Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 21. Emlékkötet Mindszenty József tiszteletére. Muzeológiai tanulmányok Zala megyéről (Zalaegerszeg, 2013)

Tanulmányok Mindszenty Józsefről - Balogh Margit: A pályakezdés. Pehm József életútja a diákévektől az apátplébánosi kinevezéséig

A pályakezdés 35 MINDSZENTY 1989 Mindszenty József: Emlékirataim. Szent István Társulat, Budapest, 1989. MINDSZENTY (PEHM) 1990 Mindszenty (Pehm) József: Az édesanya. Bu­dapest, 1990. Az 1940-ben Zalaegerszegen ki­adott 3. bővített kiadás újraszedése Mindszenty József a népbíróság... 1949 Mindszenty József a népbíróság előtt. Állami Lapkiadó kiadása, Budapest, 1949. NAGY 1925 Nagy Károly: Alsólendvaiforradalom. A szerző kiadása, Zalaegerszeg, 1925. PAKSY 2006a Paksy Zoltán: Politikai küzdelmek Zala megyé­ben a két világháború között 1. 1918-1931. Zala Megyei Levéltár, Zalaegerszeg, 2006. PAKSY 2006b Paksy Zoltán: Kisvárosi elit. Zalaegerszeg vá­ros virilisei 1873-1939. In: Végvárból megye- székhely. Tanulmányok Zalaegerszeg történeté­ből. Szerk. Molnár András. Zala Megyei Levél­tár, Zalaegerszeg, 2006. 169-194. PAKSY 2011 Paksy Zoltán: Zalaegerszeg társadalma és poli­tikai élete 1919-1939. Millecentenáriumi Köz- alapítvány, Zalaegerszeg, 2011. PEHM 1940 Pehm József: Az édesanya. I. kötet. Zrínyi Nyomdaipari Rt., Zalaegerszeg, 1940. Harma­dik, bővített kiadás PEHM 1942 Pehm József: Az édesanya. II. kötet. Zrínyi Nyomdaipari Rt., Zalaegerszeg, 1942. Harma­dik, bővített kiadás SZEKERES [1927] Szekeres Márton: Egy újságíró kálváriája. A szerző kiadása, Budapest, é. n. [1927.] TÓTH 1992 Tóth József: Mindszenty (Pehm) József zala­egerszegiévei. Zalaegerszeg, 1992. Kézirat VARGA 1921 Varga János: Mikes püspökfogsága. Martineum, Szombathely 1921. The name of Cardinal Joseph (in Hungarian: The Early Career Joseph Pehm’s life path from his student years to his abbot appointment József Mindszenty), Archbishop of Esztergom has become world famous as a symbol of fighting against communism. His original name was Joseph (in Hungarian: József) Pehm and he wore this name from his christening to August 1942 as well as while he carried out his parish duties. The study examines his early career. The first chapter introduces his years in the secondary grammar school as well as the seminars in clerical studies. It also describes his scope of interest, furthermore his individual activities and shows the ways of his advanced studies. His first and probably the only poem written by the young seminarian is also presented here. Following his consecration in the summer of 1915, he served as a curate in Felsőpaty, at the riverbank of the “Rába”, until 1st February 1917. The young curate started working with great enthusiasm. His ambitions for a perfect clerical- spiritual life were fulfilled by dedicated responsibility and strong commitment. His first piece of writing was published in 1916, titled: “The mother and the religion, social issues in the light of poetry”, which was later completed and published twice. However, he was appointed unexpectedly as a teacher of religious studies at the Hungarian Royal Secondary Grammar School in Zalaegerszeg, by Earl János Mikes Diocesan, in February 1917. During the following years he was involved in the local revolutionary fight against the People’s Republic, therefore he became a leader of the royalist opposition. As a punishment for his royalist activities he was kept in home custody and the ruling local governors of the People’s Republic restricted his personal freedom, as well as they relocated him from Zalaegerszeg from the beginning of March, 1919 till the fall of the Soviet modelled Republic. After the turbulent period of the Hungarian history Earl János Mikes Diocesan, entrusted him with the leadership of the parish in the highly-populated city of Zalaegerszeg, which

