Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)

1929-07-15 / 14. szám

No. 14. MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ 283 Camp fire scene. — Tábortűzi jelenet. necessary economical basis, food, tents, kitchen-equipment and prepare the organization of the camp. Usually they start in the early morning and reach the selected site about noon time. The places for the tents are marked, the kitchen and pantries are built-up and finally the flag-staff for the national ban­ner is erected. Some hours, after the work has started, the symbol of the state, the national flag, the ideal of the patriots, greets the new­comer. Tents and stores are pla­ced around the flagstaff. The aoys cook their food already for the first dinner, the camp-fire is alight and the tired little pioneers find a sweet sleep under the pro­tecting shelters. How can they work so fast ? The most important work of the Leader is the clever selection of the camp’s population. In this tiny state everyone has to do his best on the proper job. The camp has a department of commerce and of communication, a labour office, high courts, sanitary es­tablishments and — last, but not least — a stage and atelier for fine arts. The typical factors of state-life can be easily discove­red in a scout-camp too. The con­centration of different talents and qualities for the achievement of one ideal : this characterizes the Hungarian scout-camp and suits its really historical back­ground. The Hungarian camp is not at all the jolly summer­­society and is not destined merely for amusements, but is much more a school for life and useful membership in human so­ciety. This creates the other spe­cialty of Hungarian scout-camps which could be called ..Robinso­­nic" character. What is the life of a lone human, how can he exploit the forest, the pasture-field, how can he utilize the nature for human purposes ? — these are the expe­riences of our camps. The thousand years of Hunga­rian history are really Robinso­­nic. One of our great poets wrote: ,,We are a small island amidst the roaring sea.“ The lone Hun­garian nation in her historical so­litude is a small boat, driven by the waves of that immense ocean, wich contains the innumerable nations of the whole World. You know certainly very well the story of Robinson. After the shipwreck, he saved nothing, but his tools and his gun with the mun­ition. The Hungarian scouts take only their tools and food to camp. They erect by their tools and with the mentality of Robin­son the camp, the nicest summer­­home. The slogan is : „Never be A smart camp in the hi ly district of the Blikk montains. Egy kedves tábor a magyar Bükk-hegységben-

