Magyar Egyház, 1967 (46. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1967-08-01 / 8-9. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 13 We hope everyone will talk a lot about the conference. We hope to see you and your friends at the 1968 con­ference to be held by New Brunswick and Trenton. it Charlene Nagy Thursday, August 31, 12 Midnight: Loaded our bus with tons of luggage, food, and ourselves. Friday, September 1, 4 P.M.: Arrived at Camp Cavell. Thus began our participation in the 28th Annual National Conference of the Bethlen Youth Federation. After waiting another long year, we were finally all to­gether again. How great it was to see everyone and to renew old friendships and begin new ones. The presence of the Lord was much to be realized, not only in the picture setting of the camp, which was beautifully set on Lake Huron, but also in the warm hearts and beaming faces of our giant BYF family. In this light we all took part in the discussions, the theme being “Morality in Creed.” On Saturday the Rev. Tibor Toth spoke to us about creed. We have the Helve­tic Confessions, the Apostles’ Creed, and Christian stand­ards. But most of all we have Jesus Christ as our example for our creed. The “new morality” threatens our society. Free love and love-ins are gaining momentum. But we cannot and must not allow ourselves to be led into these sinful temptations. We must uphold ourselves in the “old morality” — the one set down by the Bible and our Saviour. Close communion with God is the one sure answer. On Sunday Mr. Zoltán Ambrus of Detroit spoke to us on morality. Our bodies are not our own. They were given to us by God, to serve the sole purpose of glorifying His Holy Majesty. We must always remember that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost and must be and remain clean and decent. We must shun all worldly im­morality. We must not become overpowered with the lust of sex. Only through the sacred rite of marriage is sexual love blessed. As youth entering the prime of our lives we realize the temptations of the flesh surrounding us. But with faith in ourselves to grow and mature in the paths of righteousness and decency and with God’s help and the love of our parents we can and will pull through victorious. Then as future parents, we will have to instruct our children in the right and wrong of morality. Society’s morals have been declining and it is up to our generation to halt this decline and start the fight uphill again. Getting to the lighter side of the Conference. I can say without reservation that we all enjoyed our fun and A lot of shaving cream was used at camp. fellowship together tremendously. The dance Sunday night was absolutely terrific. This was the first time I ever danced to psychedelic music and I must say it was a real experience. And of course the shaving cream! What a way to top off a conference. What a blast that was!! And so it all came to an end, but too quickly. I wish to personally thank the Detroit CYF for hosting such a fine conference. A word of thanks to our National advisors for continuing to do such a fine job. And a host of well wishes to the new BYF officers. I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and successful coming year and want to see everyone at nevt year’s BYF. OK? Monday, September 4, 1 P.M.: Loaded our bus with tons of luggage, food, ourselves, tears, and good-bys. ★ Rodney Matto Congratulations Detroit C.Y.F. for hosting a most successful “BYF National Conference.” Gary Balog, Julie Ryko and Mrs. Pitel must have worked very hard in their many months of planning. The Candle Light Vespers, and the Sunrise Com­munion Services enlightened everyone’s heart to Christian Thinking . . . Congratulations to the new slate of BYF officers. Each and everyone is a credit to the BYF . . . ★ Mrs. Ruth Apáti Camp Cavell on Lake Huron in Michigan was the location of the conference site, which offered heated and lighted cabins, dining and recreational facilities (including much opportunity for shaving cream fights). The entire conference was divided into informal discussion groups. And because of this the topic “Morality in Creed” was treated with genuine interest and truth by each individual. A few discussion groups paid special attention to an organization of young adults called “Up with People,” which tries to show the true creed and morality of American youth. The campers showed much talent (and bravery) in their skits on Saturday night. A trophy, donated by Mr. and Mrs. John Farkas to the club with the best skit, was unbelievably won by Akron with their version of Johnny Carson. But don’t forget the other skits: Detroit’s creative and inspiring fashions; Amboy’s “Chunky Mamma”; and Carteret’s acting talent and originality in Hemlock Solmes, Dr. Whatsit, and the regional weather report! The recrea­tion was completed with a Sunday night dance. “The Cynch” provided dance and psychedelic music which made the evening really booo, especially for the faithfuls of dancing who mocked out the psychedelic music. Hooray! I’m sure everyone, as they departed from the camp, felt the sadness of not seeing their friends for another year. However, that was temporarily alleviated when we met each other again in restaurants on the highway. The next conference to be held in September of 1968 will be hosted by both the Trenton and New Brunswick groups. This is something new and everyone will be waiting for a great conference. Frank Papp NEWS FROM THE CONGREGATIONS BETHLEHEM Sándor Chomos, who for many years served this congregation in different offices moved to Ligonier, Pa. as the manager of the new Bethlen Press. László Fekete is our new treasurer. Our church will sponsor two Brownie Troops and a Girl Scout Troop this coming year. The Rev. Gondocz was elected presi­dent of the P.T.A. of the Franklin School for the year 1967-68. Baptism: István Zoltán, son of Mr. and Mrs. István Turoczy on August 13th. Godparents: Zoltán Turoczy and Eva Kegye in Hungary, and Mr. and Mrs. László Melich. Edward Erdie, president, repre­sented our congregation at the Elders Conference in Ligonier, Pa. CARTERET The renovation work on our church proceeds on schedule. Worship services

