Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)
1929-07-15 / 14. szám
280 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ No. 14. rapids as in the mountainous fields of Erdély (Transsylvania) and Upper Hungary (now Slovensko). Only the memory is living of these fairy fields where the first Hungarian camps were installed and now : it is impossible to return to them. Still; the Hungarian lowlands have beauties which cannot be found elsewhere in Europe. The golden weaving wheat fields are endless. Nothing hides the far horizon as one or two small woods here and there. Every boy knows these small patches of wood are the result of our ancestors' diligence and endeavour after the Turkish invasion. One cannot forget one of those wonderful sunsets or howling summer storms. Here and there, camping scouts have a chance to study the shepherd's primitive life, so for instance on the Hortobágy. Romantic ruins, historical memories are hardly to be found on the Hungarian lowlands as everyting was destroyed by the Turks. Still, you feel Hungarian history everywhere on the Alföld (lowland) where historic memorials reminds one of past suferrings. The past of Hungary is living there and camping scouts are searching for it and study the peasant life. While camping or hiking they remark characteristics, climate, the flora, the people and their habits, economic life, villages. Specially Rovers are collecting very good material during their „moving camps“. They are searching every-wehre for soul of the Hungarian land. Besides the Lowland, scouts have very few good campsites left to them now. They have usually little water in the Scenery in the Hungarian lowlands, — Magyar alföldi táj. Favourite bird of the Hungarians. A magyarok kedves madara, a gólya. vicinity. Sometimes there are camps at the riverside of the mighty Danube and the smaller T isza. They are fond of water sports even on some of the smaller rivers left to Hungary. Still, the most charming water camps are built up on the shores of the beautiful Lake Balaton. It is the greatest lake of Central Europe. The surroundings are beautiful To the north, fine domelike mountains, once craters which however are sunk in and are extinguished long ago. After the War, only in these mountanous districts some woodland was left to Hungary. Hungarian scouts like to look for shade and rest in these woods. You can hardly write about the beauties of the Balaton: you must see and enjoy it. The finest is when the lake changes its colors ; its storms are overwhelming and the winelands round it make it charming. It can only be compared with shores of the Mediterranean in the South of France. Besides this territory, Hungarian scouts have very little hills left to them. Mutilated Hungary in itself is so smoll now! There is no place for mountains in it. But the monuntains we have: are fine. The Mátra, in the north with the highest peak in actual Hungary (3000 feet). There are fine woods full of camps during the summer. Only, these have a general mutual fault: there is hardly any drinking water in them. In the camps of the hilly districts, scouts undertake national tasks too. They study ethnology and the naturelire. They search everywhere for the soul of the Hungarian soil they must feel where it is to found. They On'the Hortobágy (a big plain in the middle of Hungary, the centre of cattle and horse breeding).!—„Hortobágyi (magyar pusztai) siluet. Hungarian cowboys under a primitive shelter on the Hortobágy. Hortobágyi csikósok a ,,vasaló“-ban. (Széltől védő nádkunyhó