Index of Jewish Art 4. vol: Illuminated Manuscripts of the Kaufmann Collection at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Különálló lapok tokban.
location Budapest library MTAK shelfmark A 388/I-II index n I JA 1986/1 C 0 D m s. First Kaufmann Mahzor origine Germany (South) town date c. 1270-1290 C 0 D m s. First Kaufmann Mahzor origine Germany (South) town date c. 1270-1290 C*f d O O Q JV/J x> VII16, XXVI (single leaves); V ö (fols 33-40v) and VI° (fols 41-48v) were reversed in the binding. Vol. II, XI182 (the missing text is completed in smaller, contemporary script on fols 88v, 89, 90v, 91), XIV^O, XX14, XXVII 1 (single leaf from another mahzor). Most catchwords are written vertically in the lower left-hand corner, except for those in the first section of biblical readings (vol.1, fols 1-55). Binding: 19th century, leather-backed cardboard. Leather and bronze clasps on all three sides. Four bronze bosses on each of the outer covers. Remains of an ancient leather binding on vol.1, fol.l. Colophon : Vol.1, fol. 55 (end of biblical readings): Eii'ezer bar Rabbi Eliahu Halevi the scribe ( ). No date or place are mentioned. Scribe's notes: Invocations for strength, written in the lower margins: vol. II, fol.38 "Inscribe (our name) for a happy life" foi.99 And wipe out ail our sins . History: Many corrections, additional customs and some piyutim were added in the margins by different contemporary 15th-16th century hands, twice mentioning rabbis from cologne ( ) : vol. II, fol. 6: R. Joseph Katz of Cologne used to say... fol. 7: R. Asher Halevi of Cologne expounded... fol.93: "List of selihot in this mahzor for yozer, musaf, minhah and ne'ilah", listing 32 piyutim in a 15th C. hand, and foliating the leaves from 93 to 164 with Hebrew characters from to 1-72) ).