Mészáros Balázs: Arrabona - Múzeumi Közlemények 50/2. (Győr, 2012)

Tanulmányok - Paár Ádám: Liberális demokrata pártok és jelöltek a Horthy-korszak gyúri parlamenti képviselőválasztásain

ARRABONA 2012. 50/2. TANULMÁNYOK LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTIES AND CANDIDATES IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONS IN GYŐR IN THE INTER-WAR PERIOD In Hungary the liberal democrats broke up in the inter-war period into several groups and formed different rivalling parties, which united and parted continu­ously. The liberal parties had not a wide base of agrarian or rural supporters and this situation caused their lasting political weakness. They were definitely urban parties and their voters concentrated in Budapest and in the municipal authority towns Debrecen, Győr, Hódmezővásárhely, Miskolc and Szeged. The liberal political forces of Győr tested their strength two times in the period, in 1922 and in 1931. The social and socio-geographic factors of the second largest industrial town of the country made two political subcultures the most powerful in the local arena: the pro-government Christian socialists and the social democrats. However, the liberal voters, whose number should not be under-estimated, were able to sway the balance of power and affect the local results of the general elections. The summarized votes for liberal candidates showed that liberal values preserved their importance in the local society and in its elite in the inter-war period. Adám Paár 118

