Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)

1929-07-15 / 14. szám

282 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ No. 14. A .Székely“ gate. Székely kapu. A spinning-wheel. Magyar paraszt­asszony rokkája. Plates made by peasants. Magyar cserepes készítette tányérok. THE HUNGARIAN SCOUT CAMP. The camp is the only place, where boys have a chance to find the real, perfect scout-life. In the society of grown-up people, the boy is destined to be rather passive. He is simply forced to accomodate himself to the life-order, pretentions, customs of the others. The grown up people always tell him : ,,Be a good boy, behave yourself, don’t do this or that". But the child adores to be busy and active. Boys are living and acting to the ten scout­­laws in camp. The camp turns the theories of Scounting into reality. The camp shows exactly the character of the organization or troop. The Hungarian camp has naturally se­veral specialties, which differenciates it from the camp of any other nation. By this article, I should like to draw the attention of my foreign brothers to the specialities of a Hungarian camp. The Hungarian scout-camp is just a small copy of the country. It is a tiny state. The Hungarian nation is a typical state-organizer, she likes to unite instinctively different elements, in other words, to organize a population, which consists of different native tongues, into a state. This instinct is also living in the boys. The preparation of a Hungarian scout­­camp, the exploration of the site, pitching the tents, the installations, getting into touch with the surrounding villages, — are much resem­bling to that pioneering work, which was accomplished by the ancient founders of the Hungarian state, more than 1000 years ago. Camps for the Hungarian scouts are not installed in advance, the boys must search for a suitable place. While the outposts find the convenient ground and take up the contact with everyone, on whose willingness the success of the camp depends, the rest of the troop is very busy and works hard at home. They secure before all the Th* Hungarian National Jamboree Camp 1996. A magyar nemzeti nagytábor 1926-ban.

