Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 21. Emlékkötet Mindszenty József tiszteletére. Muzeológiai tanulmányok Zala megyéről (Zalaegerszeg, 2013)

Tanulmányok Mindszenty Józsefről - Paksy Zoltán: Mindszenty József küzdelme a nyilasok ellen az 1930-as években

44 Paksy Zoltán Irodalom BALOGH 2002 Balogh Margit: Mindszenty József. Elektra, Budapest, 2002. GERGELY 1993 Gergely Jenő: Mindszenty (Pehm) József apát­plébános és a katolikus pártalapítási kísérletek az 1930-as években. Múltunk, 1993/1. 37-57. MARÓTHY-MEIZLER 1958 Maróthy-Meizler Károly: Az ismeretlen Mind­szenty. Buenos Aires, 1958. MINDSZENTY 1989 Mindszenty József: Emlékirataim. Budapest, 1989. PAKSY 2004 Paksy Zoltán: Nagypolitika kicsiben: parla­menti választás és társadalmi háttere Zalaeger­szegen 1935-ben. Korall 17. 2004. szeptember, 88-106. PAKSY 2005 Paksy Zoltán: A nyilaskeresztes mozgalom te­vékenysége és társadalmi bázisa a Dunántúlon 1932 és 1935 között. In: Az antiszemitizmus alakváltozatai. Tanulmányok. (Szerk. Paksy Zoltán) Zalaegerszeg, 2005. 106-167. VONYÓ 1994 Vonyó József: Meskó pártja Zalában. Adatok a nyilasok Zala megyei szerepéről és társadalmi bázisáról (1933-1935). In: Zalai történeti ta­nulmányok, 1994. Szerk. Bilkei Irén, Zalaeger­szeg, 1994. (Zalai Gyűjtemény 35.) 277-304. József Mindszenty’s struggle against the Arrow Cross men in the 1930s As a result of the global economic crisis, the extremist forces strenghtened in Hungary as well, and the first National Socialist organisations were also created in Zala county. In addition, the county became one of the strongholds of the right-wing radical camp formed by several parties, which called itself Arrow Cross. József Mindszenty, the abbot parson of Zalaegerszeg, had an active political role between the two world wars as the county head of the Christian Socialist Party. He rightly saw that the Arrow Cross had growing popularity, and got more and more followers among the rural population, who had supported the Christian Party. Therefore, the activity of Mindszenty focused, on one hand, on strengthening his party’s popularity with reforms and major social program, on the other hand, starting to fight against the Arrow Cross exposing their demagogic political activities. He achieved success only partially: although he became one of the national leaders of the Catholic intellectuals and the clerics struggling for the renewal of the Christian Party in the 1930’s, the movement failed because of the resistance of the conservative forces, mainly the Catholic clergy, who stood behind the party. As a consequence, the party gained only a few mandates in the last parliamentary election before the war against the Arrow Cross and sank into insignificance. In contrast, they succeeded in achieving results at local level, because despite the fact that the Arrow Cross from Zala reached one of their best national results with its nearly fifty thousand votes in the election, the Christian Party candidate supported by the ruling party was elected in the constituency of Zalaegerszeg. Translated by Lívia Simmer

