Csányi Marietta et al. (szerk.): Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 25. (Szolnok, 2016)

Történeti tanulmányok - Bagi Gábor: Egy Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyei középkori régészeti lelőhely azonosítása, történeti források alapján

TISICUM XXV. - TÖRTÉNETI TANULMÁNYOK Gábor Bagi The identification of a medieval archaeological site from Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County based on historical sources „In 1973, during the building of oil storages, the temple and cemetery of Ácsi (Alcsi) was destroyed. Among the objects brought to the Damjanich Museum there were Conquest period stirrups and arrowheads as well.” These lines can be read on the first volume of The History of Szolnok city, published in 1975. There is an untangable problem with the interpretation of these lines that oil storages around Szolnok were only built in the south­ern half of the Szajol frontier on the other side of the river Tisza. This article shows that the than destroyed settlement couldn’t be the former Alcsi, as Alcsi laid in this side of the river Tisza and not even its border stretched to the other side. From the localization of the site it became clear that it belonged to Tenyő waste, which belonged to Törökszentmiklós until the 1930s, when it was attached to Szajol along with the Almásy entailed estate. According to the data, in 1973 the archaeological monuments that were destroyed were parts of Tenyő village and its temple along with a Conquest Period cemetery. It is likely that the famous monastery of Tenyő was not located here. 352

