Istvánovits Eszter (szerk.): A nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve 51. (Nyíregyháza, 2009)

Történelem, helytörténet - Ulrich Attila: Szervezkedés és katonai tevékenység a Wesselényi-mozgalom korai szakaszában

Ulrich Attila Conspiracy and military activity in the early phase of the Wesselényi-movement The Wesselényi-conspiracy and national movement involved extended social layers. It was an event of the Hungarian history after which central power led a well organised, detailed, thorough procedure and which ended with mass arrests and confiscations of property. Of course, this kind of procedures (conceptual trials) was not unknown in the earlier periods of Hungarian history. How­ever, if we examine the extent of this phenomenon, we have to mention on the first place confisca­tions of properties that started in 1670. In the period between 1670 and 1711, mainly at its beginning, Hungarian structure of pro­perties basically changed. This made the financial basis of the landed gentry very uncertain. The changes meant that lands, meadows, vineyards acquired and kept for centuries by certain families, now were given to other proprietors. The major part of the territories could get back to their origi­nal owners only after long lawsuits or remissions. Beside the real estates, movables were also con­fiscated, so a lot of noble families - mainly woman and children, because heads of families were hiding, fighting for the national interests or spending their sentence in prisons - lost their homes for a longer or shorter period. Year 1670 is a peripety in Hungarian history that led to significant econo­mical and social consequences. Attila Ulrich Jósa András Múzeum Nyíregyháza H-4401 Pf. 57. e-mail: 280

