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Régészeti tanulmányok - Siklósi Zsuzsanna–Szilágyi Márton: Módszertani, interpretációs kérdések az alföldi rézkor radiokarbon keltezése kapcsán

TISICUM XXV. - RÉGÉSZETTUDOMÁNY RACZKY Pál-ANDERS Alexandra-NAGY Emese Gyöngyvér- KRIVECZKY Béia-HAJDÚ Zsigmond-SZALAI Tamás 1997. Polgár-Nagy Kasziba. Rézkori sírok a Kr. e. V. évezredből. - Polgár-Nagy Kasziba. Copper age burials from the last 5th Milennium B.C. In: Utak a múltba - Az M3-as autópálya régé­szeti leletmentései. Paths into the Past. Rescueexcavations on the M3 motorway (Szerk.: RACZKY Pál-KOVÁCS Tibor- ANDERS Alexandra). Budapest. 47-50. RACZKY Pál-ANDERS Alexandra-SEBŐK Katalin-CSIPPÁN Péter- TÓTH Zsuzsanna 2015. The Times of Polgár-Csőszhalom. Chronologies of Human Activities in a Late Neolithic Settlement in Northeastern Hun­gary. In: Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to the 4th Millennium BCE (Szerk.: HANSEN, Svend- RACZKY Pál-ANDERS Alexandra-REINGRUBER, Agathe). Archäologie in Eurasien 31. Bonn. 21-48. RACZKY Pál-ANDERS Alexandra-SIKLÓSI Zsuzsanna 2014. Trajectories of Continuity and Change between the Late Neolithic and the Copper Age in Eastern Hungary. In: The Neolithic and Eneolithic in Southeast Europe. New approaches to dating and cultural dynamics in the 6th to 4th Millenium BC (Szerk.: SCHIER, Wolfram-DRA§OVEAN, Florin), Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 28. Berlin. 319-346. RACZKY Pál-SIKLÓSI Zsuzsanna 2013. Reconsideration of the Copper Age chronology of the eastern Carpathian Basin: a Bayesian approach. Antiquity 87 (336). 555-573. REIMER, Paula J.-BARD, Edouard-BAYLISS, Alex-BECK, J. Warren-BLACKWELL, Paul G.-BRONK RAMSEY, Christopher- BUCK, Caitlin E.-CHENG, Hai-EDWARDS, R. Lawrence- FRIEDRICH, Michael-GROOTES, Pieter M.-GUILDERSON, Thomas P.-HAFLIDASON, Haflidi-HAJDAS, Irka-HATTÉ, Christine-HEATON, Timothy J.-HOFFMANN, Dirk L-HOGG, Alan G.-HUGHEN, Konrad A.-KAISER, K. Felix-KROMER, Bernd-MANNING, Sturt W.-NIU, Mu-REIMER, Ron W.-RICHARDS, David A.-SCOTT, E. Marian- SOUTHON, John R.-STAFF, Richard A.-TURNEY, ChristianS. M- VAN DER PLICHT, Johannes 2013. Int Cal 13 and Marine 13 radiocarbon age calibration curves 0-50,000 years cal BP. Radiocarbon 55 (4). 1869-1887. SCHIER, Wolfram 2013. An antiquarian’s grave? Early Tiszapolgár burials in the Late Vinca tell site of Uivar (Romania). In: Moments in Time. Papers presented to Pál Raczky on his 60th Birthday (Szerk.: AN­DERS, Alexandra-KULCSÁR, Gabriella). Budapest. 569-577. SIKLÓDI, Csilla 1982. Előzetes jelentés a Tiszaug-Kisrétparti rézkori telep ásatásá­ról. - Preliminary report on the excavation of the Copper Age settlement at Tiszaug-Kisrétpart. Archaeologiai Értesítő 109. 231-238. 1983. Kora rézkori település Tiszaföldváron. - An Early Copper Age settlement at Tiszaföldvár. Szolnok Megyei Múzeumi Évkönyv 1982-83.11-31. SIKLÓSI Zsuzsanna-SZILÁGYI Márton in prep. Culture, period or style? Re-consideration of Early and Middle Copper Age chronology of the Great Hungarian Plain. SZILÁGYI Márton 2010. Kora rézkori település és árokrendszer Szolnok-Zagyvaparton. - Frühkupferzeitliche Siedlung und Grabensystem. Archaeologiai Értesítő 135.183-199. 2015. Kora rézkori településszerkezet a Közép-Tisza-vidéken. Dok­tori disszertáció. Budapest. YERKES, Richard W.-GYUCHA Attila—PARKINSON, William 2009. A multiscalar approach to modeling the end of the neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain using calibrated radiocarbon dates. Radiocarbon 51 (3).1071-1109. Zsuzsanna Siklósi - Márton Szilágyi Questions on methodology and interpretation concerning the radiocarbon dating of the Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain In the last few years, several chronological and interpretational problems arose concerning the Early and Middle Copper Age of the Great Hun­garian Plain that completely redraw the widely recognized and accepted image of the period. This was the starting point of our project in which we tried to examine the period from a new perspective. We attempted to re-analyse the new chronological problems using Bayesian modelling, which appeared a short time ago in Hungarian archaeology. As a result, we created a new chronological framework built by considerably shorter time periods than the former models. However, with the collapse of the chronological system, the cultural model changed as well. To re-establish and interpret this - differently than the previous approaches - we started to build our bottom-up model from the settlement level through the mi- croregional to the macroregional levels. During this, we faced the ongo­ing archaeological debate of querying the existence of the ‘archaeologi­cal culture’ as an analytical unit or as a real entity. In our study, we tried to introduce the newly emerged problems through the example of the Tiszapolgár and Bodrogkeresztúr cultures. 72

