A Miskolci Herman Ottó Múzeum Közleményei 8. (Miskolc, 1969)

CONTENTS In this copy of our publication you can read arche­ological historical and etnographical dissertations concerning the area of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Our first article discloses the new findings of Baradla-Cave at Aggtelek going back to the Neo­lithic and Bronze age. The treatise about the new researches of the archeologists at the Herman Ottó Museum gives an account of the work that has been done since 1962. During this period the traces of all the important folkgroups were found on the areas of research. The article dealing with the archeological finds of Ózd gives an all-embracing picture of the one­time population and prehistoric life on the present territory of the town. The series of historical articles is opened by a commemoration about the famous Hungarian act­ress, Déryné. The twohundredth anniversary of Hungarian iron smelting will be celebrated in 1970. That is the rea­son why our treatise deals with the first hundred years of iron smelting at Diósgyőr. Michael Munkácsy the great Hungarian painter spent a part of his childhood in Miskolc. As a well­known artist he had come back to Miskolc for short visits several times, at one occasion Scha­binszky, a local photographer made some photos of him. The article introduces us to these photos. In the Middle Ages Miskolc was famous for her prosperous handicraft. Many guilds existed in the town and from their keepsake the author publisnes a summons-board and two portable list-boards this time. In our economical life trade-marks have not been used widely. This article shows the trade-marks of the sugar-factory at Szerencs used between 1897 and 1949. Nearly hundred and twenty years have passed since the Hungarian war of indépendance. This time the auther publishes the letters of a red-capped soldier from Miskolc 1 . One of the two etnographical dissertations sums up the legends and myths about Szádvár in the neighbourhood of Szögliget village in the northern part of Borsod county. The other article revives the old childrens' games of Mezőkövesd. Educational and propagative work is regarded by our Museum as a matter of first rate importance. Two publications deal with this. One shows the life of the Club of Museum-Friends, the other speaks of the ethnographical work done in the ethnog­raphical club of secondary Technical School No. 1. in Miskolc.. Felelős szerkesztő: ZÄDOR TIBOR Szerkesztette: BODO SÁNDOR Kiadja a Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc Borsod m. Nyomdaipari V., Miskolc. F. v.: Szemes István 1969 — 1065 — 700 példány Szedte: Szabó László és Pócs Imre. Tördelte: Nagy Imre Gépmester: Bihari Sándor Színes fedőlapunk az aggteleki Baradla-barlang hangversenytermét ábrázolja

