Menora Egyenlőség, 1974. január-június (13. évfolyam, 493-517. szám)

1974-01-26 / 495. szám

1974. január 26. « ME NÓRA 9. oldal MINORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Buiiding New York. N Y. 1'JOO! BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDROOM HOUSE — Ex­cellent buy for doctor or dentist! 5 room office suite on ground level. Com­pletely equipped. Available to 3 bus lines — one passes by door. Excellent location In residential area. Retiring due to Ill­ness. Call owner (914) YO 5-0742 or write JM 115, Rm 915, 350 Fifth Ave, N.Y.C. 10001. (95) 2 SUPERMARKETS - QUEENS. - Weekly sales $22,000 k $18,000. Key money $65,000 & $55,000. — 2 more comparable stores In Brooklyn. Ted DelValle (212) 446-9499. (97) SOUS CHEF—SAUCIER CHEF —FRENCH TRAINED COOKS Come to the land of pleasant living. Work In a beautiful old country estate home which has been converted to a French restaurant. Many and excellent benefits k comfortable working en­vironment. Opportunity to become Chef within 1 to 2 months In a growing & expanding business. Send resume now to PaplUon Ltd. 8880 Frederick Rd., Elllcott City, Mary­land 21043. (95) DRY CLEANER & TAILOR - Flushing area. Long lease. Fully equipped. Priced right $6000 after 6 p.m. (212) 358-1990. (x) WESTPORT, CONN. — Prime land. 2.8 Acres Hill-top Pines Sloping to Sasco Creek — and Including Island. Overlook­ing Southport Beach k Long Island Sound. All services. Call Owner (2o3) 227-1624 or (212) 245-0211. (96) HIGHLAND BLVD 200,000 sq. ft. best loc. for hotel, motel, restaurant. $4.50 sq.ft. 212-4 4 8-4 6 54. (95» FLOOR SANDING — Clean 8i Smooth. Refinlshed with Fabulon or Gym Seal or As Desired. — We Go Out Of Town. Phone (201) 923 - 5681. (01) PUTNAM COUNTY, MAHOPAC, N.Y. — 3 one-half acre parcels with water and septic approval — New road. Call own­er, Costa, (914) OW 9-8620. (95) CAPE COD — OLD CAPE COD FARM­HOUSE (c 1800). Five bedrms. Basement. 2 year round rentals. Cottage,large barn on 2 acres which Includes lge extra lot and 150 ft. on tidal Town Cove across Route No. 6. $52,000. (2) Beautiful one acre lot, well treed, on quiet road, minutes from beaches & shopping In Eastnam. $16,000. (3) Beautiful undeveloped 4 acre Island In Weruaket Lake area. Minutes from Hyannls. Densely wooded. Ideal for es­tate home. Nature Camp or Hideaway. $55,000. —0*t>uffy RR1 Eastham, Mass. 02 642. (617) 255-5461. (x) HOLLIS NURSE WILL CARE FOR RETIRED HANDI CAPPED OR SENILE IN MY HOME. MEALS, T.Y., LAUNDRY CALL: HO 8-0403 ,qffl THE NEW SANFORD HOTEL FOR SENIOR CITIZENS A home away from home for mother k dad. Fireproof, air cond. TV, beauti­ful furn., near houses of worship, shop­ping, 3 delicious Kosher meals dally. Special diets observed.Comeseeforyour­self. 140-40 Sanford Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 353-1400. (97) FRANCO'S - Light Moving Pickups k Deliveries. Attics, Basements 8i Yard Cleaning. Reasonable. Estimates given. Call Frank anytime: (20D 384-1745. (96) CARPENTERY — Dormers, Additions, Finished Basements, and Complete Home Remodeling. New Homes. Also Recom­mendations. Call (2ol) 796-1359. (96) retire in heaven: — DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA. New Ocean Front. Two bedroom, 2 baths, 16th floor. Lux­ury Condominium, $47,500. Call owner, (413) 786-3118. (96) SILVER Spot Prices — Troy Ozs. From 1 to 10,000 ozs. and over. Prevailing Market Prices. Call or Write Dept. J. (212) 431-6535 8i (800) 221-2994. International Silver Trading Co., Inc. (98) FOR SALE—Wholesale Catering Business Located In Elizabeth, New Jersey — Ca­tering — Done 8i contracted for weddings, banquets. Bar Mltzvahs functions, — We have 5 year contracts with 5 catering halls — Established 19 yrs. — Excellent opportunity. Owner retiring. Price, In­cluding stock 8i contracts $85,000. Fin­ancing available. Call owner (201) 929- 9815. (.00) COMMACK—Smtthtown, custom home 12 rms, Ideal for lge fam or mthr/dghtr extraordinary fam rm w/fpl, profly lnd­­scpd 1/2 acre, in-grnd i pool, screened porch, extras. $46,500. (516) 543-5685. (95) NEW HAMPSHIRE — Several Good Volume Deli-Grocery Stores, some with Apartments. — Good Motell Well estab­lished Inn. DONALD FISHER, BRKR. Bradford, N.H. 03221. ' (x) THE WINCHENDON SCHOOL Boys Boarding and Coed Day; Grades 9-12. Unexcelled record of College Preparation with classes limited to 6 students. Diagnostic Testing. Remedial and tutorial courses. Daily personal counseling. Modern facilities. 18-hole golf course. Mr. Lewis J. Posich Headmaster, Winchendon School, Winchendon, Mass. 01475 (98) MINEOLA — A/C offices, prime loca­tion. All utilities included. Parking. 200 ''-1,500; can divide. Reasonable. (516) PI 6-0674. (96) MOBILE Trailer Home Park — For S lie. Can net $55-70M per yr. Asking $160, 000. Needs $40M to complete. Located 5 miles outside Saratoga Springs, NY on 30 acres overlooking beautiful mtn range. For further info call (201) 355-8663. (96) WINTER SPECIALS — For all Com­mercial and Residential Properties — Featuring all types of Carpentry, Panel­ing, Porches, Attics, Dormers, Add-A­­Rm. Reasonable. Free Estimates. Re­commendations. Lg. or Small Jobs. De­pendable. Call anytime (201) 964-1363. (.00) CARPENTER — Best Ever Yet! Do you need work around your house, office or factory? Dependable, clean, fast. Call LARS ANDERSON CO. of N.J. Both large and small jobs. Experienced work. Reasonably priced. Free estimates. Call anytime (201) 755-2851. (96) kDlRONDACK$—One of a kind in Wwl­port, NY. A mountain top 100 a ere horse iarm and unusual split level contempor­ary rustic home. Unmatched secluded privacy, seclusion end solitude. A spec­tacular overlooking view of the Cham­­plain Valley A Aoirondack Mts. A mag­nificent wonderland country setting for business, retirement or year round, fcslale living. Features: 3 car garage & apt, 4 BR, 5 bths. 2 stone fireplaces# f>mshed game room, cathedral pine klichen, ei;cfosod porch. Property features; lawn, fieJdstone fenc­ing, pine panelled 5 box stall, horse barn, tack room, feeding bam, corral, riding trails, cedar rail fencing, 30 acres pasture, 70 acres woodland, 3 spring fed ponds and mountain spring water. 8 miles from Route 87. 4 miles from village, school, championship golf course and Lake Champlain. Only 50 miles from the ski centers of the NE^ithe best of Adirondack hunting and fishing within minutes. Immed sale, ower $125,000. (95) Write Box 222, Westport, NY -­Phone (518)' 962-8435 after 6 w, WATERVILLE Valley area. New Hamp­shire. Center of Ski 93; Sharp new condo. Sips 10 All conven. Wks or wkends(603) 883-2362. (x) MIAMI, FLORIDA — Beautiful luxurious duplex! Furnished completely. 22 Florida room, near Golf Courses, 10 mins to Beaches, $2,200 incl. utilities. Call own­er (212) 849-0067. (x) SEA GATE (BKLYN) —1 Family— 5 yrs. old, 6 rooms 8t basement, 62 x100'', 3 bedrooms, 1 floor, 2 1/2 baths, Private Community, Ideal Llclngl 6% mortgage. Call owner (212) 449-8562. <x) HIKING SIX-DAY TRIPS Climbing and Camping In N. E. Mts. Boys or Girls 12 to 16. 3 to 1 child leader ratio. Experienced guides. June 25th—Aug. 25th continuously. Paul Scharfman, N k N ENTERPRISES, INC. Box 131, Lexington, Mass. (617) 498- 3157. (96) ASTORIA, NY. For rent Stor 20 x100'. 32-18 Steinway Street (nr Broadway). Ask for Nick or BUI. Call 11-3 or 5-9 p.m. (212) 758-7017. (x) POCONOS - THE HIDEOUT-The desir­able Pennsylvania Property.—Lake Ariel, 75x200'flat wooded lot, year round va­cation spot, central water & sewage, paved roads, club house, tennis courts, pool, skiing k lakes. Small down payment, terms arranged. Must sell due to severe Ulness. Call (212) 881-3511. <x) A SPECIAL OFFERING to the general public.—For the next 7 weeks the Sexton Maintenance Co. of N.J. Is reducing rates drastically. The first 5,000 people who call wUl get 30% off for the next 5 years, both commercially k resldentially. SEXTON MAINTENANCE — Carpentry, alterations, carpets & rug cleaning, shampooing, exterminating, painting, kitchens, bathrooms, attics, plumbing, tUlng. Licensed, Insured, free estimates. Call anytime (201) 923-9732. (.00) PHARMACIST Registered In State of N.J. For a 500 bed Medical Center located In Seashore area. Good starting salary and liberal Fringe Benefit Program. Apply Personal Dept. Weekdays 9 a.m. thru 2 p.m. Jersey Shor Medical Center, 1495 Corlles Ave., Neptune, N.J. An equal opportunity employer. (95) racpiTr tfronmwr nr perastmchY or ratWLOCT MmpmuIMIHIm: T»«rh­ar aqwtv&Wt ud rity la ir« ifcnitr parttelno. Salary: Arpraprtate for quxltfl­­raMom. najOrtlMtln sad lovol of op­kssä *sb IS* aatrtM and artoolt vttao to: Dr. Ooorco S Pootck. Proto—or and Hood. Dapui-OCEAN FRONT —PlymouthContemporary Nantucket Barn House. Spectacular view of entire Cape from atop 100 ft. bluff. 2 bedrms, 11/2 bath, 11/2 yrs. new. Many, many extras. Low taxes. Low heat. U nderpriced at $4 8,000 for Immediate sale by owner. (617) 224-3758 or (617) 961- 5284. (01) TRUCKING VANS AND DRIVERS. AVAILABLE.Local & Long Distance. Commercial k Residen­tial reasonable. Free estimates. CALL BILL (2ol) 391-7254. (95) RETAIL STORE FOR RENT! MANHAT“ TAN LOCATION. 17x100-- plus finished basement. Suitable for men's ladles' or chUdren's wear. Beautifully fixtured. 5 years on lease. Immediate Occupancy. $1500 monthly. Call owner (212) 523- 9601. (95) Clear air, clean wafer, and fun CAMP ARUNDEL In unspoiled Maine on Lake Mooselook­­meguntlr. Most sports, tutoring, riding, outcamplng. Coed. 8-1«, ACA accredited. Six weeks. Write Director. J.R. Manella, 299 Central Street, Milford. Mass. 01757 Ski Italy Levico — Panarotta Ski News From Levico, Italy January I, 1974 mow conditions—MCM (36") of snow quality of snow, (dad bate with new powder Excellent ski conditions ,j PACKAGE PRICE: «379.00 INCLUDES: 7 night», depart 2/15/74. re­turn 2/23/74, double occupancy w/private bath and/or shower in 3* Hotel. Con. tinentel breakfast and dinner daily. M- rate transfers; Malpente/Holel/Melpenra I weak unlimited ski pats. Roundtnp air Tonsportation via jet by scheduled air­­ine, N.y./Milen/N.y./ For information sari fa: Ski The Dolomites 2(52 Route 112 Medford, N.Y. 117(3 Or Cell: (SI*) 7(2-2(12 (98) RYE, NEW YORK WATERFRONT ACREAGE! 7.87 acres. Great opportunity for a Land Purchase on Long Island Sound Call owner (212) PL 9-8695 (98) WATCH One of our dealers earned $2000 per week all—. $2000 payable In cash with 90 per cent of the work done by others. See proof for yourself at our expense. Proven to be one of the highest net profit business In the world. For ad­ditional qualifying Information call Mr. Johnson at (212) 445-6281 with Woote & Associates. (95) INDUSTRIAL—COMMERCIAL. 55 acres Industrial-commercial site, suitable for any type of Industry Requiring outside storage, sewers, water, electricity In­cluded at $5,000 per acre. Write in Eng­lish please to: Canada Wide Realty, 328 Walmer Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (95) REAL ESTATE/NEW JERSEY Oceanfront to Bayfront 1340 x125' front­age. Will divide into 563' bayfront pro­perty depth, k 765' oceanfront depth. These alsó dlvldable Into huge lots. Lrg. home 300' from ocean side property line, on pilings, huge rms., sips. 11 comfortably. $400,000. terms. J.Mlchael Florello, M.D., 4610 No. Federal Hwy, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308.(305)781- 2103. (95) TRY US FIRST—Well do the clean ups. . RESIDENTIAL: Yards, attics, basements, etc. COMMERCIAL; Industrial, debris, business renovations, construction sites, etc. (201) 935-6269 — (201) 947-4953. (96) FOR SALE — ESSEX COUNTY — Largest Catering Business—Ideal for Partners— Established over 35 years. Ideal for Weddings, Proms, Banquets, Social Func­tions.— Price $75,000. Call owner for more information & appointment. (201) 242-2422. (97) BARGAIN SERVICED LOTS-MONTREAL Own a piece of Canada. Choice fully serviced lots suitable for residential, commercial or Industrial use. 60x90 $2,800. — Also lots 100x160, Ottawa $ 3,200. — Write In English please to: Canada Wide Realty, 328 Walmer Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, (95) GREAT GORGE AREA, UPSTATE, N.Y. 96 wooded rolling acres. $2150 per acre. 3 miles. East Playboy Club. Terms. Call owner (516) 757-7672. WINTER FUN AT An ohU country inn overlooking MtHortill k Cannon Mountains. Luxurious continental dining. Ski package available. Ski touring frails. $23 Per Day M.A.P. Can 603*8234522 (98> LAMdbMONT PROF. RIM DELUXE OFFICE t1(* aq. ft- Individual attn. all M-true owner tenant. __. (M(> HMM (98) NEW GRECIAN STYLE Colonial Mansion, containing approximately 4,000 square feet magnlflclant circular staircase. 5 bedroom, 4 1/2 baths (sunken Roman bath», library, family room, 3 fireplaces, Ionic columns, central air conditioning, etc. Still time to customize Interior. — You must see this onel Offered at 225, 000. KING GEORGE REALTY, Realtors. Warren Township. (201) 647-1486. (96) WALDEN Vic. Ranch, 1 lndscpd acr, LD w/ mineral ston fplc.cath cells, w/w carp, lge kltch w/carp, all appli, frml DR k BRS w/ hrdwd firs, 1 1/ 2 bths w/ all appl, din area, bar, wkshp, 1/2 bth. Above grnd pool, 2-car gar w/ auto dr openers, fit top drvwy. Partly furn. Lo taxes. $2 to NYC, $43,000. (914)778-5205. (96) MARKETABLE PRODUCT Complete program Including Issued patents, product samples, Injection molds and Ink tracings to produce pop-up cassette carrier storage case. Desire to move entire pro­gram to Interested party. Contact EJ. fylke, Rte #1, Box 283, K1II­{oy, Go. 30540, Phone 4O4-035-T481. io calls please Friday sunset thru Saturday sunset. (9;) ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - 30 PRIME ACRES! Overlooks Catsklll Mtns. Borders on state game preserve. Completed exterior of future home. Call owner (212) 663-2950. (leave mes­sage.) (96) 2 SEWING FACTORIES FOR SALE - In Irvington, the other In Union City. Both have 42 machines, cutting tables. Also contracts for year round work. Owner selling due to Illness. Price — Irvington $15,500. — Union City $12,000. Call owner (201) 371-1217. (.00) OCEAN FRONT Plymouth Contemporary Nantucket Barn House. Spectacular view of en­tire Cape from atop 150 ft. bluff. 3 bedrooms, 134 bath. 134 years new. Many, many extras. Low taxes, low heat. Underpriced at $48,900 for Im­mediate sale by owner. (617) 224- 3758 (01) Fairview Lake Villa Motels, Villas, Hoesekeeping Cottages Food & Cocktail Bar, TV LOW RATES Center of Ski Area 1 Entertainment Atmosphere cozy and informal Skating on Private Lake “Always a Friendly Welcome” Write or cal for rates/reservations Box 92, Mt. Pocono, Pi. 1*344 or till (717) 139-9021 (96) ARKANSAS ACREAGE — 511 acres on state highway, 80% clear, owner financ­ed, $375/ acre, 29% down payment. — 1100 acres on river and state hway, 85% clear, owner financed, $325/acre, 29% down payment. — 504 acres on river next to National forest, 85% clear, $450/ acre. — 529 acres surrounded by Na­tional forest, 85% clear, $4 50/acre. — RARE — 6% Interest, owner financed, 29% down, 1,000 acres with possible 600 acres lease from government, 85% clear and fenced on state hway. Accredited Realty, P.O.Box 2590. Hot Springs, Arkansas. Write or call day and night: (501) 624-0631. (97) CENTRAL MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. — RENT Professional office space, elevator and electric heat. Available immediately. (914) 343-1438, 9-5. (96) CARPENTRY — ROOFING - SIDING No job too small, No job too large. — REMODELING. REPAIRS. ADDITIONS, DEPENDABLE. FREE ESTIMATES. Call anytime (201) 869-3069. (96) Westchester County Homes $40,00 & up excellent schools, neifWiborhoods and commut. Geri Daniel I (914) 769-3584 « 38 SAFES - BOTH USED & NEW — All sizes. For Homes, Offices, Factories. Insured. — Also For Catalog & Price List. Rented or Sold. Call now (201) 759-203 8. — Remember, this supply Is llmltedlll (96) TIRED OF CITY LIFE & BIG BUSINESS Hera Is a prosperous General Store In Upstate New York near the Vermont border and skiing. It Is the only store In the Imme­diate area affording a secure growing market. The store's pet profit Is about 1(54 of gross sa'es. There Is roo«i for expansion for an arts k crafts, antique or yarn shop. The store has been recently renovated and painted and Is in excellent condi­tion. The 4 bedroom apartment rents for SI 800 per year or could house the new owner's family. All inventory 8, equipment In­cluded In the price. $88,000 Terms of *26,000 down and balance payable over 10 years at 7.5% JOHN HOLMES ANDRUS REALTOR PAWLET 8, VERMONT 05761 802-325-3611 MANCHESTER, VERMONT (95) 802-362-3097 18.8 ACRES PENN A, WOODLAND with stream 2 hrs. N.Y.C. Price $30,000. Will carry mortgage (212) 254-4615 (95) Motel “Vermont's Most Distinctive" Mounliie Reed, «laut VI. IS472 THL JOHNSON FAMILY Family Units / Kitchenettes 902-253-7629 (96) MINIATURE GOLF COURSES * t Earn Big Income Installed outdoors or indoors NO MORE SEASONS PRICED AT $8,900 Excellent Financing LOMMA ENTERPRISES, INC Scranton, Pa. 18501 Tel: (717) 343-4741 . (97 ABORTIONS — $75 ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS TECHNIQUE. EVERY DAY INCLUDING SUNDAY. CALL ANYTIME FOR APPOINTMENT 212 - 874-3544 — ABORTION AID AND CANCER DETECTION CENTER (.00) LOOKING TO PURCHASE All jobs lot of plastic scrap. (516) 4993. OFFERINGS TO BUYERS PLASTIC SHEETING Wood grains. Virgin large lots. 4 gauge, 6 gauge, 8 gauge, unsupported & sup­ported. (516) 643-4993. (97) ski ELK MOUNTAIN VERMONT SKIING IN PENNSYLVANIA STAY (96) HI THE HILTON INnI SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA SKI PACKAGES OUR SPECIALTY CAUJOE SWIFT FOR RATES AREA CODE 717-343-2481 ROCKLAND CO-VALLEY COTTAGE NEW MEDICAL - DENTAL - PARAMEDI­CAL BLDG FOR RENT, SALE OR PAR­TICIPATION WITH STATE APPROVED & EQUIPPED G RADIOLOGIST FACILI­TY \ PHYSICIANS OFFICES. IDEAL FOR INTERNIST, GP & PEDIATRI­CIAN, AVAILABLE FOR IMMED OC­­CUP. NEAR NYACK HOSPITAL, RTF 59, RTE 9W K EXIT 11 NY THRUWAY. >DJ TO NEW 1000 CONDO COMPLEX. ^14 352-4464 (96) SAVE ON GAS NEW ENGLAND'S CLOSEST MAJOR SKI AREA—Th* Likes Region Skiing, tobogganing, snowmobillng, ski touring, ice boating & fishing, sled dog races & indoor tennis. Apres ski fun from cheerful fireplaces to 7 piece Las Vegas bands. What’s dose, compact, convenient for winter fun? TEL- (003)524^631 Mall the attached coupon for further information) 15 MINUTES FROM' KIJA.INGTON, PICO, AND CLOSE PROXIMITY TO OTHER MAJOR SKI AREAS GRACIOUS DINING ROOM AND COFFEE SHOP OPEN FROM 6 A.M. ’TIL 10 P.M. CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE COCKTAIL LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCING NIGHTLY- 100 ROOMS, CABLE COLOR TV STEAM BATH ROOMS AVAILABLE MID-WEEK SKI DISCOUNTS GROUP RATES AVAILABLE M AP. FOR GROUPS AVAILABLE-----------51ÖTLAND: VERMONT ROUTE 7 — SOUTH MAIN STREET (802) 775-1911 (96) •Kul *»» Of' JOHN MARSHALL LAW SCHOOL 105 Forrest Ave., N.E-.-Atlenta, Ga. 30303 (404)659-8121 Graduates receive JD or LLB. Application* for Fall ’74 are now being accepted. (98) FAMILY SKIING ' at its finest awaits you at the Ml. Sunapee, King Ridge and Ragged Min. Ski Areas. All •within minutes of Lakeview House, a small, charming country inn and restaurant over­looking Sunapee Harbor. Modest rales In­clude breakfast and dinner daily. Groups welcome. LAKEVIEW HOUSE _ Box 164 P Sunapee Harbor, N.H. 03782 (x) Tfxe NEXT T0 / * ATTITASH SKI AREA JVOrtK Modern Mma./lndlv fnlnn»/ Heat/Pvt Bathe \,vicny VE£K£nfig _$25.oo w cmm 3-Mi IIDWEEK PUII-S36 00 wr cii'li 3 Mis 40m 5-MT MIDWEEK PljU-S60 00 Ftrcu'it Snfef-frMii RTE 302, BARTLETT, N.H. CALL 603-374-6679 (95) RUTLAND MOTEL 37 Comfort coordinated rooms—coffee shop— cable TV—2-3 room family unite available— special ski week rates—few minutes to major ski areas. U.S. Route 4 las»—Rutland, Ver­mont. • 802-775-4348 (9,) LAKEVIEW SKI-INN A 1768 INN SPECIALIZING IN X­­COUNTRY SKI TOURING. PERFECT FOR GOOD FOOD. LODGING ... EN­­TERTAINMENT-SUNDAY BUFFET SKI RENTALS, INSTRUCTION, FREE TRAILS Reserve now. with this Ad gel 10% off 3 PA Y$ $4Q00 pr special G'cup rales. D Daw 74 0 II .................................................................................. WINTER WEEKENDS I L Think of all the things you'll miss by spending the = | weekend at Sheraton ... the dishes, the lawn, the un- E * expected visitors, the cranky neighbor. Think of all §S the things you'll gain . . great dining, modern and 2 tastefully appointed guest rooms, breakfast in bed, sj E "nearby golf and fishing, outdoor sports, hockey, indoor pool, nightly 1 = swinging entertainment . . . it's all at The Sheraton Inn-Falmouth. plus = 5 more... = s Package Plan Includes: Deluxe Room with Color TV. for two nights, = = Round trip to Martha’s Vineyard or 1 Free round of golf, PLUS FOOD = iE AND BEVERAGE CREDIT OF $19.00 to be used by you in any way you = = want. ' E I 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS $38.95* I CALL TOLL TRIE 800-325-3535 Sheraton Inn-Falmouth SHERATON HOTELS S MOTOR INNS A WORLDWIDE SERVICE OF ITT 291 JONES ROAD. FALMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 617-5'l0-2000 | Tab. RL 26 Item Bourn, bridg*. Left .1 traffic light onto Jon#* id S *P«r person, dbl. occup. plus tax and gratuity (97) § HllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIMlIllllllllllllllllimillllilR . OAK MANOR (96> EQUITATION SCHOOL AND CAMP June 24—August 17 (Interviews held in N.Y. Area) V New modern stables and dorm, 4 rings, outside courses, country. Jumping chute, operating on 300 -Shenandoah Valley. 75 school horses. 4 hours daily instructionu Certified instructors ACA member Instructor Training Course: Certificate of approval: Virginia State Board of Education—V. AL approved cross­­heart of Route 1, Box 265, Weycrs Cave, Va. 24486 (703) 234-8101 THE BUCCANEER MOTEL and Ski Lodge On Mountain Road-Rt. 108 Motel rooms. TV in room, coffee. $9 to $10 per person- Dorms $5 per person. Continental breakfast included. GAME ROOM. Frplc, ping-pong, pool table. Lounge.—Write Jerry & Kathy Kilcourse, Buccaneer Motel & Ski Lodge, RD #1, Stowe, Vermont 05672. Ph. 802-253-4772 (96) BAGS OF SILVER! (98) THIS YEAR COME TO MONTAUK AND "STAY PUT" MARTHA GREENE REAL ESTATE OFFERS f. Moderate priced rentals— Monthly—Seasonal 2. Sensibly priced houses 3. Good buildable land & acreage BUYING: $2280 (eff.1/7/74) SELLING: $2390 (eff. 1/7/74) Call for daily quotes. Dealers In full bags or any amount. ALSO—Buying Proof Sets, B.U. rolls, all U.S. coins. Call for our quotes on GOLD (Buying &’ Selling). BROOKLYN HEIGHTS COIN EXCHANGE 63 Clark St. Brooklyn 11201, (212) 596-1262 PASSOVER IN PUERTO RICO AT THE EXCLUSIVE ELCONQUISTADOR Hotel and Club Under Strict Rabbinical Supervision April 4-15 — 10, 11, 12 Days from $539 1» $747 Includes: Plus tips and taxes •ft Round Trip -ft Round Trip Jet Flight 3 Kosher .Meals Daily Transfers +c Children's Supervision Forresa/va/#o/is. s#* your f travel agent or can mfl5,«‘*T,oN*L 5Í0 Fifth Aw., N. Y„ N. Y. 100J4 (212)489-9292 . Art lor «nr F*U ISRAIL/EUBOPE Srocliorc with «00 Srovp Departure« (97) *4. A truly unique mobile bom* park on the ocean. Leaic your site, own your home. MARTHA GREENE • REAL ESTATE Montauk, NY 11954 516-668-2811 Where long experience does make the difference. 'Write for brochure #7 YOUR CAMPUS — THE WORLD Shape your own B.A. Program in a Context of Social Concern and World Experience. FRIENDS WORLD COLLEGE International — 4 year — Undergraduate — Liberal Arts Centers in: U. S. —Mexico —England—Kenya India—Japan—Canada Write admissions — Huntington, N.Y. 11743 Tel. (516) 549-1102 (95) INTRODUCTORY OFFER: BEAT THE INFLATION! ACTORS HAIR STYLING STUDIO 120 E. 57th St. bet. Lex. & Pari* Announce* 50% dlccount on our regular price* on Hoir Styling. Heir Straightening and Heir Piece*. Present this AO or your AFTRA, SAG. ACTORS EQUITY, or any other union membership cord for yopr discount. for appointment call Mr. Andrew TEL.: 212-421-8785 or 212-355-8230 IAU. year ■■ Enjoy the natural fun of great Winter Week­ends or mini vocations. Snowmobriing .... great ekiing at nearby ski aenters. Over 1000 ocre* of snowmobile frails & vost »ce­­covered lake at your doorstep. Modern, informal resort. Oelicioos meals. Everything included in our low rate. (Reserve now for Lincoln & Washington holidays.)‘GROUPS & CLUBS. Ask about our Specials. 3 hrs. to G.W. Bridge. We havg gas to get you home, so come-come on up. Phone or write. STARLIGHT INN Starlight, Pa. 18461 (717)798-2519 (96) East Hampton STUNNING WATERFRONT COkTEMPORARY Beautiful views & ldscpg, 3 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths, smartly furn. Excellent terms. $100,000. Other Waterfront houses & lots avail. HILDA HUNTTING AGENCY 30 Huntting Lane, East Hampton, NY. 11937 (516) 324-0484. (97) ofi LOW FARES NOSTOS TRAVEL INC. 276 West 43rd SL NYC 10012 Tel: (212)279-2250/354-1897 »7 I MAMA RON LLfL. WATERFRONT ALL OUT With •! dork* <!M bn.;-.1 Fide. ?n!iw ay -,v. spf'kius mi. w/btamf'd cell:;.; & fpv. i't>.31 din. rm . so­­lari’im <f- tf»;-.. Tro-v’s kitchen w/:plc,, 2nd fir; "i hdnns., -H 3 t'-*• bth. l.i-Kv;-suite. A: rtcrsnn windows ihru- bimre Acres uemburship incl. $1130. <uft. OWNER V/ILL HOLD 1st MICE. PASTOR. & MARTIN 2 Elm PI, Rye, N.Y. (914)WO 7-7141 (97) SAG HAROR WATERFRONT HOMES S60.000 & up Includes Own Private Soat Basin 200’ Waterfront with 3 houses acres, can build 3 more homes WATERVIF.W HOMES Elevated View Overlooking pcconlc Bay SiiO.OOO & I p NANCY SIMONSON Slfi-725-1111 ^BERGEN COUNTY^ ALMOST TWO ACRES i OVERLOOKING A POND in beautiful Franklin Lakes is the setting for this newer home. Com­fortable living room with fireplace, formal dining room, modern kitchen, three good sized bedrooms, tile bath, lovely panelled recreation room with fireplace, and a two-car garage—there is nothing like this so call us today. another attached else Mid $60's. SITHENS COBB REAL ESTATE, Inc. , (97) Charles M. Cobb, Realtor Multiple Listing, 804 Franklin Ave. Franklin Lakes, NJ (201)891-9100 kve. / 10“

