Németh Györgyi szerk.: Manufaktúrák Magyarországon 1. Manufaktúratörténeti Konferencia Miskolc, 1989. október 16-17. (Kiegészítő kötet. Miskolc, 1991)


FINAL SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT Heckenast, Gusztáv Now then according to the program I have to sum up the results of the conference and to determine the aims of research. Fortunately both the preparations and the whole course of the conference make me capable of earring up to this task. As regards the preceding events it was already stated that this was not the first attempt in Miskolc to organize the researches referring to the history of manufactures. So local tradition has alceady existed. It is due partly to the local tradition partly to the suitability of the organizers that this conference was prepared extremely well. It occurs very rarely that the material of a conference meant for discussion should be sent in print to the participants prior to the conference. Although the volume was posted only a few days before the conference everyone had the possibility to read at least those studies in which he or she was interested personally. It results from this that during the two days of the conference there was no circumlocution. That is why I should like to tell you some words about the volume before we go on. The volume is divided into two parts. The first one is the introductory study of Györgyi Németh which is followed by several case studies on different level but deserving appreciation by all means. Concerning Györgyi Németh's study it was a problem for me as the reader of the study whether the manufacture tables could serve as the basis of a study like that or not. But there is definitely much to be said for the study as the manufacture tables form a comprehensive source-material. I can say the material Györgyi Németh studied was at the disposal of the council of governor-general and if a referee of the council of governor-general had put in the same claim for this material as Györgyi Németh did now he would have made a similar report on it with all its positive and negative features not for historians but for the state management of that time. Regarding this material the main problem is - and it is emphasized in Györgyi Németh's study also - that in spite of the fact that this source-material which can be found in

