Bartók Béla, ifj.: Chronicles of Béla Bartók's Life (Budapest, 2021)

At The Academy of Sciences. Great Compositions (1934–1938)

1937 CHRONICLES OF BÉLA BARTOK'S LIFE of a new commission: the Violin Concerto; he would go to Kaposvár depending on how it progresses. He keeps on studying the Turkish language, and - in a partly humorous way - introduces kindred words, phrases. 24 August - He writes Antonia Kossar about possibilities in Western Europe. At the very end of August he travels to his sister s for two days. 2 September - Again in Budapest, he informs Paul Sacher with joy that the quartet for two pianos and percussions is almost ready and he hopes that its performance will not cause difficulties. - He also writes Universal Edition. 6 September - He still writes about the details of the planned Pozsony concert to Sándor Albrecht. - Music is performed in Venice. 9 and 13 September - He writes Universal Edition. 13 September - He asks Antonia Kossar to coordinate the dates of his concerts. (A. Kossar is very bad at organising, it causes more and more problems, necessitating a lot of correspondence.) - He replicates his letter written on the 2nd to Paul Sacher, worrying that it has not arrived. 14 September - In his letter to Academy Secretary-General Géza Voinovich - written upon request of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - he gives an account of his academic work up to date. His estimation of the remaining work is about 3 more years, and he also makes economic suggestions. (Then the situation was completely changed by the war and Bartoks departure.) 20 September - The Bartoks get visited by the Zoltán Székelys staying in Budapest, then they take a smaller excursion together. 21 September - He urges Antonia Kossar to reply: he points out that it is possible to postpone the Ansermet concert planned for January that would collide with his other plans. - During his visit with his mother, he tells her that Music was a success in Basel and Geneva, was 412

