Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 4. (1976-1977)

Pócs, T.: Az egri Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola mohagyűjteményének típuskatalógusa

Fol. Hist. nat. Mus. Matr. 4. 1976-77. Type catalogue of the Bryophyte Herbarium of Ho Si Minh Teachers' College, Eger, Hungary PÓCS Tamás Ho Si Minh Teachers' College, Eger ABSTRACT: 292 bryophyte types preserved in the EGR Herbarium are enumerated: 42 are holotypes, 48 syntypes, 179 isotypes, 5 paratypes, 1 isolectotype according to the designations of the IGBN, further 17 are „cotypes" or „topotypes". The references include the publication list of the holotypes. Only two Hungarian herbaria have comprehensive bryophyte collections, namely the Botanical Department, Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP), with its 230.00 specimens (including the Limpricht Herbarium), and the more modest herbarium of the Ho Si Minh Teachers' College in Eger (EGR), with about 117.000 specimens, of which 60.000 tropical exemplars are still unidentified (Cf. PÖCS 1974: 882). The author (the curator of the latter one) believes that even in" this initial stage it proves to be useful to compile and publish the available information about the types kept in the EGR. The origin of types preserved there was either exchange (mainly exsiccata isotypes and syntypes) or the description of new species from our African and Asian materials by different authors (e. g. BIZOT, GROLLE, E. W. JONES, PÔCS, TIXIER, VÁNA). In the latter case, and in agreement with these authors the precise deposition of the holotypes was clarified. In some publications the location of the holotype was designated by mistake, as Herb. PÖCS, which in reality refers to the EGR. The author is especially inebted to Prof. M. BIZOT, who kindly agreed to designate the deposition of the holotypes as EGR in these cases, while the duplicates kept in his private herbarium are designed as isotypes. This way the validation of his invalid specien names became possible. The Catalogue enumerates the names of bryophyte types, as they are given on the specimen label, regardless of their validity. (Sometimes well known synonyms or other explanations are given.) The literature data of publications are cited only for the holotypes. For the type specimens originating from exsiccata, the exsiccata No. are cited in brackets. The kind of type, as far as it was possible to establish it, is given at the end of the line of the taxa concerned, according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature adopted by the Eleventh International Botanical Congress, Seattle, August 1969 (1972, Chapter II. Section 2). When only the holotype is mentioned the case is clear. In many cases of exsiccata types it was not quite sure whether a syntype or an isotype

