay was a familiaris of Szapolyai. His name appears on a pay list in 1531 already. See: MOL, E 185. bundle 47. 4lv. Babay is referred to twice in letters by Brodarics to Nádasdy. See the letters on 18 January 1533 and 28 March 1533. 4 Transylvanians, outraged by the murder of Imre Czibak, surrounded Gritti in Medgyes in late August, who could not escape from the mousetrap and had to surrender on 29 September. He was beheaded afterwards. 5 Laski was ill all through his captivity. His brother wrote on 19 November from Késmárk that in recent days Laski had been feeling so bad that he had confessed and written his will himself. (See AT XV1/2. 389.) 6 Ferenc Kápolnay joined Ferdinand in 1530. Brodarics, when he was Bishop of Pécs, had lots of troubles with the nobleman who ravaged the estates of the diocese. 7 Perhaps another proof that the letter is for Nádasdy is the fact that the name Thardassy and the legal case of Brodarics against them comes up in the letter to Nádasdy written on 30 August 1535. * Bátaszék in Tolna county was two separate settlements in the late Middle Ages: Báta and Szék (Cikádor). Szék had a Cistercian, Báta had a Benedictine monastery. 9 Gyula. 1 Further manuscripts: BJ 6553 III. 398r-v; BCzart TN 51. 15-16. 429

