Index of Jewish Art 4. vol: Illuminated Manuscripts of the Kaufmann Collection at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Különálló lapok tokban.
location Budapest library MTAK shelfmark A 388/I-II index n I JA 1986/1 C 0 ms. First Kaufmann Mahzor origine Germany (South) town date c. 1270-1290 D card 1:16 MT 5075 B Mahzor of Ashkenazi Rite for the entire year preceded by different prayers and biblical readings. Vol. I: Morning prayers ( including the biblical readings for Pesah (fol. 9), Second Day of Pesah (fol.l5v), Last Day of Pesah (fol. 22), Song of Songs (fol.24v), biblical readings for Shavu'ot (fol. 27), Ruth (fol. 30), 'Aqdamot millin (fol.32v, continued on fols 41-48r) , ,Ata wedugma' (fol.42v), biblical readings for Rosh Hashanah (fol.43v), Second Day of Rosh Hashanah (fol.45v), Yom Kipur (fols 16v-48v, continued on fols 33-40v) , Sukot (fol.34v) , Qohelet (fols 37-40v, continued on fol. 49), Shemini' 'Azeret (fol.50v), Shabat in Sukot (fol .51v) , Simhat Torah (fol.52v), Hatan Bereshit (fols 53v-55, fol.55v blank). Mahzor: special Shabatot: Hanukah (fol. 56), Sheqalim (fol.61v), Zakhor (fol.70v), Purira (fol. 77), Parah (fol.83v), Hahodesh (fol.89v), Shabat hagadol (fol. 98), Pesah (fol.l07v), Eve of Second Day (fol. 122); Shabat in Pesah (fol. 133), Seventh Day (fol. 139), Last Day (fol. 150), Shavu'ot Eve (fol.l63v), Eve of Second Day (fol. 183), Second Day (fols 186-200, fol. 200v blank) . Vol. II: Rosh Hashanah (fol.l), Second Day (fol. 28), Yom Kipur (fol. 54), Musaf (fol.Ill), Minhah (fol. 144), Ne'ilah (fol. 157), Sukot (fol. 165), First Day (fol. 174), Shabat in Sukot (fol. 179), Eve of Eighth Day (fol,186v), Shemini 'Azeret (fol.l88v), Simhat Torah (fol .198v) , Hatan Torah (fol.202v). Fols 205-205v: repeat of the piyut " 'Upad me'az leshefet hayom" for the musaf of Rosh Hashanah (vol.11, fol. 13). Vellum, two volumes, I + 200 + I and I + 205 + I fols, 487-492 x 340-347 mm (315-325 x 210-215 mm; except for II fol. 205, text space 300 x 230 mm) . Written in square Ashkenazi script, mostly 28 lines in 1 or 2 columns per page. Ruling in plummet, 1+2+2 or 1+1+ 2 (3) vertical and 29 horizontal lines. Pricking noticeable in all four margins. 26 and 27 quires of 8 leaves each, except for vol.i, VII 8 1 (no text missing, fol. 55v blank),