Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 10. (1985)
Füköh, L.: A new Daudebardia species of Holocene from the Bükk Mountains (North Hungary)
Locality: Bükk Mountains /North Hungary/, Rock cavity Nr . III. in Csúnya valley: pattern 1. /0-20 cm/ Material: The Holotype is only known.It is placed in the Mollusca collection of Matra Museum in Gyöngyös. Leg.: FÜKÖH, L. 1981. Derivatio nominis. I named the new species after my wife Ilona /= Helena/ SZABÖ. Notes : The following can be stated about the described species comparing with the facts written down above: in a view from above it looks like a Daudebardia brevipes as regards the shape of the shell and the arcs of the whorls. The emryonic oart of a D. brevipes is only 1,1/2 while the same part of а ПК helenae is 2 us can be seen on the figure. In the bottom-view it is however similar to a Carpathica cal ophana, the reason for this is the powerful deposited callus which covers the umbilicus and a great part of the spire as well. The described species characteristically bears marks of the two abovementioned species, but as at first sight the "brevipes form" in top-wiev is determinant therefore I classify it as Daudebardia genus. REFERENCES FÜKÖH, L. - KROLOPP, E. /1982-83/: Л Muflon-barlang negyedkor i üledékeinek malakológiai vizsgálata. Soosiana 10/11: 31-37. FÜKÖH, L. - KROLOPP, E. /1984/: Л Csúnya-völgy I. sz. sziklaüreg Mo.Uusca-faunája. Malakológiai Tájékoztató, 4: 54-58. RIEDEL, Л. /1978/: Kritische Bemerkungen und Ergänzungen zur Kenntnis der Subfamilie Daudebardiinae /Gastropoda, Zonitidae/ mit Verzeichnis aller akzeptieren Arten. Ann. Zool ,Warszawa 34 : 139-206. Dr. FÜKÖH Levente H-3 200 GYÖNGYÖS Kossuth ut 40. Mátra Múzeum 16