Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 4. (1976-1977)
Pócs, T.: Az egri Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola mohagyűjteményének típuskatalógusa
is present. In doubtful cases these specimens were described as isotypes. This happened with some „original collections" too. In addition to the types recognized by the ICBN, the author used in 17 cases the old term „cotype" or „topotype" for specimens which were collected by the authors of the species concerned, or by somebody else, from the type locality, later than the type. These specimens, according to the author's view, might be useful in future for the selection of neotypes. In taxonomic work topotypes are occasionally also useful, when the holotype or isotypes are few, incomplete, or not easily available. For the designation of the kind of types the following abbreviations were used : Ht : Holotype Pt : Paratype St : Syntype Ipt : Isoparatype It : Isotype lit : Isolectotype 1st : Isosyntype Tt : Topotype or cotype For the cited exsiccata the following abbreviations are used : Bryoph. Haw. = W. J. HOE : Bryophyta Hawaiica Exsiccata Bryoth. Bras. = E. ULE : Bryotheca Brasiliensis Hep. Eur. = V. SCHIFFNER: Hepaticae Europeae Exsiccatae Hep. Jap. = S. HATTORI: Hepaticae Japonicae Exsiccatae Krypt. Ex. — Kryptogamae (or Cryptogamae) Musei Nat. Vindobonensis M. F. A. I. — M. FLEISCHER: Musci Frondosi Archipelagi Indici M. F. A. I. P. = M. FLEISCHER: Musci Fr. Archipelagi Indici et Polinesiaci Musci Turk. = V. F. BROTHERUS: Musci Turkestanici Musci Jap. = A. NOGUCHI and Z. IWATSUKI: Musci Japonici Exsiccati Moss Ex. = Т. С FR YE: Moss Exsiccati Herb. Bryol. = J. L. DE SLOOVER: Herbier Bryologique S. E. M. = Société d'Échange des Muscinées The country of the type locality is given in the last line. The deposition of the type specimens in other herbaria, when known by the author, is given in brackets at the end of the same line. The names follow the alphabetic order within the two classes. HEPATICAE Aneura compacta STEPH. It Syn. Riccardia compacta (STEPH.) S. ARNELL Cape Anthelia juratzkana (LIMPR.) TREVIS. var. elata SCHIFFN. It Sweden Anastrophyllum capillaceum STEPH. It Brasilia — (Ht: G) Anastrophyllum gradsteinii VÁNA ISt Columbia — (Ht: PRC) 16