Menora Egyenlőség, 1974. július-december (13. évfolyam, 518-542. szám)
1974-08-31 / 525. szám
1974. augusztus 31. * MENORA 9. oldal ANGOLNYELVÜ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: MENORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fihh Avenue Empire State Building New York. N Y. l'JÓOI CAPE CODE JOINT VENTURE Property owner has great location for pharmacy. Wants registered pharmacist with sufficient capital to erect building in return for land use and percentage. Participation in business. Cape Code is rapidly expanding. The greatest population growth on the Eastern Seaboard. I'll put up the land. If interested, contact either by phone or in person, SORRENTO VILLAGE, Rte. 6A, E. Sandwich, Mass. (617) 888-3242. (2S) Elderly Persons Board. WAYSIDE RESIDENCE 2 miles from Asbury Park New Buildings — All Meals “Private Bath in each room"' Laundry and Care Rates — $53.00 per week For Information Phone: MRS. JENSEN (201) 493-3096 (26) OLD TIME JACKSON HOLE RANCH 355 acres near Teton Natl. Park, in front of the majestic Teton Mtns. Pure spring-fed streams on ranch. Five-room home and outbuildings. Wyoming’s largest Wilderness Area nearby. Special Investment Incentives. Write us for pictures and details. Hoffman S Assoclatesi Box 8741 Jackson. WY 83001 (307 ) 733-343«. ' _____________________(X)| LAND PARTNER WANTED 75,000 will tend!». Excellent Returns Excellent Credentials i.^05-342-4592 dr 605- 34ZJ040Ó—after 4 PM '(281 FOR SALE Prl Party has scattered acreage In the Alburquerque surrounding area. This property was purchased for Investment purposes only. Ths value of the land ranges from S900 per acre to I1S00 per acre and steadily Increasing in value. 1 now find I need money very badly and am willing to let all or any part of it go way below value. There is approx. 100 acres in all. Bldg, sites, mobil home sites, ete. If interested please call or write: Ron lapel at «843 Elona N.E. Alharquerque, N. Mexico 87100 Ph. (808) 831-8708 (X) COLORADO Major Ski Area Potential 500 ACRES FOR SALE WITHIN NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY AT BASE OF IDEAL NORTHEAST FACING SLOPES. GOOD SMALL FISHING STREAM AND BIG-GAME ARIA. PINE AND ASPEN GROVES. EXCELLENT ACaSS BY MAJOR STATE HIWAY AND RAIL. PAVED LANDING STRIP NEARBY. EASY YEAR ROUND DRIVE FROM DENVER A COLORADO SPRINGS. ASSOCIATED REAL ESTATE CO. 2*20 W. Main St. Uttteton, Colo. BO120 (309 794-1581 mmmmmmmmmrnmmmm (28)| COLORADO INVEST AT . . . Wholesale prices on zoned ground. Here is an excellent opportunity to make moriey. Custom terms with leverage available. The site will accommodate up to 1769 units, plus 36 acres zoned commercial. First time offered. Excellent location with a view of the Rockies. Full back-up information is available. Ail inquiries: Kent A. Petre (303) 936-2374 WOOD BROS. REALTY CO. 7200 West Alameda Ave., Suite 880, Lakewood. Colorado 80220 (26 ALASKAN LODGE A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own one of Alaska's largest, finest & best-khown lodges. Located on the largest lake in America and in the heart of Alaska’s best fishing and hunting. Includes restaurant. lounge, liquor store & accommodates over 50 guests. With private air strip, scheduled airline service & docks. The lodge has an excellent reputation with clients from all over the world as well as local oil companies and resident of Alaska. Present rate »75.00/day. Priced at $900,000. with $250,000. down & balance at 8%. For additional Information contact Alaska Mkt. & Mgt„ 1820 W. Northern Lights, Anchornge, Ak. 90503. Tel. (907) «77-0528. ^5) GOLD BULLION "COIN" SAVE SALES TAX Orders now being taken, all: (501 ) 534-0314; Write: BONANZA 1504 W. 16 Ave., Pine Bluff, Ark. 71601 ^6^ 10914 TV ‘ifnia ,u!4 “•ay 91 ‘M VOS t VZNVNOB :»t!JM :HE0-KS ( I0S) :lleD-ue>|e4 6ui»q mou SjepjQ ■•NlOOaa Nomna 0109 (26) North Carolin* Acreage "1800 acres prime mountain property adjoining well known country club complex. High ridge, woods, views, spring heads, excellent development land. Boundary survey ana topo included. $450 per acre with easy terms. Principals only. For complete information call: Michel Huysman, Realtor (305) 660-8505 or write t P.O. Box 2175, Coral Gables, Fla. ____________(x) ONE NUMBER FOR ALL YOUR SERVICES NEEDS — on all major appliances, air conditioners, washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, dish washers, trash com pactors, etc. all major brands. (20D 935-3843 TWIN CITY APPLIANCES ALL INSTALLATION (26) 829 Acres, one mile from Berea, Ritchie County. W.Va. Beautiful secluded valley. Polutton free South Fork of Hughes river through center of property. Large old home can be restored. Ample bottom land for farming, cattle ranching or recreation. Price $150,- 000 Brady Stave Co- P.O. Box ISO, Goosaway, W.Va. 2««24 Phone 304-384-23S8 ^7' 3170 ACRES - S.E. GA. 7 Miles river front, timber, game, owner financing, for information Contact: Ral,h Phillips, 912-996-8814, Walden * Kirkland, Inc- P.O. BOX 6, Dawson, Ga. ,(x) MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S new custom clothing. AU sizes. Regular, short, long, extra talL big and portly. SUITS—185 SPORT COATS—$29 SLACKS—$15 SAVINGS 70% Free Alterations CALL (201) 688-8337 (311 SHOPPING CENTER On 9 acre. Bait lo Snn City, Arizona. 63,921 aq. ft. rnnUbl. to 33 teunti, Not, operating incoano of $127,000. Aak n* about oar Phoenix area Investment opportunitiea in Office BniMinga, Apartment Project., and Mobilt Homo Pari». National Incomo Propertiea, Inc., 2701 E. Thomas Rd., Suite D, Phoenix, Arizona 85016. Cell (602) 955-4380. ^7) 120 flat acres now in hay on U.S. 40 db the Colorado River. Fishing, water rights (2H acre ft. per second). Excellent development potential. 9 miles gom Grandby, Colorado at ot Sulphur Springs. By owner 29% down. Call Collect (393) 265-9480, (303) 838-4544. 4493 No. Logan, Denver, Colo. (28) 752 ACRES PINEHURST, N.C. Owner offers 752 acre« looated near dhe Golf Capitol of the World at Plnehurst and Southern Pines, N.C. Extremely reasonable price and excellent terms. Write owner P.O. Box 28487, Raleigh, N.C. 27«11 or phone (919) 828-«4«2 or (919) 833-6013 .(28) PALM BEACH, FLA. Luxury apt on the ocean. 2 bdrms, 2 bths. furnished. Available by month, season or year. Call 203- 226-8004. ( ) Large mobile home park on large lake zoned for 537 pads permanent & semi retired area. Any reasonable deal with responsible party. Other property near. For full information call or write: 2,000 acre cattle ranch in N.W. Ark. 13 miles north of Harrison between Lead Hill & Zinc. Total frlce $800.000 on 13 year contract, nterest only first 3 years at 8%—then 10 equal annual payments of principal plus 8% Interest ALSO 300 Cow river-bottom dairy farm with Irrigated alfalfa—2-800 ton silos with automatic feeding of entire herd on cement under one roof—3-10,000 capacity broiler houses for fertilizer plus good cash return. N.W. Ark. Just 2 miles from large Cheese Processing Plant. $50.000 down—20 annual payments plus 8% interest. MeClung Realty, lac. 48 Spring Street Eureka Springs, Ark. 72632 601-283-9638 MONTHLY INCOME 1000 Acres DALLAS/F0RT WORTH METROPLEX By Owner — Brokers Invited. Located within 30 miles of downtown Dallas. Fort Worth or DFW Airport. Great freeway access, with no development problems. Flexible terme, several separate notes possible. Will sell or trade for farms, ranches or user propertiea Hal R. Pettigrew, «11 Ryan Pias« Drive, Suite 781 Arlington, Texnn (817 ) 461-1881 ssagMsmnMi(28) CATS KILL MOUNTAINS Delaware County—115 acres, view. Excellent h unting. Old house. $59,000—terms. 290 acres, house, barn. pond, stream, excellent hunting, fishing. skiing. $185.000—terms. American Land Realty Corp. Andes. New York 13731 , (914) 676-3345 (27) BUYER or SYNDICATOR WANTED FOR WATERFRONT UND PACKAGE 231.6 acres READY FOR DEVELOPMENT OR HOLD FOR RESALE Adjacent land already selling for $5.500 per ac. Mid-Atlantic location. Market includes Wash. D.C. Project Director available for developing. Terms: $3,000 per ac., 29% down. 8% on balance. R. C. Gee, Broker 236 W. Ocean View Ave. Norfolk, Virginia 23803 (804) 683-5897 (anytime) (27) ZAP • NO NEED $ • HONORS WORK PROGRAM • SCIENCE-ENGINEERING • UNDERGRADUATE JOBS ASSISTING IN RESEARCH PROJECTS • 30 OPENINGS-FALL 1974 • B AVERAGE OR BETTER (TRANSFERS ACCEPTED) • TOP SAT OR ACT TEST SCORES • EARN UPTO70W OF YOUR TOTAL COLLEGE EXPENSES • $3300 TOTAL COLLEGE EXPENSES , WRITE/CALL 505-835-5424 NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING t TECHNOLOGY BOX C, SOCORRO, N.M. 87801 —----------------------------------------oo EXPERIENCED PAINTERS - Commercial, resldental, quick, easy dependable service bonded. Insured Lie. Call any time for free estimates. (201) 688-8337. (x) INVESTORS! SHOPPING CENTRE SITES * Polaski VA 10 acres * Wythevllle VA 4 acres * Galax VA 25 acres * Lexington N.C. 25 acres * 2 sites Shelby N.C. 15 acres * Rorrest City N.C. 15 acres All sites have commitments for occupancy. All prices negotiable. Contact: I.E. TILLIS 1210 W.Innes St. Salisbury N.C. 28144 (704) 633-7180. (27) EARN 15% INTEREST 1 Lock us in for one bo five years. Joint venture with regional equipment lessor. Loans fully Ool- - lateraJized. Phone: J. H. Miller, (-resident (412 ) 566-2785. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING - Dutch Boy paint used. Reasonable prices. Call (201) 843-6432. (25) 7 ACRES, 26 UNITS plus house with (2) apartments - winterized. Montecello NY. Summer and winter cottages (10) winterized and rented. Convenient to everything. Off exit 105 B on quickway. Excellent opportunity. Call (014)794 - 8266. ^ (26) INVESTOR WANTED — Young progressive business man with exclusive distributorship wants $100,000—350,000, secured. Will pay prime plus'l pt. Books show good profitability and growth and are avail, for your Inspection. Call (201) 446-9600 or write RD 1, Box 203c, Freehold, New Jersey 07728. (x) EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY at only S 65.00 per acre 2400 acres In northern Minnesota Terms available. Call (612) 632-8520 Realtor (28) 800 PRIME ACRES — With Mineral Royalties in Lake County, Calif. Major oil company currently leasing for Geothernal Exploration $596,000 Will sell or exchange for KEEn duclng properties» e pro-CONDO PROPERTY INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Hot Infant condo market In Raleigh, N.C. package complete and ready to go Including FHLMC take outs. 50 ac. 300 unit townhoU8e-for-sale project In exclusive N.W. Raleigh. Will sell all or participate. Total package cost 3400M-S150M down w/terms cal! or write WHITE MORTGAGE £ APPRAISAL P.O. Box 18221, Ral. N.C. 27609 (919) 782-7365 or 782-2226 (25) SALESMAN — Nationally known company is seeking salaried sales representatives to service the comm nity. Substantial starting salary and Incentive as earned. Call Mr. Slevin for appointment Mon- Frl (212) 205-4922. An equal opportunity employer. (x) ELDORADO ELECTRONICS CO. 3 Alta Rlnda Rd., Suite 208. Orinda, Callk. 94563. —(415) 254-2466. (25) BAHAMAS 10« Unit Complete Resort Motel on 28 acres of unspoiled Beach front property. Easily accessible to airports, yacht clubs and golf courses. Write or call for information. Lynne Mason, Northwood Realtors. 4100 Rte 8, Allison Park, Pittsburgh, Pa., 18101 U.S.A. (412)- 487-38°°. (25) Anywhere In your area ALL CASH BUSINESS. Collect hundreds of dollars cash each day. $2.95 cash investment. Step into an established business. Short hojrs — you may start part time. No selling, light work for men or women. Complete training and continuous business aid. Call any time (615) 331-3908 or write NATIONAL MUSIC ENTERPRISES 4741 Trousdale Drive, Nashville, Tern. 37220. (x) — ; 2472 CAPITAL TO INVEST Tax Shelter. One of the leading Harness Trainer Drivers, now racing 15 horses at Monticello Raceway, seeks new investors! (914) 794-9644, 9a.m.-1p.m. (27) LONCHEONETTE FOR SALE - New Brunswick, near Rutgers Qeens Campus $ 16,000 down. Also Income property $ 16,000 down or $ 27,000 on both. Assume míg. terms available on business. Principals call owner '.201) 828-6858 eves (201) 846-0513 , (26) Ocean City, Md. Rent • Lease • Purchase Ocean Front — Bay View R/L Fountain Head Deluxe Apartments Up to 6 persons - Fully Equipped - Maid/Linen service extra. Contact your travel agent or Robert L. Alphin, Travel Consultants, Inc. #1 Pike Creek Center, Wilmington, Del. 19808 (25) Phone (302 ) 998-1146 HEIM INVESTMENT LETTER PANIC INTO GOLD? IWHA T HAPPENS IF GOLD IS LEGA LIZED? \ U.S. citizens may soon be buying gold. Will it be a hedge against inflation? A profit opportunity? Or a gold-plated trap for the unwary? How does gold bullion compare with gold coins, gold stocks, or silver? How do you select quality gold shares? Why should you ’ivóid Canadian gold shares? Which coins should you be buying? Can you take advantage of gold and silver investments — and gain peace of mind? THE HEIM INVESTMENT LETTER based upon the unique HEIM THEORY emphasizes the importance of timing gold, silver and general market investments to gain profits. Not a "Gold Bug," Mr. Heim is an SEC registered investment advisor and a stockbroker as well as a dealer in silver and gold coins. His unusually broad perspective enables him to offer guidance on a wide variety of investment opportunities. Read Mr. Heim’s analysis and recommendations on international events, the domestic economy and the stock market. The Heim Investment Letter covers what’s going on in gold, silver and the stock market SUBSCRIBE NOW) HE IMI NV~ES~TMENT I ETTER |a 12 S.W. WASHINGTON. A.J.Alter, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97205.| A copy of THE HEIM THEOR V will be included with all subscriptions SPECIAL ONE MONTH GUEST TRIAL (2 Issues) - $10.00 My remittance is enclosied. Name (please print)______________________________________ Address ________________ ___ City_______________State-Z'P_ (27) This subscription not assignable without subscriber 's consent. 1780 ACRE FARM Excellent horse and cattle farm. 750 acres fescue and legume pasture. Rest hardwood timber. Two bedroom home. Plenty water—2 lakes, ponds, creek. Well fenced. Cattle working: corral, horse barns, silo, feed bunkers, etc. $337 per acre. Location: 3 miles southwest of Mattoon, Ky. Contact: Doane Agricultural Service, Fort Branch, lad. R. E. Hayes. (812) 753-4614 ßfr ^ THE kind of career we are all rooking for Is here with GET SLIM INTERNATIONAL, INC. I found the dom of qrowth, the security, the prestige, and the monev I was looking for with G.S.I. ~—_ ___ _____The dlversltv of the corooratlon end their real inter-, est in oeoole made the difference, with me. G.S.I. offers the chance to own vour own business with low overhead, repeat sales, and unlimited potential. For more Information write today: GET SLIM INTERNA---------- -------eseClr ‘TIONAL. I. Tower. 4447 Mesa ... Amarillo. TX 7VI09. («M) 35S-5747 Irde. (28) EXCELLENT INVESTMENT opportunity at only $65.00 per acre. — 2400 acres in Northern Minnesota. Terms available. Call (612) 632-8520. Realtor. (25) from higb-yie'ifing, short-term money instruments Money Market Management, Inc. * This no-load investment company seeks current income consistent with stability of principal by Investing In money market instruments, maturing in one year or less. ★ Money market instruments include: U. S. Government Securities, Instruments of Banks and Savings and Loans, which are members of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or The Federal Savinge and Loan Insurance Corporation, Repurchase Agreements and Prime Commercial Paper. ★ Dividends declared dally, and paid monthly. * No sales charge. No redemption fee. Federated Securities Corp. 421 Seventh Aventie, Pittsburgh, Pa. 16219 (412)288-1948 Pita»» t»nd th» Protptctus. I *m tnt»r»»t»d In * tatty m»n»g»d dlv»rilH»d portfolio of lAo/f-fana markit Inttrumtntt. «. Ntm*___________________________________________________________________________S~Zj Addrtu. City_____ .09. Silver & Gold BULLION & COIN Cdl lor FREE SILVER I00UIT Phone:l(612) 854-4485 "-------------* tuims, ~_____me MM Ctdor Av. S. Suit« IB, Mfls, 5542» (25) 1355 ACRES 3 Vt miles ot excellent waterfront. Quick access to Chesapeake Bay. 240 acres open, balance in timber. Owner will finance, HARTFIELD REALTY, Hartfleld, Va. 23071. Call (804) 776-8622. (^5) JOHN'S LIGHT TRUCLING - Yards basements, Attics, Garage, Lite ; oving. Trash removal. (201) 471-7723. (25) , Inventor la offering tor aale Or licensing- arrangement oceanographic products such hydrophones, amplifiers and transducers. Complete en Jlneerlng A manufacturing rawing! * artwork fyr brochures will be furnished with each product. Call 801-983- 1*38 or write to: Dttnsta« PM. 04. Kensington, land «TM. (25)1 LAND 12 000 ACRES GREATER MIAMI DADE COUNTY 5 MH.ES ON U.S. 1 9 MILES SOUTH Of NEW TURNPIKE EXIT it1 to the newly proposed city of 18,000 Residential 40,000 Residents, Lakes, Golf Courses. Marinas. , Churches, etc. CALL ATTORNEY AT (*05) 35M934 ( . SUTTON PLACE DELI Gross sale from $400,000 to $500,000 yr.. Sell or partnership. Excellent loc. modernized. 755-5505-6-7 ( 31) 1789 VERMONT COLONIAL 24 Acres, 4 BR, 2 baths, 4 fplcs. wide pine firs & panelling, view, stream, orchard. Barn & old forge. Weathersfleld. (802) 263-5211. (x) EXCELLENT LAND DEAL . . HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND BETWEEN BALTIMORE & WASHINGTON Over 4'j acres along U.S. Rt. 29 at Md. Rt. 216. Just south of the City of Columbia. Zoned B-2. Suitable for office building, apartment building, motel or practically any other form of commercial use, with some'exceptions. May be used as though unimproved. City Water. Principals only. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! CONTACT: James J Ward Jr. 301-235-4477 OR WRITE: James J. Ward Jr. 1020 W. 41st Street. Baltimore. Maryland 21211 . Dept.J. (x:FOR SALE Located in Staunton. Virginia, a going ladies Dress Shop and Fur Store which has for many years enjoyed an excellent reputation for quality merchandise. We are offering this business as executor of an estate and all inquines should be directed to: FIBS! & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK TRUST DEPARTMENT-P.0. BOX 390 STAUNTON, VIRGINIA 24401 TELEPHONE: 703-885-0071 (x> INVEST $3,751 EARN UP TO $250 PER DAY INVESTMENT RETURNS GUARANTEED Earn up to $250 per day servicing our accounts with much needed products. No selling, iust replace a fast moving inventory. Start part time or full time. Call Lee Owen, 436-3344 or write: GENERAL INTERCONTINENTAL SERVICE CORP. 348 E. NORTH ST. WORTHINGTON, OHIO 43085 (x) Why Gold O 1%Silwr* Throughout history GOLD and SILVER have been valued by Man. WHY? • High profit potential • Inflation hedge • Devaluation protection You can invest any sum from $500 to $500,000. Í How are you protecting your wealth.' GOLD & SILVER EXCHANGE 8060 Moline Tent.’ Number 77 5312 Houston 77017 713/644^08 Send for free additional information today! NAME_______!______1---------------------------------— ADDRESS CITY___ STATE ZIP. Drag Strip that would be perfect for air strip. 43 acres running East & West. 40 miles N. of Atlanta. 7/10 paved asphalt strip. Only $280.000. HELEN JACKSON BEALTY 295 8. Main St. Stone Mountain, Ga. (404)-469-1431 or 457-4590. (25> Exclusive Distributor To carry out our leasing program locally Commercial micro-wave ovens -other food service equipment. Highrepeat income. Details: Mr. Henna, (904)244-8462, after 6 p.m. or write P.O Box 505*1, Jacksonville Beach. Fie. 32250 ß(,) TOP PAINTING — Painting and decorating. Residential and Industrial. Free Estimates. Insured. No Job tqo big or small. Call 4201) 423-2460 or (201) 525- 0090. (25) For Sale In Jacksonville. Fla. 110 Aerea of prime single family residential zoned property with •ewer 9k water available. Located In the most exclusive area of Jacksonville. Contact Barry Slsoff (904) 632-2350 INDIAN JEWELRY-SQUASH BLOSSOM NECKLACE Silver & Turquoise (Wholesale Only). Buy in quantity direct at lowest possible prices. All items guaranteed 100% Indian crafted. Each nccklaca averages 6V2 oz. silver, plus 125 carats turquoise. Call or write for quotations —- National Society ot Silversmiths. Suite 1104, 400 Gold S.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 8/101. (505) 243-2232. Money-back guarantee. (25/ WHOLESALE LIQUOR & WINE DISTRIBUTOR WANTED For sale exclusive rights premium French wine in states throughout the country. Present wholesalers of wine d»?slred but will negotiare with those who will obtain necessary state licenses to sell wines. Call (215) 879-1853 or write GITAN INC, 4920 Woodcrest Ave, Philadelphia, Penna. 19131. (28) MAILING PROBLEMS? OUR COMPUTERIZED MAILING ARE INEXPENSIVE! Call S.R.PECK CO. (203) 729-4065 (27) * NOVA SCOTIA Indu.trlal Facility On Annapolis Basin at Bear River estaurv 6 miles from Digby. Large brick and steel structure with modern office space. Utilities and toilets. Suitable for manufacturing and warehousing and for boat repair and storage. Total floor area 13.750 square feet. Abuts railroad and near main highwav. Central room height 36 feet, other factory space 15 feet, office tower 50 feet. Penthouse area adaptable for apartment with beautiful water views. Asking price $55,000. Phone in U.S. (401) 751-5440, In Nova Scotia (002) 638-8431 or 8787.----------------------------------------(25) North Cnrolinn bused specialty brick manufacturing company under capitalized. Available for sale or merger with substantial tax shelter. For further information call (010) 040-2041. (25) CATTLE RANCH 5133 choice acres. 900 under irrigation. Supports one of the largest herds of registered Red Angus in U.S. Approx. 2% miles of Lake Oroville frontage. IDEAL FOR DEVELOPMENT. Asking Í4.- 700.000. Ruth Sheldon Real Estwte 1751 Oro Dam Rlvd.. Oroville« CA 05065. (010 ) 534-7442 ) BUY APARTMENTS DIRECT FROM BUILDER ABf PERLMUTTER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Bernard Bernstein (303)996-8291 Fully Occupied Units — Near Shopping Center and Bowling Lane« masonrv cdnStruciion w#n Monoo«i lee Tann financing »' » Vt%: t«Hy Moinloingd A Good — Coll lodoy For Appointment (25)