Menora Egyenlőség, 1977. január-június (16. évfolyam, 641-663. szám)

1977-03-05 / 647. szám

10 oldal IMENORA * 1977. március 5. MENORA r ANGOLNYELVŰ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. LIBERTY N. Y. — 3 BEDROOM HOME PLUS 9 BUNGALOWS. IN-GROUND SWIMMING POQL;20x40 ON 3 1/2 ACRES ASKING PRICE $4 7,500. CALL OWNER (212) %2"-4Q9't (47) WESTCHESTER group looking for physician. Modern facilities. Call STAHL. (914) 664-4300 (47) — New medical internist and family Dr. JAGU AR PARTS — North America offering elusive bits for your 6-cylinder Jaguar, engine rebuild kits, clutches, electrical parts, exhausts, Webasto sunroofs, etc. Everything direct from England. Send for catalog. Jagparts, N.America, 86ConzSt., Northampton, Mass. 01060.(413) 584-7277. (47) COLLEGE DES JESUITES QUEBEC FRENCH SUMMER PROGRAM (for students aged between 14 and 18.) JULY 4 to AUGUST 12,1977 Students who wish to learn French within a true French Canadian environment may do so by studying at our College. Courses are of­fered at three levels: Elementary Intermediate Advanced Extra-curricular activities are provided. Room and board accommodations are supplied in a student res­idence and in a limited number of families. mKasmTm: Write t$: FR0ICH SUMMER PROGRAM CdRcefcsJtsoites 1151 west. Bod. St-Cyrie, Quebec, Qs6. Canada. OS117, TfL (41S) (11-1107 47 NAILS by DOROTHY, Inc. Special Introductory Offer To New Customers ON SCULPTURED NAILS • Porcelain original price s35NOW/ ^25 •China original price s50 NOW s35 . (617) 248 NEWBURY ST. Tel. 267-2912 opbJ, oniy 4? fWENYOH RETIRED ms iwbbjii pnomsy piivnn Trademarks on Complata Proprietary Consumer Product Uns — Multl-niHIton dollar ysarfy world wkia market potential. Dsy or Evenings. ________ Call (216) 751-4747 47 CANADIAN HEMLOCK (tsuga canandansis) Order NOW and we will reserve FORTY (40) TWO to THREE FOOT branched well-rooted lovely graceful TREES for GUARANTEED APRIL freight free delivery. Excellent for FAST GROWING evergreen hedge. HARDY STOCK. FIRST ORDERED-FIRST SHIPPED BASIS ONLY. Orders immediately confirmed with planting instructions. MAIL FULL PRICE OF $22.00 to: Robert A. Nelson>Shadybrook Centerville Road, Box 29220 Neshanic, NJ. 08853 Bonk Ref. Hunterdon City Nat'I Bank, Flemington, N.J._________zjg CARL M. PETERSON - CLOCK MAKER, EXPERT REPAIRS, ANTIQUE CLOCKS ANY TIME PIECE, PARTS MADE, FINE WATCH RE­PAIRING. 30 WHITE ST. RED BANK, N.J. CALL (201) 741-5588 (50) free snow TIRES -WITH ANY CIVIC OR CVCC IN STOCK (except Accord) CALL NOW (516) 676-2290 HONDA NORTH SHORE 49 Az egyedülálló OA/Cafeüäaf C RESERVE BY PHONE ON CREDIT CARDS CALL(212)757 7164 TICKETS AT BOX OFFICE 4 BY MAIL (jfepnlheJte 240 W 47 SI Nv 10046 (2171 T57 "'16-BASS RIVER area, Rte. 28, establishep.woman's apparel shop Excellent gross poten­tial lor fashion conscious woman Reasonably priced. Call 394 2855 or 401-246-0138. 48 "A breath of the crowing life." CENTRAL AMERICA ! Cruise »nother more beautiful Carib­bean from Haiti to the Greet Barrier Reef of Belize aboard classic offshore yachts. Courses in seamanship, nav­igation, marine biology, SCUBA also available. Master Marlner/lrcensed skipper-instructors sailing as a Ymini­­fleet." $52 p.d. all inclusive. ' Box 431 J, HoTfoTOlS, NJ 07413 4 -j Central Pa Retail Store Bareboat the Virgins. Summer sailing conditions are ideal yet charter prices are one third lower. Choose from our fleet of Morgan Of 41s, OI 36s and Gulfstar 37s: or luxurious Gulfstar Custom 50s (with skipper/guide). Virgin Rendezvous. A 9-day program for quali­fied but reluctant charterers to bareboat the Virgins under the watchful eye of a knowledgeable fleet captain- Programs start May 25. Caribbean Cruising Course. A 9 day learn by doing program to teach the fundamentals of cruising and handling a large auxiliary powered sailing yacht. Courses start May 25. Beyond the Virgins. An escorted 14 day cruising package to the seldom visited Leeward Islands of St. Martin, St. Barts and Anquilla. Single berths available. Cruises start May 17. __________Welcome Aboard__________ This is the title of our 27 minute, professionally produced 16 MM color, sound movie which depicts what chartering the BV1 is all about. We have 16 copies available for showing —free of charge —to in­terested clubs or groups. Call or write to schedule a showing for your friends. Virgin Anchorages 80-Pg. Full Color Cruising Guide 39 full color aerial photographs of the most popular anchorages in the Virgin Islands. 3K detailed overlays of channels, anchorages, landmarks and a reproduction of the 905 chart. A “must” because it provides a clear, bird s eye view of what charts and conventional guides can only at­tempt to portray in graphic or verbal form. Order today. Only $12.50 each ppd. Airmail? Add $1.50 if domestic. $5.00 if foreign. Make checks payable to: The Moorings Ltd. and mail lo the address shown below. Gross sales t vr «82,000. Paints, wall­covering, cards, magazines, newspa­pers, craft supplies. Low rent, main st loc, growth potential, u3,000 (nd stock i. fixtures. Owner will train. Dav 717- 697-4673, eve 717-492-3622________ 48 COCKTAIL LOUNGE |MM| SCHOOL BUSES LOST CONTRACT — 20-' 75 Ford Auto trans PS-65 pass. Many more early and late MODEL 65 Passenger Buses. 2-70GMC-Standtrans- 65 pass, I.H. Truck Sales, Plaistow NH, USA. (603) 382-4767 Gregg Smith, (49) OVER 125 INSURANCE CO L FOR SALE OR MERGER — Ord. Life, credit life, A&H, industrial, fire & casualty. Shells.’ Principals only. Contact: RICHARD O. TRENT 1140 N.W. 63rd. Oklahoma City, Okla. 73116. (47) FOOD SUPERMARKET — Annual sales S750,000-1,000.000 annually. 2 buildings, 2 rented apts, large parking lot, business established 30 yrs. Selling fp.r health reasons. Wonderful opportunity — busi­ness can be increased. Call(717> 785-3227 or call anytime (717) 785-7205 or (717) 785-3015 after 5:30 pm (Penna). (48) FOR SALE IN FLORIDA — NEW YORK STYLE DELICATESSEN. Please write to: NEW YORK DELICATESSEN 4716 Del Prado Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida 33904. Telephone No. l-( 813) 542 - 54 00 ( 47) MONTICELLQ — 2 wooded acres on secluded road at cost totaling 520,000. including 1976 14x65 2 bdrm mobile home only 6 months old. Well and septic. 2 rpiles from raceway and all year recreation. Owner transferred. Must sell. (201) 440-5972. (48) IF I WERE A WINDOW...... I d have CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES Character House They guarantee delivery in two to three weeks, show you thousands 0/ colors and patte-ns jtnd thes tvtn hang them for voti for tree. Fora FREE ESTIMATE. CALL RICHARD YELLIN. collect, anx time, ,ai(«U)889-335S^ 47 VIDEOTAPE — Document­ation of all personal effects &. business assets for aid in insured loss claims. Further details: PANVIDICON, INC., P.O. BOX 71, Mansfield, Mass. 02048. Tel. (617) 769-2465 or 339-5666 C48^ Hove a Fun Weekend in Romantic Vermont You’re Welcome At The “PUTNEY VILLAGER RESTAURANT & INN” Where warmth & friendliness surrounds you. An old-fashioned player piano, a Franldin stove with an open fire, cofor T V. ana your favorite cocktail in our Colonial dining room & lounge, along with delicious hearty home-cooked meals like mother used to make. Also: • Great X-Cocntry Skiing • Just minutes away from downhill ski areas • Sleigh rides available at Santa's Land • Basketville e • Harlow's Sugar House • Sawmill Gift & Pine Furniture House Cet-Away Package s15’5w.*i««. All Days Mar. Only. Include* Country Breakfast, Complete Dinner, One Night Lodging. Offer good during Feb. & March. Tax A Tip Not Included. Just 1 ft hr*, from Hartford. PUTNEY VILLAGER Exit« off 1-91 »te. 5 North (802) 387-5811 Artaej, Vt WINTER CARNIVAL FEB. 19-27tli Brattle boro, Vt. 47 PRESSURE-SENSITIVE return address labels. 1X2% inches. Script or Gothic type. 4 lines. Only $2.95 for 300___________ New, Copyrighted 2 label Business Cards low as $9.95 for 500. Remembrance Service Systems Box 339 o«pt. M Oillsburg, Pennsylvania 17019 47 WIDOW WISHES TO SELL LAND INVESTMENT PACKAGE-Involves small parcels In 20 states. Write M.L. Parker, P.O. Box 22726, Jackson. Miss. 39205 Ph. (601) 825-3320 ( 50) BAY TERRACE AREA ---- Young Im­maculate tastefully decorated Duplex, 3 Bdrms, L/R, D/R, 2 baths plus Mother's .. A W.'. LL -PLi A­­--------, 2 room $48,990. Apt. Call 'MilsV (212) see tó appreciate. 979-4089 A (50) RESTAURANT, JACKSON HOLE, WY. — Fast food rest. Seating for 52 people plus 600 sq. ft. game room. Busn. showing exc. gross plus net & incl. over 1/2 acre parking. Nearly new bldg. & eqpt. A 5BR, 2 ba. apt, office & plenty of storage. 1 of the best loc. in Jackson. Not a chain. Approx $80,000 investment needed. Call (307) 733-6399 orwrlte Box2824, Jackson, Wy. 83001 for more Info. (50) LEHIGH VALLEY AREA - Need secluded elbow room? 20 acres prime mature wood­land with some virgin timber and 4 acres field and orchard top and NE side, South Mountain in desirable location. 25 mis view SW to Mt. Penn near Reading& 35ml view NE to Upper Lehigh Valley, thru Kittatlny Mt gap to Poconos. Far above smog, noise and pollution of Valley, yet only 20 rnins to Allentown City limits. Will not sub­divide; 24 acres only, 1 ml perimeter nature trail. Largest known tract avlb in Powder Valley area. By Appointment only. Wear boots with good ankle support. $72,000. (215) 965-9686 (48) VT-GOING BUSN FOR SALE— Grossing $3,000 per/wk, long term lse, lo rent, option to purchase real estate, $85,000. (802) 877-3222 or (802) 372-5041 (47) GREAT NECK - KINGS POINT - MINI ESTATE ----- 9 RM. Ranch A.C. finished bsmt. plus maid's RM., Laundry RM., Htd. pool, pvte. Rd., waterfront rights, acre plus. Call Owner (516) 487-0377 or (516) 487-0496. (50) RARE 1890s POSTERS — Lautrec, Mucha, Cheret, Steinlen, Berthon, Grasset, many others. Bicycle, cafe, liquor, cabaret, travel, etc. Investment quality. (516) 431-5510 B. Lander, 636 East Penn St., Long Beach, NY 11561 (47) I CHESTER, VERMONT — 8 apartments in Victorian gingerbread house — middle of ski area and excellent year-round Income-gross $75,000 year(802) 824 -6798 Kent Ancliffe, Gingerbread Apartments, Chester, Vermont 05143. (50) MODERN 115-ROOM MOTEL PRICED FOR QUICK SALE — Excellent Investment, this 115-room, 5-year-old motel has 4 floors, 2 i elevators, cocktail lounge, banquet rooms, swimming pool, ample parking, fireproof construction. Fully furnished, Including completely equipped stainless steel kitchen. High-traffic location in Baltimore city near world-famous sports attraction. Asking $1,350,000, liberal financing available, brokers protected. Suitable for conversion to a Seminary or YMHA structure. Write Ben M. Richardson, P. O. Box 14100, Roanoke, Va., 24022, or phone him at (703) 342-4531 (48) WANTED ---- MODERN HOTEL­MOTEL, LOCATED IN MIAMI/ORLANDO AREA. MINIMUM 125 ROOMS. CALL SAM McMASTER [-(603) 4 36-0912 ( 50) STORE ON ORCHARD ST. FOR SALE - Suitable for Ladies Sportswear. Domestic & European Imported merchandise. Reasonably priced. Call (212) 846-694 8 or (212) 477-3090 (50) ARMY NAVY WORK CLOTHING STORE FOR SALE — Long established in busy area. Long lease, 200 per month In­cluding warehouse $25,000. Inventory. Grossing $3,000. Per week. Excellen; opportunity for busy oriented party. Ca.1 days (212) ST-3-3028. Evenings (23) 276-8934 (50) NEW YORK KOSHER STYLE DELICA­TESSEN IN NAPLES — excellent location, for sale. The business is fully equlpt. Bakery, catering service and also Restaurant. For further information write or call: 3104 Tamiami Tr. N„ Naples, Fla. 33940. Phone: (813) 261-4741 (49) THE MOORINGS. LTD. U.S. AGENTS P.O. BOX 50059 DEPT: M, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70150 TELEPHONE TOLL FREE: 800-535-7289 (If calling from Alaska or Louisiana or from outside the U S. telephone 504 834 0785.) 47 NEWSWATCH YOUR MAKES YOUR DIETING Custom Reupholstery Direct From Our Workshop SPECIAL THIS WEEK a Sofa or Two Chairs. PHYSICIANS Immediate and permanent opportunity now available. The finest of living and working conditions year round. Malpractice insurance is most reasonable. Housing and schools are adequate and available, plus continuing medical education is also available. The challenge to establish your own practice based with our hospital is now open to you. All office equipment, etc., is at your disposal. Rent paid. We are a fully equipped 100 bed hospital. WHY NOT ARRANGE YOUR INTERVIEW NOW? Please write, apply or phone (703) 345-7321 attention Mr. James A. Jones (Administrator). BURRELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL P0 6129 Roanoko, VA 24017 EOE 47 CARL M. PETERSON ---- CLOCK MAKER, expert repairs, antique clocks any time piece, parts made, fine watch repairing. 30 White St. Red Bank, N.J. Call (201) 741-5588 (47) CHEMISTS For product development laboratories of leading producer of corrosion inhibitors, rust preventives and specialty additives. An excellent opportunity for chemists experienced in product formulation and «testing. Send resume to: C.A. WELTMAN ALOX CORP. P.O. BOX 517 NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK 14302 OR PHONE (716) 282-1295 I*» exill q»dia*ar eiObiw IKF ' ■ “Watch Your Weight” Record + compares your entry for each day to the same in each of two prior years! Three whole years of scientific recording on hand for you to review and to gain special inspiration. ■ * You can also record your daily temperature for your birth control record... Keeping track of your menstrual cycles in a. special column is another bonus. Makes a great Christmas gift ■ For your hard-bound, sewn­­construction edition, send $3.50 for each copy postpaid. Conn, residents add 25* sales tax. .CUSTOM MADE l SLIP COVERS & DRAPERIES • Custom bedspreads • We custom manufacture slip ewers • Wall to wall carpeting Shop at home... a decora­tor trained representative with a large selection of fab­rics will call at your conven­ience. Free estimates. No ob­ligation. CALL DAY EVENINGS& SUNDAY (212) 380-0900 FRESH MEADOWS DECORATOR J80-30 UNION TPKE FRESH MEADOWS, N.Y. --------MIAMI---------1 FLORIDA INVEST FOR YOUR FUTURE In our exciting new condominium leaseback concept. Earn money while a major bank in Florida guarantees YOUR income. (MINIMUM INVESTMENTSIO,000) For further information call or write STANMUJl REALTIES INC. • 50CremaiieW.,Suite31t, Tel:: (St4)JM-7403 48 virgin island *plus yacht charters plus listings in the Grenadines CAREFREE SAILING ON BEAUTIFUL CHARTER YACHTS WITH EXPERI­ENCED. CONGENIAL CAPTAINS & CREWS. LEARN SAILING, CRUISING, SNORKELING. OUR 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE CARIBBEAN WILL HELP SELECT The ideal yacht for your party of 2 to 8 people from $55.00 EACH PER DAY ALL INCLUSIVE. CALL FOR AVAILABILITIES. FREE CHART, 250-PAGE CRUISING GUIDE FOR CHARTERERS. VIRGIN ISLAND YACHT CHARTERS, 239^J DELANCEY ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19106 — Phone (215) 627-3238 4g 47 O. BOX 206, Dept M.POMFRET, CT 06258 c aribbean %clt Ct, arters CREWED YACHTS IN THE CARIBBEAN VIRGIN ISLANDS WINDWARD/LEEWARD ISLANDS We have specialized in crewed Caribbean yacht charters for seven years, both in the Virgin Islands and the Windward/Leeward Islands. We offer professionally crewed yachts for 218 gu,ests on beautifully maintained yachts that have proven charter success. Let us know the number in your charter party and we will find the perfect yacht and crew for you. Whether it be an elaborate cruising yacht—high performance or smaller yacht, our long, personal knowledge of the yachts and captains assures finding the right boat for you. Please call or write for an immediate availability for your special charter. Tel: Lynn Jachney, (617) 599-7990, Box 583ÍM Marblehead, Mass. 01945 48

