Bartók Béla, ifj.: Chronicles of Béla Bartók's Life (Budapest, 2021)

At The Academy of Sciences. Great Compositions (1934–1938)

AT THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. GREAT C O M P O S I T I O N S ( 1 934-1 938) 1937 also liked in Venice, in Budapest Dohnányi will perform it with the Philharmonics. (The home premiere took place on 14 February 1938.) 23 September - Music is also performed in Zurich. In a letter Bartok asks Hungarian Radio not to permit the transmission of his performances to Italian and German radio stations. (On 17 September the Radio requested his participation in the ceremonial Liszt concert of 22 October for a fee of 300 pengős.) 27 September - He sends the draft of his London programmes to Antonia Kossar in Amsterdam, writes a longish letter to Paul Sacher in Basel and also writes Universal Edition. 30 September - He agrees with the Rózsavölgyi and Co. firm to choose and revise material from volumes 1 to 4 of For Children and from 10 Easy Piano Pieces for two booklets to be published entitled “Youth” or something similar. (It didn’t come true.) 2 October - Radio Budapest acknowledges his wish of 23 September. Due to the indiscretion of the daily Est (Evening) this is revealed; Bartok clarifies with annoyance: the reason for the prohibition is that neither the Italian nor the National Socialist German Radio has ever invited him for a performance, thus it would be unfair if they got his piano playing presented as a gift. 8 October - He writes Ernst Mohr in Basel and Universal Edition in Vienna. He informs Antonia Kossar that he is willing to play Dohnányi s Piano Quintet Op. 1, but not the second. (He indeed played the first quintet on 23 January in Hilversum.) 9 October - On a postcard he calls Jenő Deutsch to play the programme of his planned concert at Bartoks flat on 12 October. 18 October - He informs Universal Edition of his standpoint regarding Italian and German radio broadcasts. - He lets Paul Sacher know that the final title of his new work is: Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussions (because 3 percussionists might be needed). - He sends Antonia Kossar fresh programme drafts. 413

