Szakáll Sándor - Papp Gábor: Az Esztramos-hegy ásványai (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 5. Miskolc, 1997)
CONTENTS Preface by Salamon, G. 5 Introduction by Szakáll, S. 7 Natural values of the Esztramos Hill by Horváth, R. 11 Historical geography of the Esztramos Hill and its surroundings in the Middle Ages by Dénes, Gy. 15 History of iron ore mining on the basis of archive records at the Esztramos Hill by Turtegin, E. 31 Geological setting of the iron mine at the Esztramos Hill by Turtegin, E. 37 A short sketch of the paleovertebrata localities of the Esztramos Hill by Hír, J. 51 Results of the hydrogeological and speleological research of the Esztramos Hill by Lénárt, L. 55 On the calcium carbonate precipitations of the largest caves of Esztramos Hill by Kraus, S. 75 Genesis of calcite formations of the Esztramos Hill by Várhegyi, Gy. 79 On the fluid inclusion characteristics of the calcite crystals from Esztramos Hill by Gatter, I. 109 On the morphology of the calcite crystals from Esztramos Hill by Gatter, I. & Magdó, Cs. 117 Carbonate-hydroxylapatite paragenesis from the Esztramos Hill by Szakáll, S., Földvári, M. &Dódony, I. 123 Minerals of the Esztramos Hill iron ore deposit by Szakáll, S. & Kovács, A. 131 Three-dimensional computer modelling of the Esztramos Hill as a help for the solution of the problems of environmental protection by Kovács, Zs. 145