Menora Egyenlőség, 1974. július-december (13. évfolyam, 518-542. szám)

1974-07-13 / 519. szám

10. oldal MENORA * 1974. július 13. ANGOLNYELVtl HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: MENORA NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fitrh Avenuo Empire Stote Building New York, N Y. 1'X>01 DEALERS AND DISTRIBUTORS WANTED SKEETER-SKAT ELECTRONIC MOSQUITO & INSECT REPELLENT Ultrasound drives them away. Great for Patio, Bart^que, Hunter Camper, Fish­erman. No more Sticky, Smelly Lotiona or Smoke-Pots. Pocket sized. Vei^s four ounces, Operates on Nine Volt diy cell. Meets FCC regulations. Retails: 114.95. Fully guaranteed. Ezcelleni Distributor Discounts... Small invent­ory investment required... FULL DE­TAILS WRITE: Image-Changer Products, P.O.Box 7624- J Rosewood Station, Spokane, Washington 99208. (19) UPPER GREENWOOD LAKE -2 bcdrm home, 22 lots, 1. acre, boat house, docks, 400. ft. waterfront.. Principals (201) 772- 0378, (201) 478-6745 eves. (20)----------SOUTH CAROLINA -FOR RENT & LOTS TOR SALE Mountain Cottage — Great Smokies — Private trout pond 3 bedrms . 2 sun­­deck*. pvt ponies & saddles lor children, fantastic view, completely furn . 10 miles from Cherokee. NC. - For info. A 6botos, call 1803) 576-4488. or write oh Game. 138. Cornelius Rd . Spartan­burg. SC 29301 (?0) BUY SILVER FROM THE SILVER STATE AT SPOT PLUS 45c ASK ABOUT OUR QUANTITY DISCOUNTS FOR 100 TROY OZ. INGOTS (Pur* Silver ,999-f- Fin«) For Ordering Instructions Coll Toll Free (B00) 634-3401 SILVER STATE BULLION S10 IwA Third kml las Vsam, Navads B91B1 (702) 202-7(11 INVESTORS/DEVELOPER DREAM 88 acres industrial site zoned utilities, interstate exposure, MAI appraisal. Call Mike Cunningham (303) 777-1624 to learn about this tremendous opportunity LINCOLN REALTY 2425 So. Colorado Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 758-4222 (20) SUPER MARKET — FOR SALE Estableshcd business, fully equipped, ex­cellent Income, good opportunity. Route 17B Montlcello, N.Y. (914) 794- 0254 anytime. (20) SPACIOUS MANSION Present Income $6,150 yearly. On (11) beautifully landscaped acres with pond for people who can appreciate and af­ford gracious jiving. Goshen area. $ 175,000. McMlckle Agency, Middletown, N.Y. - (014) 343-0676 anytime. (20) GEORGIA CORPORATE RETREAT 48 Acres, approx. 1400 ft lake front, Lake Hartwell, Georgia. Gorgeous 1 year old home approx. 6000 sq ft living area. 4 baths, 5 bedrooms, huge game room with 24 ft wet bar with all built-in ap­pliances. Heated pooi, covered boat house plus 2 bedroom guest house or caretakers quarters. This offering is one of a kind for the most discriminating. Could easily be used as private corpo­rate club or executive retreat. Shown by appointment to quali­fied purchaser only. Offered by owner. Contact Dudley! Troyer, Carters Ferry Rood, Hartwell, Georgia 30643. (404 ) 376-8038 or 370-3511. (21) AIR CONDITIONERS — NEW PHILCO — 5,000 BTUs, a|so 6,000 BTU, also Fed­­ders and Windsors — Price Ranee $ 120.—$380. Includes 1 year home service 5 years warranty. (201) 676-4193. (23) ___________________________i-------------------­TIRED OF slopy construction and high prices? If you need a room, rec. room, garage, etc., give us a call. Dependable, Fast Service, Commercial & Residential, Lie. Bonded, Insured, Free Estimates, Nemelth Enterprises (201) 222-6434. Bank financing available. (23) _____YOU _____ CAN PARTICIPATE IN U.S. GOVERNMENT SPONSORED LOTTERY A small sum could immediately RETURN *75,000 PLUS OVER $1,000.000 in POSSIBLE FUTURE OIL & GAS ROYALTY INCOME r----------------------------INVESTIGATE------------------------— j Send $1 for Packet—MONEY BACK If not 100% pleased IEndOMdl»$HorcoinpMtopackMthat«g«naMamatoportldp*tlnlL8. 01 I and Qu Lottary program If I wish. I am a dttzan, aga 21 or ovar. ! name______________________________:___________________ I , CITY ______________________ STATE________ZIP__________ \ RESOURCE SERVICE CO., 9200 W North Ave., Milwaukee, WIs. 53226 f , ———JW w EL PASO COIN CO. INC., The "Leettle Profit" Dealer "THE COMPANY FOR PEOPIE WHO DEMAND QUALITY" Telex No. 749-327 Fads Nation Wido Teletype Circuit BUY GOLD COINS BANK TO BANK Call for dally quoin TOLL FREE 1-800-351-6005 Retail Wholesale MEXICO 50 PESOS ENGLISH GOLD POUNDS (Sovereign«) AUSTRIA 100 CORONAS USA “DOUBLE EAGLES" $20.00 GOLD USA Silver Coin« MEXICAN Silver Coin SHIPMENT IS EFFECTED TO THE COLLECTION DE­PARTMENT OF YOUR BANK, WHERE YOU PAY FOR THEM UPON RECEIPT. CALL US, AND WE WILL EXPLAIN IN DETAIL. ** **for up to the minute quote« CALL TOLL FREE I -800-351-6005 Mail Order lnve»tment Counseling AppVaital« EL PASO COIN COMPANY, INC. ANA JONES-RAMEY, Ltd. GOLD & SILVER EXCHANGE 628-5610 AREA CODE (202) AU-BU AU-BU AU-BU AU-BU AU-BU AU-BU BU BU BU BU BU GOLD COINS U.S. & FOREIGN & NUMISMATIC Mixed Common Dates & Mint Marks PRICES ARE AVAILABLE ON A DAILY BASIS UNITED STATES COINS $20 U.S. Liberty Ur.............. .................EX FINE $20 SI. Cardens .......................................EX FINE $10 Liberty..........................................................EX FINE $10 Indian...........................................................EX FINE $5 Liberty.................................... EX FINE $5 Indian.............................................................EX FINE FOREIGN COINS MEXICAN 50 PESOS ....................................UNC AUSTRIAN 100 CORONA............................UNC HUNGARIAN 100 KORONA ......................UNC AUSTRIAN 4 DUEAT....................................UNC BRITISH SOVEREIGNS .................................UNC NUMISMATIC COINS GOLD & SILVER All numismatic coins are available upon special order. Rare and Ancient coins may necessitate delays and extra charges. COLD BULLION Pending legalized ownership of gold bullion for American citi­zens and Resident Aliens, we are pleased to announce an EX­ECUTIVE PORTFOLIO SERVICE, which gives purchase prior­ity" of gold bullion to all new coin and silver investment ac­counts. $5,000.00 min. accounts. Call for additional informa­tion. SILVER BULLION ■o Oz. BAR ............. PRESSED 50 Oz. INCOT POURED f10Oz. INGOT .... POURED 100 Oz. BAR .......... PRESSED 25Oz. BAR ......... PRESSED 100Oz. INGOT ... POURED 25 Oz. INGOT ... POURED 450 Oz. INCOT ... POURED 50Oz. BAR ............. PRESSED 1000Oz. INGOT .. POURED NUGGITS Various size nuggets are available in 20 oz. min. purchases. These are ideal for jewelry and gifts of custom design. TRADE UNITS Universal trade units . .t.....................999 FINE 1 TROY OUNCE Ideal for liquid investment and foreign trade CUSTOM MEDALLIONS Pure silver and Pure silver w/gold leaf custom designed medal­lions for any special occasion. The ideal way to raise funds for your church, synagogue or organization. Call us for details.. BAGS GF COINS $100 BAGS $500 BAGS $1000 BAGS BNCML MINT IDITIONB UNIVERSALE TRADE CORP. Limited Edition THE LIBERTY NO COtMS 1V74 Silver .999 FINE 1-troy oz. Cold Leaf .999 FINE silver w)18k gold leaf 136 50 10 30 PLATINUM oz. BAR-50, ÖZ. BARS-100 OZ. BARS Ask for Our special ^ department for orders of $1 million and over* . riiinvistMiMTsIMinxäs—iHvifA* 1 2 3 4 smut-----— EB0MXD BT U0TDÍ OP LONDON SAVE SALES TAX Mexican 50 Pesft-1.2 oz. pure gold Austrian 100 Corona — .96 oz. pure gold Austrian 4 Ducat- .45 oz. pure gold U.S. $20 - .96 oz. pure gold No Sales Tax to Non-Residence of California WE BUY & SELL GOLD-SILVER (213) 980 5775 (714) 558-8384 Send for: GIAN MINI GOLDS SILVER REPORT PACIFIC COAST BULLION 16661 Ventura Boulevard Encino, California 91316 Name _______ Address _______ Telephone ______ City---------------Zip--------(x\ ) 3 BEDROOM HOUSE—SENECTADY,N.Y. 40 acres 600" frontage near all con­venience. Sacrifice priced S4 8,son. Own­er will hold mortgage. 515.000 down. Wilber, Delanson, N.Y. (518) 89 3-2385. U") wKcATcK HOUSTON— (21) S.W. FWY. 187 Acre* on Major Interchange. Acre» on Major Interchange 22 Miles from 6111 Loop & S.W Freeway Intersection (Galleria) 47 Acre» in Sugarland area. Hi miles from 610 Loop & S.W. Free­way Intersection (Galleria) Inventor Term» CROSSROADS REALTY CO. (713) 061«0735. nlte» 608-7817 GATUNBURG, TENN. READY MIX PLANT Storybook setting—>-rm. authen­tic. centered chimney. Plunk N.H. Cape Circa 1700’a. 4 flreplnree— wide hoard floor*. Attached workshop—storage area with l horse well appointed pack room below “asuse for mud room en­trance.” 7(10 ft. on aprlna-ted crystal clear brook runntng through the property. An acre spring; fed. pond for swimming or fishing "privately stocked.” A 3 story deiached barn, separate storage shell plus 20 acres land, some cleared and landscaped, bal. ance wooded. Excellent condition worth seeing at 10(1.50(1. llv ap­pointment cull or write: Mtiunlnin Visas It eat t >. I'm ma I,. Keating. Mag IIMI. Writ.'ell. N.H. 63783. Tel (663 ) 863-2260. -­COUNTRY VILLA IN BUCKS COUNTY Beautifully situated on 20 acres —old plaatered stone house built 1782 extensively remodeled 1935 and* 1969 19 rooms—7 fireplaces. Reception hall with mercer tile floor—powder room, din. rm.— French windows, wrought iron gates —liv. rm.—French windows, library, built In bar. 6 bedrooms, 3 sitting rms., 6 baths. Butlers pantry, large kitchen, breakfast rm., maids quarters—liv. rm., 2 bdrms. bath-lavatory. Large walled in ^ patio court yard attached. Car­riage house—3 car garage—apt. above with liv. rm., dining area, bedroom, cathedral ceiling den or bdrm. kitchen, bath. Filtered pool —flood lights. Tastefully restored estate offering privacy'and con­venience for Phila. or N.Y. com­muting. Unusual property must be seen to be appreciated—ideal for year round entertaining. Price: 9450,000.00 PIDCOCK AGENCY Wm. P. CoRiter, Realtor 7 N. Main St. Now Hope, Pn. 18038 215-802-2001 215-862-2510 ~~ - ..................(22) Executive Fishing Retreat 84 acres mesa, hay meadow both sides % mile famous Wil­liams Fork River. Private air­strip. Luxurious antique-fur­nished 4-bedroom lodge. REA natural gas. Trout lake. deer, elk, dove. One spread with ev­erything! $295.000: terms. Owner: (303) 085-0578. (19) POOL TABLES — Slate tops. Factory reconditioned or new. All sizes and styles including Antiques, Also a complete se­lection of Bumper-Poker tables. Soccer, Chess and all billiard accessories,Show­room located near corner of Paterson Plank Road. — IMPERIAL Billiard In­dustries, 79 Hackensack Street, East Rutherford, N.J. - (201) 935-0330. (2!) SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA, Oui-Ry, Colo. Condominiums for rent/sale. terms available. On Breckenridge ski slop, we have 3 bed 2 bath homes, building lots. We offer cabin rentals In San Is­abel lake area. RESERVE NOW. Ilox 413. Ouray, 81427. 1-40Ő-78U- 3866, 303-325-4064. (21) LOWEST PRICES IN AREA, Interior & Exterior, 1 & 2 Family Stores, All Work Done Quickly and Professionally, Guar­anteed. Call us now. (2-1) 674-1922. (23) INVESTMENT CAPITAL WANTED —Ex­cellent Investment opportunlty.F.xceptlon­­al Return on Investment. Invest Capital Secured. Principals only. Call Mr. Carr, (713) 440-1561 days; (713) 440-1648 eves & weekends. (10) REFRIGERATORS -FRIGIDAIRE FAMILY SIZE — Cold Spot $49; Westinghouse Top Freezer 555; Phllco Family Size S56; G.E. $65; Hotpolnt $65. HUMO's REFRIGERATION CENTER 6002 Wayne Avenue, Pennsauken, N. J. Call (609) 665-9449. (24) “ACREAGE AVAILABLE IN NOVA SCOTIA" FARM FOR SALE Located 10 miles from Metropolitan area of 35,000. Presently dairy and beef farming operation. Large 2-story farmhouse, pole barn, storage barn, 500 acres of land. Inquiries requested July 3Qth. J. ROBERT CORMIER P.0. Box 1140. Piclou. Nova Scotia Phone 902-485-5810 (22) Equal Opportunity Distributorship For Men and Women Major Manufacturer Offers Opportunity Ta BECOME AN INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR ir $4,600 minimum investment it No railing required Due to a planned expansion program manufacturer with success­ful nationally advertised brand name products will select full or part time distributors for Mobile and surrounding areas. Part time requires 15 to 20 hours per month restocking existing retgü accounts and you may retain your present employment. 36 or 72 locations available. CPA reports $35.10 and up profit per location per month. Each location requires an investment of $127.77. A $4,600 investment secures 36 locetions. Now Our representative is accepting applications now. For a personal, confidential interview write: NEIL ANDREWS P.O.Box #40097 (JO) NASHVILLE TENN. 37204. * GLEN RIDGE, -COLONIAL alum siding, new roof, 22 electric, laundry room, full cellar & attic, plus many extras, 2nd. floor, modern bath, 4 hedrms. 1st fir., butler pantry, mod kitchen, living rm, formal dining rm, off st. parking. 539,500. Call (201) 74 8-1483. Between 2-7 p.m. (19) POMFRET, Conn. - 9 Hole Golf Course. 88 Acres adaptable for Par 3 retire­ment, Complex considered one of the most scenic in New England. 12 room colonial house Included. Open zoning laws. Asking $310,000. Byrnes Agency Inc,, Pomfret, Conn. 06258. Call (203) 928-6597. <2n> PLATFORM SKIDS: Skid Lift Trucks; Roller Conveyors; La-Bahn Roll Feeds with Hilliard Clutches; 3.6 RPM 1/70th HP Gear-motor; Saxmayer Bundle Tyer; Small Heavy-Wire Bins. (201) 746-24 50. $15,000 PART TIME $30,000 PLUS FULL TIME WE PUT YOU IN BUSINESS controlling Sun's Energy through glass with the application of Dupont Mylar sun reflector film. Reduces air conditioning costs by as much as 30%. No experience or special skills necessary; we will train period. — You 11 run your own business, start with a small Investment. The pro­duct Is proven and known nationally. You can work part time or full time. You are backed by a successful national marketing program. There Is un-ltmtted growth potential. Refundable guarantee. Our director of marketing will be in your area in the next 2 to 4 weeks for personal Interview. Write now and be sure to list your telephone number to SUN CONTROL PRODUCTS,Inc. 1674 Beacon St. Brookline, Mass. 02146 (617) 734-3548 v (21) Űrszondák a Venusra Frankfurter Rundschau Azokat az előkészülete­ket, amelyeket a Szovjet­unió az elmúlt években végzett, a NASA űrhajó­zási hivatal közlése szerint az Egyesült Államok 1978- ban folytatni akarja. Négy éven belül megkísérlik, hogy a Venus sűrű lég­körén áthatolva több szondát juttassanak el az égitest felületére, illetve Venus körüli röppályára. A NASA adatai szerint a Hughes repülőgépgyár El Segundóban. Los Ange­les egyik elővárosában megbízást kapott arra. hogy építse meg a ..Pío­­neer-Venus kettős válal­kozáshoz szükséges repü­lőgépeket. A NASA egyik munka­társa közölte, hogy az egyik szonda erősen ellip­tikus pályán előrelátható­lag egy teljes Venus-évig — körülbelül nyolc föld­hónapon át — a bolygó körül kering. A másik szonda eközben a ‘ Venus légkörében egy nagyobb es három kisebb mérőtar­tályt lök ki magából. A mérőkészülékek az órákig tartó leszállás során tájé­koztatást adnak a Venus légkörének összetételéről. A ..Pioneer-Venus” vállal­kozás az „eddig javasolt leghasznosabb programok egyike lesz" — mondta a NASA szószólója LANDLORDS 8 R.E. BRKRS. - Why bother with the headaehes qf contain­ers when you can use us with men 8 trucks for less money, I.ew-Jaml Rub­bish Removal, (516) 608-253(1 : o a.m. to 6 p.m., (212) -31-5230; 7 r-m- 6 a.m. /2h DECORATIVE FOUNTAINS AND WATER SPRAYS BY AQUA MAGIC FOR HOMES, RESTAURANTS 8 GARDENS etc. — Free Estimates. Call (516) 333-7549 or (516) 546-4 0 50, Mr. WALTER JACKSON. (21) "INVESTORS-DEVELOPERS DELIGHT-2594 act. Joining Oly Limit of Jacksonville, Tax. Near Lake 8o- Isitine & New major Aluminum Plan). Great Potential lor Com­­jj mercial, Induitrial or Rcnchatte de­velopment. Bargain at $475. per. ac. CONTACT CLAUDE HARRIS. HARRIS REALTY l LAND CO TYlER, TEXAS 4030 Sitvarwaad 12141 561-2200 or 597-302^X INTERIOR 8 EXTERIOR PAINTING — Dutch Boy paint used. Reasonable pric­es. Call (201) 843-6432. - (25) KEARSARGE VALLEY COUNTRY CU B. 18 magnificent holes. New 96-bed Inn and Restaurant. Groups especially wel­comed. Packaged deals. Guaranteed start­ing times with cart reserved. (10”. off with this advertisement.) Call Gerry at (60l) 027-4246. Exit 10 Route HO,Sutton, New Hampshire. 2o miles N. Concord. (22) KF.STAl'H ANT—MOTE I. SITE Net *200.0(1(1 up on restaurant. 640 ft. hay front on US 98. 35 miles south Tallahassee. $225 000 Terms i’im.ey McMillan llo* «S, Pnnncen, Fla. 004-084-2731 (22) CONDOMINIUMS FOK RALE 1 have 50 million dollars In dis­tressed condominium complexes for sale—under financed—the current money crunch has forced these developments on the mar­ket They can be purchased for' bargain prices. Location—Pinel­las County, Florida—the fastest growing county In Florida. Call l>. V». Lloyd—1-813-733-7M1 or write to P.O. Box 006, Daaedln, Florida 33528, or 443-043S RJE. iNnoelntea. E.R.A. Clearwater, Florida. (20); EXECUTIVES HOHE WITH 5 ACRES IN COUNTRY This Is a total stone, L shaped rancher with slate roof for the person who appreciates superb qualuy and a terrific view. Fea­tures 4 bedrooms, 2% batha (ul­tra-modern) living room with ca­thedral ceiling and stone fire­place, ultra-modern extra large kitchen with self cleaning double oven, garbage disposal, etc., cen­tral air conditioning-, three oar garage, family room with fire­place In basement almost com­pleted, plus many many addi­tional extras including huge laundry room, large cedar closet, etc. This three year old home was built by a father for his daughter for whom only the best was good enough. Located in beautiful Bed­­minstcr township. Bucks County, Pa. Priced at $140.000. JiimeM A Ktaohtfry (215) 345-73(8» or 793-2530 '(20) 225 SEIT RESTAURANT OB Lnke (uml.crlnnd, Ky.—Grossing 91.'10,OOO per yr.-—2 yr». old—lo­cated on S. Hsrwy. #27-4 lane mu per hgwy. Callt Hr. Roue, linke view Restaurant (606 ) 561- 4807. 4 PRIME FLA. INVESTMENTS 1— For the speculator—190 acres of prime acreage; in horse country near Ocala. Price Just reduced to $2.500 per acre. 2— Federal Hwy frontage In Pompano Beach. 1.36 acres zoned business. A well estab. nursery in operation is In­cluded. 3— New 50,000 sq ft medical-pro­fessional bldg, in S.E. Miami, near large hospital. 4— 72.0p0 sq ft new office center in Clearwater on 6.24 acres. A prestige property in a park like setting. For details on these and other in­vestments call: Milt Tänzer, KEY REAL ESTATE CO., 3866 N. Fed­eral Hwy.. Lighthouse Point. Fla. 33064 • (.30.5) 041-6500 Real Es­tate Investment Counselors ^ BICYCLE DEALERSHIP Join in the booming bicycle business with a company in the kibe in. dustry for 70 year». Dealership offers: National advertising; the No. (Consumer Guide) rated bikes in their price range; extensive inventory of new bikes, parts, accessories, tools; expect maintenance and service shop train* ing; yoar-reund sales promotion and local advertising programs on a co-operative basis geared for your exclusive territory; location studios and loose negotiations; an experienced company staff for dealer de­velopment, location set-up and on-going management assistance. In­vestment approx. $15,000-$20,000. For further information,* call Mr. Goldsmith, (312) 593-8530, or write Citation Cycle Co., 201 Scott St., ilk Grove Village, III. 60007. RETAIL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN ENCLOSED MALL SHOPPING CENTER MINNESOTA VAUEY MALI is a 157,000 sq. ft. enclosed mall shopping center now under construction one mile west of $hak­­opee on U.S. Hwy. 169. Grand Opening is scheduled for June, 1975. Business & Store Spaces Available: Bakery Bank Bath Shop Beauty Shop Books Boutique Shops Camera-Photo Candy Cards & Gifts Carpet-Floor Covering Children's Clothing Cleaners Decorator Electronics Florist Hobby Jewelry Ladies Boutique Ladies Ready-to-wear Liquor Major Appliance Men's Apparel Office Space Optical Records Restaurant Savings and Loan Sewing Shoes (family) Small Loan Office Sporting Goods Specialty Shops Contact: Arlan N. Frerking WATSON CENTERS INCORPORATED 252 South Plaza Building Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 Telephone: (612) 544-7761 M

