Magyar Egyház, 1991 (70. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1991-09-01 / 5. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 11. oldal without outside pressures!” What do you like least about camp? — “Saying goodbye.” Other Comments — “Don’t ever stop having camp.” We are particularly grateful that the two Hungarian Fraternal Insurance Companies, the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America and the William Penn Association, take to heart the financial support of the Youth Camp and are partners in the Christian education, nurture, and care of our children. We thank them for their generosity in mak­ing possible the many amenities our campers have come to enjoy over the years. And we thank the staff of the Bethlen Home for histing the youth at a fine lunch and providing a learning experience among the residents of the Nursing Home. AMERICAN HUNGARIAN REFORMED PRESBYTERS' ASSOCIATION 1991 ANNUAL MEETING On September 1st and 2nd the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Hungarian Reformed Presbyters’ Association was held in Ligonier, PA at the Bethlen Home Conference Room. The churches represented were from the following denominations: The Hungarian Reformed Church of America, The Reformed Church of America, The Presbyterian Church, The Calvin Synod of the United Church of Christ, and the United Church of Canada. At the close of the Sunday after­noon session, 86 delegates were present, and by Monday noon 93 were registered. For those who arrived on Saturday or early Sunday morning, a church worship service was held at the Chapel of Mt. Moriah. Dr. John Butosi gave the sermon in Hungarian, and Rev. Paul Kovács preached in English. About 1:00 PM lunch was served to all delegates in the picnic area of the Bethlen Home. The meeting began at 2:30 PM with a brief devotional led by the president, Paul J. Szaniszlo. After roll call reports were heard from the secretary, Mrs. Pamela Lovász, and the treasurer, Mr. Andrew C. Lovász. The president, Paul J. Szaniszlo, gave his report which included a summary of the Presbyters’ meeting at the 2nd World Conference of Hungarian Reformed Churches in June; as submitted to him by Dr. Zsigmond Ritook of Budapest, president of the Magyar Presbyters. Mr. Szaniszlo also re­ported of his trip to Hungary and his attendance at the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2nd World Conference of the Hungarian Reformed Churches. He summarized the church visitations he made since the last meeting of September of 1990. His report included visits to churches in Columbus, Cleveland First, Cleveland West, Niles, Youngstown, Pitts­burgh, and Canton. The delegation also heard reports from the vice presi­dents. From the Eastern District, Mr. John Nagy gave a report of his trip to Czechoslovakia. He gave a background of his family and church he attended — a very interesting report. Mrs. Janet Vegh from Columbus, vice president of the Central District, gave her report on the churches she visited in Youngs­town, Niles, and Dayton. Mr. George Kasza from Allen Park, vice president of the Western District, reported on his visita­tion to the Windsor church. Representatives from other churches gave reports of their church’s activities. The assembly also heard from churches that were not in attendance in previous years. All reports were very interesting and were well presented. The main speaker for the afternoon was the Rt. Rev. Dr. John Butosi. His topic was “Lay Ministry.” Some of the highlights were: “every Christian is a minister; God calls us for the up-building of the Church; God calls us to be sent to a mission; and the Church is a mission.” Some of the duties of a lay minister is “to do supply preaching in churches without ministers, serve as an assistant to the pastor, and to minister to a parish which cannot support an ordained minister.” Dr. Butosi presented the necessary requirements of study to become a lay minister. Miss Priscilla Hunyady and Mr. Eric Beke gave reports on this year’s youth camp. The number of campers were fewer than last year, and adult counselors in attendance at camp were also few in number, but the camp was a success. Rev. Paul Kovács gave a report on the Bethlen Home. He also stated that the construction of the Archives Building will get underway soon. The meeting adjourned about 6:00 P.M. and at 7:00 P.M. a picnic was provided to all by the Bethlen Home. After nine in the evening, small groups gathered in various rooms of the hotel visiting one another. In another room one could hear singing of Hungarian folk songs — an enjoyable evening. The meeting re-convened at 8:30 Monday morning with a short devotional. The first item on the agenda for the morning was a report by Mr. Edmond Vig on the 2nd World Conference of Hungarian Reformed Churches held in Buda­pest and Debrecen. The report was very interesting. After­wards reports from the auditing and resolutions committees were presented. Dr. John Butosi gave a brief informative talk on the Hungarian Reformed World Federation. All churches are urged to join the Federation.

