Németh Györgyi szerk.: Manufaktúrák Magyarországon 1. Manufaktúratörténeti Konferencia Miskolc, 1989. október 16-17. (Kiegészítő kötet. Miskolc, 1991)


the departartientum commerciale of the council of governor-general is a comprehensive unit is not a whole. It is not the fault of the council of governor-general but that of the municipalities which made their reports with more or less conscientiousness. Consequently this study that is the manufacture tables studied in it mean the natural starting­point of further research. At the same time we have to keep it in mind that the tables do not mirror reality totally. This way Györgyi Németh took an uncongenial task on herself when she made a summary which will be criticized, corrected and completed during further researches by everybody. But critique and correction are owing to the fact that the study was made. Besides the shortcomings of the reports there are other shortcomings' in the manufacture tables. So yesterday during a private conversation we happened to discover that there were no Jewish manufacture tenants mentioned in the tables. Does it really mean that there were no Jewish manufacture .tenants in the age of Joseph II? We know that in the first half of the 18th century there were several manufactures which were directed by Jewish tenants. For example a cloth manufacture in Tata, a tanning manufacture in Sopron county. In the first half of the century around 1730 we also found a Jewish tenant in the iron industry in Kassa. . This way we think that this social category must have been neglected from the beginning. Whether it is right or Jewish capitalists became interested in manufacture industry only after 1790 will be the object of further researches. About the case studies. Of course textile industry is in the foreground. Walter Endrei, Péter Tamáska, Ferenc Szabó, István Hőgye study it widely and variedly, Endrei and Tamáska paying attention to international relations, Ferenc Szabó presenting a manufacture on the Great Plain, István Hőgye presenting one from Hegyalja, the Tokay vine­growing district of Hungary. They extend the territory of research which appeared in the dissertation of Walter Endrei 20 years ago. They extend the period of research also investigating such a period which Endrei did not deal with. László Veres studies glass-industry. But it is a question still to be decided whether there were manufactures in glass-industry or not. Two studies deal with agricultural industry, those of István Dob­rossy and Tibor Rémiás. It is and was raised whether these studies be­long here or not. I think it justified by the discussion that they were put in the volume.

