Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)

1929-07-15 / 14. szám

298 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ No. 14. HISTORY OF THE MOVEMENT. Hungarian papers published the first ar­ticles, concerning the boy scout movement in 1909. * The first Hungarian scout troops were founded in 1912. * The Hungarian Boy-Scout’s Association was founded on December 28th, 1912. The ten Scout Laws are published. ★ From 1st to 17th of ]uly 1913. 105 boy scouts rafted on the Vág southwards. * During the World War, from 1914 to 1918, a War Comittee has taken over the leadership, the S. M.-s. served in they army, the boys did helping service. ★ The Bolshevik Soviet-Government dis­banded in 1919 the Hungarian Scout-troops. After the reconstruction of the legal order, the Association was re-established on Sep­tember 21st. 1919, and joined the Interna­tional Bureau of London in 1920. * The first copy of the official Scout-Ga­zette : „Magyar Cserkész" appeared on June 15th, 1920. Since that time it is pub­lished fortnightly, .improved in size and contents and greatly appreciated. Hungarian Scouts have taken up interna­tional contact in 1922. 3 delegates attended the 2nd International Conference in Paris, 1 troop camped in England, 1 in Finland and 1 in Germany during the same year. The first national scout-exhibition was ope­ned in Budapest in same time and the first general Scout-game was arranged in the Buda-mountains with the participation of a large number of scouts. The excellent peda­gogical scout-book : The Hungarian Scout Leaders Book, written by prof. Alexander Sik was published. ★ On June 21st, 1922 Count Paul Teleki was appointed Chief Scout of Hungary by Regent Horthy. Teleki was the first Hunga­rian Chief Scout, formerly Premier of Hun­gary, prominent geographer and university professor. He is since October 14, 1923, Honorary Chief Scout, his acting successor is Count Charles Khuen-Héderváry, the pre­sent Chief Scout. The tenth anniversary of the Scout-movement was celebrated in 1923. The first training camp for Scoutmasters has been at Hédervár in 1924. Since this time Hédervár (the property of the Chief Scout) is the permanent place for these camps. In the same year the Great Scout-Council was organized, with H. R. H. the Archduke Albrecht as Chairman. The purpose of the Council is social help and propaganda for Scouting. The members are notabilities of Hungarian society. * On June 1st, 1924, the first copy of the Scouters-gazette „Vezetők Lapja" appears. ★ In August, 1924, a troop, of 54 boys competed^ for the World championship in Copenhagen where they were placed third with 166 points behind U. S. A., 181 points and Great Britain, 172 points. * In 1926, the Hungarian National Jambo­ree was attended by 7500 boys, who cam­ped for 2 weeks on the hills of Megyer near Budapest, and near the RáAros-field, which was the ancient place for the Hunga­rian Parliament, held in the open air for long centuries. About 300 delegates of 8 different nations were guests of the camp. ★ Hungarian Scouts buy a house for Head­­quartes in 1927. The Boat House and a copy of Gillwell- Park : the Scout-Park on the Hárshegy are established. In July, Hun­garian scouts, who lost their sea, the Adria­tic, and the sea-port of Hungary : Fiume, were the best placed team at the Internatio­nal Sea Scout Rally in Denmark. ★ In January 1928, the Hungarian team won the international ski-ing competition for Scouts at Kandersteg. * The 3rd International Sea Scout Rally and Conference was arranged by the Hun­garian B. S. A. from July 26. to August 5, 1928. The camp was located at Tihany on Lake Balaton. 800 Hungarian and more than 100 foreign scouts camped there. * 9000 Hungarian boy-scouts greeted at a large Rally Sir Robert Baden-Powell who came to Budapest in May 1928, accompa­nied by Lady Baden-Powell and Lord Hampton. * At the Lettonian Jamboree near Riga in 1928, the Hungarian troop was placed first. In January 1929, another Hungarian ski­ing team got the price of Kandersteg again, although there was no snow in Hungary at the time. ★ In July and August of current year, 850 Hungarian scouts are leaving for England, to take part in the big Jamboree of Bir­kenhead. (The total number of the Hunga­rian scouts is 30.000). „Pages.“ — Apródok. E DITORIAL. ........................................................................"in We recommand the festive number of our paper to all scouts of the world with a great sympathy. We should like very much, if you would not only skim it, but read it tho­roughly, because it contains the life of those Hungarian scouts, who feel a frank and true sympathy for you. Our nicest me­rit would be, if you would send us a card to the address of the „Magyar Cserkész" Budapest, V., Hajnal-utca 6., telling, that you read over our small informations. -— Szarka-őrs, Szeged. (Magpie-Patrol, Sze­ged). You are right, when you are satisfied with your own camp. Everybody can not come finally to the Jamboree. You can meet your duty just on the right way, if you build a camp, which could be even admired by the spectators of the Jamboree. — E. W. Ber­lin. You are really very nice, that you find your experiences in Hungary so lovely. You are absolutely right, that the Hungarian scouts treat all other scouts, like their bro­thers and they are glad, if they can show a small part of their fatherland to the foreign scouts. Believe us, that you would have been just as nicely received in the Bakony camp, or anywhere else in Hungary. — Bakony­­camp. Thanks for your nice letter.We really take that one with us. The spirit of the Hun­garian forest. We want to represent you before the youth of the big world. If you read this paper, you must know, that we remember on each day of you, dear bro­thers, who remained at home. We trust, that you think of us also with sympathy. — To the modest brothers. We wish you a good work, brothers. We are happy, that we can greet you here. We have got also very many lovely common remembrances and we hope, that we can collect a lot of new ones. — Anxious mummy. It is true, that the way is long, but your son won't be in danger. We take care of the 800 scouts here with an increased responsability. And it is quite natural, that the English boys arranged everything on the best way. You can be thankful and happy, that your son will have such a marvelous experience. — Boy-scout daddy. It is quite sure, that our main pur­pose is to give to the boys better qualities. We are sure, that this will succeed, be­cause the boys have an immense ambition. — One, who is longing for us. We apre­­ciate your affliction, but you are not quite right to be so depressed. Finally, everybody can not go to the Jamboree. You see, Í shall get already white hairs soon and go to England for the first time only now. You can travel in all parts of the world, until you will be in my age. But otherwise, a good scout is always satisfied with things, which can be achieved through the real pos­sibilities. — Cook. Be quiet, you won't die of hunger. The immense quantity of food­stuff, what we shall get here, will await for your talented cooking. You must show to your foreign brothers the delights of the world-famous Hungarian kitchen. — Ambi­tious poet. I am very affected by your poem. But I think, it is better, if we keep it in confidence only for ourselves otherwise it would spoil the reputation of the good Hun­garian scouts. I do not think, that anybody would translate it.- U. M. Kent. The metal footprint of B.-P. is since that time a drin­king pot of the birds. You could not ima­gine, how nice it is to see, when the little singing birds refresh themselves at the foot­print of B.-P.

