Menora Egyenlőség, 1984. február-június (23. évfolyam, 997-1016. szám)

1984-02-17 / 998. szám

1984 február 17 * MENÓRA 11. oldal WE FEATURE TORONTO’S LARGEST Selection of AND USED FURS Mon. 9-7, Tues. Wed. Sat. 9-6 Thurs. Fri. 9-8:30 Open Sunday ll-5:30-ig Coats * Jackets * Stoles Collars * Hats * Mens and Children’s Furs 202 SPADINA AVE. 363-6077 Trans-Globe Travel Ltd. DUFFERIN - STEELES AREA ' PRESENTS 2 Groups — 2 week Package TO ISRAEL May 14 - May 28 $1695 (Can.) from Toronto 1st — Dimension Group for Singles and Couples. Age 18-35 2nd — Best of Israel For All ISRAEL - Air only from $894 EL AL Direct Serving the Jewish community for over 15 years SPECIALISTS IN: AIRLINES and RAIL ’ PACKAGE TOURS CRUISES HOTELS and CARS Free Tickel Delivery 1750 Steeles Av. W. Suite 18. Concord, Ont. 669-9388 Outside Line — 665-2288 BLACKHAWK MOTOR INN_ Every Sat. 3 p.m. Darts and Pool Tournament 10711 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-9171-Í FUVAROZÁST vállalok csukott Vati-al napközben, vagy munka után. ALEX tel: 494-8587 KÖLTÖZTETÉST és minden más szállítást garanciával legolcsóbban vállal a SZABÓ MOVER 884-5065 Hirdessen lapunkban “Best Wiener Schnitzel in Town” COUNTRY STYLE Hungarian Restaurant Nyitva 7 nap d e. I 1 -tői este 10-ig • Easl take óul service 450 Bloor Sl. West Toron (o 537-1745 edith serei INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS ) °F / HAUTE ESTHETIQUE TORONTO • MONTREAL START A NEW CAREER TRAIN TO BECOME AN ESTHETICIAN AT CANADA’S PREMIER SCHOOL OF ESTHETICS • Skin Care • Manicure/Pedicure • Electrolysis. • Make-up Artistry 6 Month Intensive Day Course or Home Study Program Part Time Night & Day Classes Internationally Recognized Diploma NEXT DAY CLASS: MARCH 5, 1984 NIGHT CLASSES AVAILABLE REGISTER NOW Please Call or Write for Free Brochure 482-2773 181 Eglinton Avenue East Third Floor FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE CALL FOR DETAILS Registered and approved as a private vocational school under the Ontario Private Vocational School Act Mint erről hírt adtam, a Jack and Jill elköltözött a Bathurst Street 3788-ba. SIMON’S PLACE DELI AND RESTAURANT Csak a név változott. Én a régi szeretettel, a régi kiváló konyhával, de egy megnagyobbodott helyiségben várom azokat is, akik eddig még nem látogattak meg.. Magyar és zsidó konyha! Asztalfoglalás fontos szombat és vasárnap este! 633-2034 Otthoni partykra hidegtálak megrendelhetők. Hatféle hús, saláták. Házhoz szállítjuk. Minimum rendelés $40.-ROBERT GRIFFEL Men’s & Ladies' 3/4 length Sheepskin Coats Ladies’ Suede Blazers Ladies’ Suede Skirts COMPARE AT $ 30. COMRAREAT $QQ# COMPARE AT $ 3Q, COMPARE AT $29. • All items subject to prior sale e We reserve the right to limit quantities e No dealers please • Personal cheques accepted ALL MERCHANDISE MADE OF GENUINE SKINS The Leather Market e Ih. right I. F „ HOURS: :r... 67 Front Street East Sunday: 11-6 ”*qo" (at Church) TuMdaV: closed Chapman’s Fine Foods and North Kensington Market are pleased to announce the opening of their New Food Shop for your shopping pleasure presenting A grand selection of quality prepared foods, cheeses, fish, pastries, coffees, confections, gift items and specialty food products. Located in the York Mills & Bay view Shopping Mall \ You will enjoy shopping at m<m cLp*ux*k ni<m FINE FOOD SHOW 309 York Mills Road Toronto, Ontario 444-4477 J.T. delivery! és kisebb költöztetés óránként egy em­berrel. valamint kis cso­magok és levelek szállí­tása Tel: 656-7844 O Yugotours MARCH BREAK Special “a la carte” program — 9-I8, March. ATHENS $99900 ISTANBUL $1,045°° Return Airfare Included! YUGOSLAVIA 2 Weeks From 00 KÁRPITOS! Mindenfajta kárpitozott bútorok, stíl-bútorok szakszerű áthúzása és ja­vítása. sokéves hazai és kanadai gyakorlattal. Nagy szövet-választék, alacsony árak, ingyenes árajánlat. Telefon: 742-0998 “Why did our Travel Agent recommend KLVL. to Hungary?” GO INC AWAY? SECURITY CONSCIOUS? lock mart PROFESSIONAL LOCKSMITHS 3251 DUFFERIN ST. 782-446I Visit our showroom. Free parking Locks -- The Key To Security Licks Repaired -- Keys Changed Licks Changed -- Mobile Service Installations Home Office Planl have to change planes anyway And KLMs fares are right!” II PUNJABI VILLAGE ;; < > < ■ ;; Restaurant and Tavern ; < » ' 1 Indian Curry House : •• 699 Bloor Street West ; Toronto, Ont Tel: 532-0314 ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* .. » SUMMER CHARTERS TO GREECE July 7-21, August 4-18 All-inclusive Prices From $1690.00 Limited Seats Available Call Now1 GALACTICA TRAVEL SERVICE 507 Danforth Ave. 461-0747-48 WADDINGTONS BRASS LTD. Now open TO-6 p.m. Antique lighting, A plumbing fixtures, hard­ware A brass gittware. 1091 Oueen St. E. 10% dlscourt wilt) ttiis ad. 469-25? 1 That’s right. If you are going to Hungary, you have to change planes somewhere. So why not in Amsterdam? KLM’s fares are very competitive. KLM’s airport facilities are the most efficient in Europe. And Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport has all that wonderful tax-free shopping. So ask your Travel Agent about KLM’s very agreeable fares. And fly KLM. To Hungary. *In cooperation with CP Air. THE RELIABLE AIRLINE KLM ROIAL DUTCH AIRLINES

