Menora Egyenlőség, 1974. július-december (13. évfolyam, 518-542. szám)

1974-07-13 / 519. szám

1974. július 13. * MENORA 9. oldal ANGOLNYELVÜ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: MENORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Buiíding New York. N Y. 10001 LONG HAUL HEAVY TRUCKING SERVICE Througrh-service to be pro­vided between major cities in Mexico, Central America. Ari­zona and California for dry and refrigerated cargo, Large warehouse facilities, dry and refrigerated, available, at No­gales. Arizona. Terminal fa­cilities in Los Angeles and Sinaloa, Mexico. Walter Holm &( o, (20) Box HkVI. \ognlra Arisonn 8.VIZ1 enJ-4JMT.27M DRAPERY SHOP FOREMAN Experienced person needed to work with Work Room Manager In supervising the making of draperies, scheduling of In­stallation and general office supervision. Candidate should have experience and ability to become Work Room Manager. We offer many employee benefits. Including sick leave, vacation and store discounts. Apply to personnel, or send resume. Call 65*5-0200 ext. 204. W. & J. SLOANE, INC. 1112—19th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 <19) Dover, Delaware—buy from prin­cipals. fully approved project, 1- 376 garden apartment lots, 158 af. lots, all warranties. 31,750.000— terms available. Call 315-343-gUlO. (21) PAPERMATE MARKER SALE SAVE 40 to 50% Flair Reg. 69o now 18» es. El-Marko 69c now 28c ea. Wrlte-Broa. pane rag. 19e now lie aa. All Itema must ba ordered on dx. lots. All colors avail. Min. order' 825.00, all order« over $75.00 pre-pald. Fall, 42« SB 6th St., Grants ~ I, Ore. BT626. (503) 470-3344 (19)1 SPRIÍÍG FURNITURE — Clearance Sale. At 82 Essex St., Jersey City, N.J. Clearing our floor of discontinued mer­chandise and floor samples. Our prices reduced for fast clearance. Many one­­of-a-klnd Items. — (201) 333-0486 dally Mon-Frl 9 a.m.—7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.— 5 p.m. (21) NICKEL-COBALT Multi Million ton domestic nickel laterlte deposit. Ore amenable to Bureau of Mines new leaching : process. End product cathode nickel. Desirable for user seeking 'captive source. C. W. Hatehlasea, Box 156, Richmond Beach. Wi. «8160. (206) 546-358» ^ AAA TENANT UPSTATK N.Y. $140460 Prime location and building, excellent Investment with lease. Call or write for details. The Clrha Company Realtors 680 Mali st. • ,V\J Johnson City. N.Y. 13ÍD0 '.X mewmm <607> 720-3515 mmmi 11% NET NET NET RETURN $2,860.000 all cash required. Good tax shelter. 20 year Lease. $7.000,000+ guarantee. Principals Only. 214-521-6000 or 3131 Turtle Creek Boule­vard. halte 100, Dallas, Texas r3WB______________,(x? FISHERMEN A HORSE LOVERS By Owner—1)4 acres, lovely resi­dential area between Orlando & Ocala. 250’ lakefront w/beach, dock. Immaculate 4 yr new com­pletely furn 2500 sq ft a/c birch pnld 2 BR, 2)4 bath, elec kitch, liv, din, 2)4 car gar w/laundry, oversized screened porch over­looking lake. Sep 600 sq ft bldg w/2 stables, tack rm. a/c work­shop w/utilitles. 150x50 ft corral. Avail immed $85.000 Please call or write for further details. (»04) 66»-2528—Box 740H, Umatilla. Fla. 32784. BERGENFIELD, N.J. — 6 room house with attached store. Approximately $75, 000 a year gross at 30%, Protected residential area. $42,900 for house and business. Call owner (201) 445-8762 (22) Client seeking plantation, timber, nn4 ranch lands, minimum 5,000 Contact I John L. Jones Real Estate 8350 N. Central Expressway Snlte 850 Dallas, Texas 75206 , 214/601-6053 (2D PTAIN - SOl'S ClIEI- — WAITERS LL OR PART TIME - Ill'S BOY perle need, Steady, for fine Continent- Cuisine, for new ownership In ex­­lent known Westchester Restaurant. 11 (914) 693-04 54. Ask for Mr. Nell Mrs. Dresden, or (914) 693-0109. (x) LONG BEACH — Last call for Summer! Live on beach, 50 min. Penn Sta. Lge bright clean studios, hlde-nway-kitchs. Huge oceanvlew terraces. Summer or yrly Owner 25 West Board Walk. (516) 839- 3091. (x) —---------------1 buY FROM OWNER — who will hold part mortgage. Health reason forces sale of bldg with newly decorated restaurant, cocktail lounge & separate bar. Mostly new equipment, next to shopping center on busy highway, 3 miles to Atlantic City race course & potential gambling. Two new 2 bdrm apts above business. Very low taxes. Asking S210,000. (600) 62S-1*2 54. (22) TOP PAINTING — Painting and decor­ating. Residential and Industrial. Free F.stlmatcs. Insured. No Job too big or small. Call (201) 423-2460 or (201) 525- 0090. (25) JOHNS LIGHT TRfCLING - Yards, basements, Attics, Garage, Lite moving. Trash removal. (201) 471-7723. (25) TWIN CITY APPLIANCES - All major Appliances for the Home, TVs, Air­­conditioners, Fans, Perfect gifts for an­niversaries, weddings, birthdays, Toast­ers, Toast-ovens, Mixers, Blenders,etc. Ideal for bridal showers.—211 Thomas A ve. Lyndhurst, N.J., Daily & Sat. 10 a.m.— -10 p.m. Closed Sundays. (201) 93.5- 3843. (20) FOR SALE Small OTC Delaware corporation f6r sale with $100.000 cash. Clean company. No liabilities. Control up to 90% available now. Write: Mr. Stephen D. Hart r/n McCarthy A Monet 4 Pince Vllle Mnrir, Suite 514 Montreal, Quebec H3B 2G1 Canada (20) 2898.6 ACRE a9)| RESORT PROPERTY Just twenty-five miles from Aus­tin, Tx., two lakes, abundant creeks, oak covered. Tremendous deer-quail-turkey-dove hunting. Just $850 per acre with excellent terms. All offers considered. Call Mike Schoenfeld—Cnrpenter A Associates—510 8. Congress #404— Austin, Texas—512-477-6551 APARTMENT COMPLEXES IN AL­ASKA WITH UNBELIEVABLE OPPORTUNITIES. Four units to Forty units along the pipeline corridor. Invest in es­tablished comolexes with proven re­turns and 100 oct. occupancy. Skv roexeting property values make these a once In a lifetime opportuni­ty. Buy now and cash in on the oil boom. Give us a call—we’ll out a package together to fit your needs. CALL US­"THE INVESTMENT PEOPLE" Frank W. Geiger, G.R.I. Owner- Broker Dennis R. Weaver, Sales Associate FRANK W. GEIGER COMPANY P.O. BOX 2533 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99707 Phone. (Area Code) 907-455-4352 ( 21) HAPPY HOLIDAY 507 North Ocean Blvd. MYRTLE BEACH • • S.C. 29 582 \/ (803) 44 8-5426. Rooms. Efflc*Apt. Color Cable TV. Air Cond. & Heat. Heated Swinaming Pool. Room Phones. 2 Blocks from Amuse­ments, Cribs and Rollawavs. Ample Paved Parking. (x) FOR SALE BY OWNER Restaurant & Lounge—Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. High­way 17—4 Blocks from ocean. Seating: capacity—230 1 Vi years old. $500,000. Call (01») 842-2172 after 7i00 p.m. 6 Sundays. BUY AND LEASE BACK or EXCHANGE We need hoq and chicken farmers. 92 pet. of all food products now shipped into Alaska. Farm fresh egas now wholesale at 11.10 per dozen. CALL US­"THE INVESTMENT PEOPLE" Frank W. Geiger, G.R.I. Owner- Broker Dennis R. Weaver, Sales Associate FRANK W. GEIGER COMPANY P.O. BOX 2 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA »9707 Phone: (Area Code) 907-456-4362 (21) BUSINESSES A INDIVIDUALS: EXPANSION OPPORTUNITY Our unique line of communication products & services have received strong acceptance in the business community. Our specialties are mar­ket research, customer contact & employee morale. Wc seek affiliate companies or Quali­fied individuals who wish to expand. Should be service oriented & must be able to dedicate some management attention. S5*000 investment assures protected territory, buvs all required product Ä, material & secures our physical assistance in building a contact force & an initial volume ba s. Write, Concepts 4, Inc. 5349 W 86th $l . fndianapobs. Ind, v or call, 3Í7-299-6447 (x' INTERIOR DECORATOR Wailpopwr installed, floors sand­ed — custom made draperies — carpeting installed — general house cleaning & painting, etc. Call (212) 299-7642 Ask for Billy Free estimate* <( 19) WHITE PLAINS 25 Unit Garden Type Apart­ment House Shows good re­turn. Owner will take back 2nd mortgage. $100.000 needed to buy. , n ANDREWS & FRIESE 'x) 334 Mam’k Ave (»14).»46-2200 SILVER! Opportunity to establish small business to reclaim silver from an unending supply of used x-ray and photo film and solu­tions. No experience necessary. You will become an Associate Manufacturer backed by a sound national corporation. No selling. Extremely profitable — 15 hours of time have proven to make over $2.000 a month. Total investment $6,580.00 Corporation finances 50% of in­vestment. Guaranteed buy­back. Company twin-engine air­plane will transport you to and from home office for free train­ing. Only schooling in the world for this business. This is the first offer in this area—»vrite today for complete details to: PAN AMERICAN RECLAMATION & REFINING, INC. 171« TV. 58th Amarillo, Texas 70110 Phone (806) 353-5581 (19)! MOTEL SITE for sale In Birmingham, Alabama, 4 acres of level land on High­way 78 East to Atlanta. Located near Eastwood Mall across the street from Holiday Inn Motel. — J.C. Roberts(205) 764-0771, Dixie Realty Co., Florence, Alabama. (22) HALLMARK CARD SHOP-FLl'SH!NG,\Y Established, 35 yrs. Next to A&P. Ask­ing $70/100. S25.000 down Grossed $80, 000 In —73. Call Days 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. TL’ 6-0058. F.ves R p.m. to II p.m. 696- 0779. Must see to. appreciate. (x) FABULOUS LAS VEGAS STRIP 47 unit motel with 120' front­age on the Strip. Close to fa­mous Tropicana and Hacienda Hotels. Selling for less than 4 time, gross ... $600,000. Ed Post Realty (762) 732-4545 (X’ SI 5,000 PART TIME $30,000 PIUS FULL TIME We put you in business controll­ing sun's energy through glass with the application of Dupont Mylar Sun Reflector Films. Reduces air conditioning costs by as much as 30%. No experi­ence or special skills necessar­­y; we will train. You'll run ycur own business, start with a small investment. The product is proven and known nationally. You can work part time or full time. You re backed by a suc­cessful national marketing program. There's unlimited growth potential. Refundable guarantee. Our Director of Marketing wifi be in your area in the next 2 to 4 weeks for per­sonal interviews. Write now and be sure to list your telephone number to: SUN CONTROL PRODUCTS, INC. 1674 Beacon St. Brookline, Mait. 02146 (6)7) 734-3548. (19) PRIME INCOME PROPERTY Two large office buildings Ílus two large multi-tenant ndustrlal buildings in the 100% Earle Brown Farm Com­mercial & Industrial Park Ex­cellent investment. Contact 8. M. Krognrss. 612-561-7350 or 6100 Summit Dr N Mpls Minn 55480 (2nj TODA CONSTRUCTION. INC. — Special rates — For Spring & Summer for all Residents of Union Co. “15<7, Discount on List Rates” Steps, Patios, Water­proofing, Repanes. Also garages, Ad­ditions — Special rates on Fireplaces, Call: (201) 352-1052. (19) REFRIGERATORS-FRICIRAIRE FAMILY SIZE — Cold Spot $49; Westlnglouse Top Freezer $55; Philco Family Size $59; G.E. $65; Hotpolnt $65. HUMOs REFRIGERATION CENTER 6002 Wayne Avenue, Pennsauken, N. J. Call (609) 665-0449 (22) WANT TO RETIRE! We will buy hardware, variety, other hardgoods stores anywhere in U.S. Must do $250.000 or more. Write KAMION, 5050 Excelsior Hívd., Mpls. MN.. or call 612-025- __(19) COLORADO RECREATIONAL SUBDIVISION: 2 Miles from State Boating-Fish­ing Area. 6400 Acres—856 Lots. Platted. State and County ap­proved Water and Roads. All En­gineering and Survey finalized. $1.440,000 In Paper—Payable $12.000 per month. Total price $856,000 by Owner. Call 303-501- 0560, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Mr. Baldwin. (19) LONG BEACH—Last call lor Summer! Live on beach.' 50 min. Penn Sta. Lgt bright clean studios, hide-awav-kitchs. Huae oceanview terraces. Summer or yrlv Owner 25 West Board Walk. (516) 839-309U .SHARON OFI ICE SERVICES - Typing, Shorthand, Transcribing, Addressing, Manuscripts, Theses, Reports. — Dutchess Co., N.Y., Litchfield Co., Conn. Call or write S.O.S. Sharon, Conn.06069 (203) 364-5629. - Mall Inquires Invited. (23) EXCLUSIVE ELECTRIC WARDROBE DOOR First now wardrobe closure idea in 2S ESTABLISH YOUR OWN BUSINESS' Vending Machine Distributorship Investment $3950. Returns $600-5700 monthly Locations established A few hours oer week needed For more Information write or call: MANUFACTURERS VENDING SYS­TEMS, INC., 2430 Floriane Dr., Suite 7, Executive Park, Montgomery, Ala 36111 205-277-2400 *(19) •Please include phone number ' " 200 VENDING MACHINES A-l Condition. Will sell from $200— $375. Each can earn you $150 weekly in six hours. Call (201) 22 2 -847». (23) Become part of the multi-billion dol­lar building industry. Sail the Wilmot door on an installed basis to rosidantial and commercial builders and romodoiors. you to success with field training, sales Total investment af $10,000.00. Phone or Write, PAUL WILMOT, PRESIDENT WILMOT INDUSTRIES, INC. R.R. 5, Bax 363 Elkhart, Ind. 46S14 219 264-7554 (X) We will _ factory and fit ____..___ aids, balanced inventory, a proven advertising program and continual JACKSON HOLE, WYO. Attractive 67-acrea with high­way and Snake River front­age. Attractive homealte, in­vestment, lodge or. commer­cial venture. Warren O. Erbe Real Estate, Box 1242, Jack­­son, Wyo. 83001 Phone (307) 733-2353. (20) COLD COINS SILVER COINS SILVER BULLION Call For Discussion: FRANKLIN, SHELLEY & DALE Court Square Building Baltimore, Maryland 21202 301-837-5750 Financial Books Available Economic LAND BARGAIN’S SULLIVAN COUNTY, N.Y. 2 ACRES: $2,250. — Slooo down - bal­ance 3 yrs. 10 ACRES: S11.000 _ IOOO ft. frontage plus stream. S570 per Acre. — 36 Acres, 20” down. MASON REALTY, 122 B wav,Monticell,,, N.Y. — (914) 704-2040. (x) FRANCONIA RESTAURANT - Popular picturesque In major N.ll. roc. town. Yr. round business. Peak summer fall. Excellent property value with mt. and str. view. 106 seats In 2 din. rms. cof­fee shop and lounge. Crowing rapidly, good margins, min. comp. Ideal family operation. 4 rm, apt. Motel possibilities. (603) 356-2337. (21) SO. NEW HAMPSHIRE Lakefront cottage, furnished, large lake, 2 bdrms.: ............................................$18,500 Lakefront cottage, furnished, 10» ft. on lake, 2 bdrms., low taxes.............$22,5»» Lakefront cottage, furnished, 3 hdrms., 115 ft. on lake, year round access.,S25,5oO LAND 5 acres secluded vtrew: $3,100. — (acres 900 ft. on Rd.: $6,000. — |0 acres rural wooded: $8,40». — I'3 acre beach rights: $5,000. — 53 acres mt. top priv­acy: $19,000. — 50 acres, brooks, view: $25,000, 0\'F.IL'S REALTY, Route 0, Antrim,N.ll, (603) 58R-2224. — Ask for our listings. Tell us what you want. (2») DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Full or Ruit Tim« Need more income $$$. Qualified individual needed to distribute world famous Kodak, 3M, GE, and OAF Products through company established locations. No selling or soliciting required«/Maka this, your year for independence. ($3,9w.«rjo $7,996.— Investment) Available immediately. Call or opfta: Modern Marketing hie. loaOO.Lyn'daie Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota 85420 (612)188-4372 -m COMPANY FOR SALE Patented product In the plumbing Held being eold througii manu­facturer. Rep. In 1» state.. Need, only capital to market product at •this point Potential volume first year $1M. PAM BRACKET CO. .7001 1505 Chattahoochee Ave. KlQ Atlanta. Go. (404) SSI-en# Acreage Hilton Head I.laad FOR SALB I 5$ acre, undeveloped land on Hilton Head Island. 1000 ft frontage on U.S. Highway 278— back to broad creek. Directly across from Palmetto Dune. Re­sort Ideal for condominium de­velopment For further Informa­tion call (404) 284-TOM or (80S) 723-1297. 1(19) STOKES HALL HOTEL 585. week per perton includes room, breakfast & full caurae dinner daily. Family & group rates available. Elderly boarded while you vacation. Near ocean, board­walk, auditorium, Asbury Park & amusements. 28 OCEAN PATHWAY Ocean Grove, N.J. 07756 (201) 774-5712 (20> INVESTORS United States or Foreign 397.88 Acres West of Houston, Texas and one half mile off In­terstate 10 at Columbus, Texas. $850,000.00. Contact Herbert A. Schroeder, 713/732-2080, Box 205. Columba., Texas 78034 (19) KOBfHWBir ARKANSAS — 42$ acre» thc-way entate In beauti­ful Osarka Eqtupped for $00 cow dairy *r $66 cow beef herd, or just a beautiful place to run »»d play. All amenities Including driving distance to Untv. of Ar­­kansas. Hundreds of black wal­nut tress and lot* of water. Phen« B»1 dll Ml» LUCRATIVE INVESTMENT Sale. Lease or Trade 50 Copper-Rich mining claims Location: West Central Arizona Barley Bloat 723 W. Oak St. Wlwslaw. A Tirana 86047 PbMe 4662) 286-2768 '19 FOR MALE 2 Established Motorcycle l»ealer­­ehlpa 3 Established Franchises In Tidewater. Virginia. Contact; Mr. Aademaa 804-723-6076, 804-874-166T. 09) INVESTMENT Opptrts PRIME OPPORTUNITY Wn'ra ■ first class sensuous out»­­Mention with • track record. We lust si»nsd a contract for national distribution and need $302)00 Un­­sac. Invast In us now ind make a fortune as we oraw. Terms art Cell Oen Paiuck at: ,,v\, (213)467-6269 AVAILABLE CORPORATE TAX LOSS Liquor store chain with ap­proximately $500,000.00 tax loss carry-forward available. Annual sales approximately $4,000,000.00. Was and can be profitable. Loss incurred during labor dis­pute now settled. Interested in anything. that makes sense. Call: President at 213-474-3068 (20) INVEST In NORTHWEST FLORIDA — GULF FRONT — GOOD TERMS — 22 Ac. 332 ft. Gulf, $700,000. - 90 Ac., 1300 ft. Gulf, $1,850,000. - 1400 ft. Gulf to Bay, $450 F.F. - Call Bill Rich, (904) 877- 4145, C. H. Deeb, Realtor, Tallahassee, Fla. (20) DISTRIBUTOR WINTED Entire state available. To contact and establish local dealer for the most effective concept in ofl filtration sy$­­terns on the market. Need approx. S1000-53000 for Inventory. Market in­cludes commercial, industrial and automotive. Product has been proven. Write MCM DISTRIBUTORS, 7392 Hamilton Ave. Malnevilie O. 45039 or . ca«: H. Minier or D. Colvin 513-683-7225. (19; BARROW. ALASKA Pol»r Bear, Inc. One larae building now a theater with 4,238 square feet. Could be easily converted to office or recreational center. One of the most modern homes In Barrow, 3 bedrooms, 1 Vi baths. One other small dwelling and a shoo building. Will sell or lease theater buildlna seoarale or will sell total as oackaae. This includes 4 lots. Terms to fit vour needs. “THE INVESTMENT PEOPLE" Frank W. Geiger, G.R.I. Owner- Broker P.O. BOX 2533 ___ FAIRBANKS# ALASKA 99707 Phone: (Area Code)907-456-4362,(21)> BLOOMFIELD—1 Family— Maintenance free. Alum, sided, 3 bedrooms, Modern Bath & Kitchen, Good Area, No broker or realtor, Call (201) 748-6865 before 11 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (19) MOTEL-ATTRACTIVE, 11 furn. units on ‘jeaut. Cocoa Beach. I-hr to Disney /Vorld. Plush owner's apt w/fully equipped kitch, Laundry, storage rm, 3 -ar owner's gar. Eniov the oce^n while earning. 150' 0CEANFR0NT. Ill health .requires selling. Write or call COCOA ISLES REALTY CO ■ 675 N Atiantir Avp., Cocoa Beach, Fla. 72931. Tel (305) 7840677. •YOUNGEST FRENCH RESTAURANT IN TOWNm Lo BOHEME 988 Madison Ave. (77-78 St.) Res. call 628-3008-9 Host: Andre Edman Intimate Atmosphere Delicious French Cuisine Banquet Facilities >(x)' COOPER SQUARE HOTEL — FOR LEASE 44 Rooms and Stores. Mint Condition, Newly Renevated^High Return. * CAMPBELL MANAGEMENT CO. (212) 243-0760 (19) STATE licensed shelter care home wanted Senior Citizens who want a home away from home. Private A semi private rooms. A homey at mosphere w home cooked meals. You're never left alone, stores 8> churches near. (201)694-7251 (20) RECREATIONAL PROPERTY W/COMRERCIAL POTENTIAL • 70 acres nr summit Spruce Knob, highest point in W. Va„ spec­tacular scenery, beautiful cottage sites, in National Recreation Area, ideal for tourist dev -lop­­ment, estimated 2.5 million visitors per yr. by 1980. • S9 acres, 5 acre lake, stocked, choice cabin sites, adj. National Forest, excellent hunting. William McCoy, Jr., Broker, Franklin, W. Va. Phone (304 ) 338-2201. (w. “TEAR OUT-MAIL TODAY"" ■ ARE YOU GETT'NG 12% to 15% INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY? Pu* your money to woik for you. TODAY! $1,400 Minimum Call or Write — GEMCO 754 Harding St. N.I., Mpls. 55413 Phone 612-331-1190 NAME...............................’................... Phone ADDRESS ............................................................. CITY ...................................STATE ...........ZIP I I I I * I I I (20) J I I I I I I I I OUTSTANDING BUYS IN CENTRAL FLORIDA 370a. Bok Tower overlooks this mile on U.S. 27 —Lake Wales 232 a. Zoned Mobile Home—Valusia County near 1-4 interchange 233 a. Near Barnum City and Disney... Polk County ftumage on US 27 387a. Rolling...wooded...adjoins Deltona...easy access to 1-4 min­utes to beaches contact owner: AMERICAN PIONEER CORPORATION P.O. Box 3509, Orlando, Florida 32802 (305) 843-5280 n9) JS Commercial-Industrial Propertie» FIGURE ALL ■■a I« ■ mt ANGLES! THAT 1505 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE HAS TO OFFER ... Efficient flexible, modern OFFICE SPACE 2 Spacious floors. 10,000 sq. ft. each, heavy duty plumbing, heavy electric power, im­mediate hook-ups for x-ray machines, lab equipment. Raised floors for large scale computer ser­vice operation on top floor. Air conditioned, of course, and assigned parking. Units as small as 400 sq. ft. suitable for doctors, dentists etc. On site building superintendent Competi­tive leasing arrangements, immediate oc­cupancy. Another NILES COMPANY MANAGED BUILDING Plea .,e contact Mr. Foristall or Mr. Forsythe at 232-4900 IM I LES EOMP4Nv INCM WANTED GYNECOLOGIST, OBSTETRICIAN PEDIATRICIAN, OPTHAMOLOGIST UROLOGIST, DERMATOLOGIST Mfdicil specialists wanted to locate in brand new one (lory medical i professional building in the center of Plantation Sur­rounded bv thousands of home* in the Secluded Gardens. Mirror Lakes & Plantation Gardens residential areas, and adjacent to ov»r 2SOO condo, townhouse 4 rental units now existing, or under construc­tion. Exquisite Spanish architecture, full services and lease terms which include completely finished deluxe interiors designed & built to tenents plans l specifications. Occupancy—& to I weeks from lease signing. Drive by. S.W Corner—NW Mth Ave & NW 5th Street. Call PICK SEBBTICH, Associate, Ft Lauderdale,Fla. 33313 305-735-4110 Eves. 587-0723 ■ rtnch Ottic. Omu AH Day luneer iJll Sortat Stria (*) ONE OF OKLAHOMA CITY'S LARGEST EVER REAL ESTATE AUCTION is being held July 20lh, 1974 at the Holiday Inn West, 1-40 and Meridan, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. With over $15,- 000.000.00 worth of select property for you to choose from. The properties include oftice buildings, shopping center, large industrial warehouse buildings, raw land (Commer­cial, Residential and Industrial) and all located within the Metro Oklahoma City Limits. Liberal investor terms are available. For complete de­tails, including brochures and information on all proper­ties. call or write: Ross I,. Robe, Inc. 7047 N.W. 16th St., P.O. Box 519, Bethany. Oklahoma 73008. (405) 787-0997, 787-40»«, 787-1382.

