A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 2005 (Debrecen, 2006)

Természettudomány - Nyilas István: A Pomatias fajok (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) újabb előfordulásai Magyarországon és állatföldrajzi értékelése

István Nyilas RECENT OCCURENCE OF POMATIAS SPECIES IN HUNGARY AND ITS ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL EVALUTION The occurence of live specimens of Pomatias elegáns in Hungary has not changed in the past 50 years, whereas Pomatias rivulare has appeared in two regions of south Transdanubia. The dis­tribution of Pomatias rivulare in southern Hungary signals that the species dispersed from Serbia and Montenegro in a north-westerly direction along the valley of the river Danube thus reaching the most westerly point of its distributional area. During the same period the biggest population ever of Pomatias rivulare was recorded at Bátorliget (1650 specimens, north-east Hungary). The species preferring humidity and heat spread from the south along the gallery forests on the catch­ment area of the Danube as far as Vaskapu (south-west Hungary), from where it dispersed in sev­eral directions in the Transylvanian basin. The populations in south Hungary are of late appearance and in their formation the Serbian connection plays a defining role in contrast with the populations at Bátorliget, which are considered relict. They survived here after the recession of the species and shows a Transylvanian connection. 88

