Uherkovich Ákos: A Barcsi borókás élővilága, IV. (Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat 5., 1985)

Nógrády S.: A Barcsi borókás tájvédelmi körzet tegzesfaunája (Trichoptera). - Caddisflies of the Barcs Juniper Woodland, Hungary (Trichoptera)

Dunántúli Dolgozatok .Természettudományi sorozat 5: 117-134. Pécs, Hungária, 1985. CADDISFLIES OF THE BARCS JUNIPER WOODLAND, HUNGARY (TRICHOPTERA) Sára NÓGRÁDI NÓGRÁDI, Sára: Caddisflies of the Barcs Juniper Woodland, Hungary /Tricho­ptera/. Abstract. 65 species were collected by sweeping, lamping and light­trapping of adults on the nature preservation area. Ecological, phenologi­cal and short zoogeographical evaluation is presented. Three species: Or­thotrichia tragetti MOSELY, Oxyethira flavicornis PICTET and Micrasema se­tiferum PICTET proved to be new for the Hungarian fauna. Introduction tàie Barcs Juniper Woodland nature preservation area is one of the most inter­esting areas of Hungary in Botanical and even more so in entomological respect as presented by several earlier papers. So far only one paper discussed the Tricho­ptera enumerating 28 species, but no further data /date, exact localities/ are given /ÚJHELYI 1981a/ .. Other data can be found in the papers by ÚJHELYI /1981b, 1982, 1983/. The examined area of about 34 sq. km /13 sq. miles/ was very abundant in wa­ter according to the maps. There were several stagnant waters with more or less permanent water covering besides some periodical ones. These waters - moors, bogs, fish ponds - are fed either by small streams or by underground water. In the past years many moors dried out and their vegetation and entomofauna deteri­orated. The aim of the present paper is to introduce a very characteristic water in­sect group, the caddisflies of this interesting and almost destroyed area. Acknowledgements. I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. A. Uherkovich, who surrendered his caddisfly material to me, to Dr. H. Malicky, Lunz, for his valu­able help and for supervising some of my identifications and to Dr. G. Kádáavfor the examination of water quality. Methodsand material Between 1976-1979 two light traps /fitted with 125 W mercury vapour bulbs/ were operated at the Forestry Office near Középrigóc /Barcs/ and at the Techni­cal School of Forestry, Középrigóc /Barcs/. /Fig. 1/. These were installed for lepidopterological purpose, mostly, but several hundred caddisflies were select­ed from these materials. They supplied the basis of ÚJHELYI' s /1981a/ paper. It is a pity, he did not publish any quantitative and detailed phenological data, but only a list. The light trap near the Forestry Office captured one of the first Hungarian specimens of Platyphylax frauenfeldi BRAUER. On several points of the area examined Á. Uherkovich collected caddisflies regularly accompanying his lepidopterological collections. Occasionally Dr. Uj­117

