A Herman Ottó Múzeum évkönyve 50. (2011)

GYULAI, Éva John of Hunyad's emblem on drawing of Ottavio Strada, around 1585. 287 MAROZSÁN, Zsolt Crafts of stone shaping in the Hegyalja from the 16 h to the 19 h century 307 TAMÁS, Edit Data for the two and half centuries old history of Trautsonfalva/Hercegkút 325 SPÓNER, Péter Guild craftsmen in employ of Miskolc City Council (1761-1848) 341 HAZAG, Ádám Blue dye works in Northeast Hungary. 355 SZALIPSZKI, Péter Being singular and all. The unions of Abadj and Torna Comitats (Counties) 365 CSÍKI, Tamás Society of orders and bourgeois society in the Borsod County on the basis of the personal experience of the career of JózsefLévay 389 PORKOLÁB, Tibor Lévay, the laudatory orator 401 ETHNOGRAPHY BODNÁR, Mónika Linen merchants and their descendants in our region. Data to the history of the settled linen merchants in Putnok and the textile collection of Gömör Museum 411 HISTORY OF THE ARTS PIRINT, Andrea The art relics of Napoleon cult on postcards 437 SÜMEGI, György The war of Lajos Szalay. (Not even) among the arms the muses keep silent 457 VÁMOSI, Katalin Building history of the Roman and Greek Catholic church of A vas-dél (South A vas), Miskolc (Northeast Hungary) 467 GODA, Gertrúd Zsolt Jószay. The sculpture and his works of art 481 PROCEEDINGS RÉMIÁS, Tibor In Memory of Mihály Gáspár (1890-1970) 499 FEHÉR, József Anecdotes and true stories from the Bodrogköz 509 SISKA, József Battyán —A village of Bodrogköz in the lß h and 17 h centuries 521 HIDEG, Lórántné Yearbooks, News and Series of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Museums 1900-2000 527 Guide for the authors. 535

