Nagy Károly: Somsálybánya története (Borsodi Kismonográfiák 20. Miskolc, 1985)

essential knowledge was set about with common effort. Under Sándor Fischer's direction the twelve-number orchestra began operation in 1906. The band possessed entertaining repertory which was amplified with national anthem, marching and funeral songs. The orchestra participated in festivals, funerals and supplied also dancing music once a fortnight in rooms of reading circle or canteen. On January 22nd 1928 the Women's Club for Children's Emergency at Somsály Mining settlement was established in order to support widows, assist the poors, protect mothers and infants, implying the erection of nursery. First football team was organized in 1920, then since 194Ö the Somsály Sport Association presents opportunity to go in for sports in various sections. Year 1972 signified the end of mining of great renown at Somsály­bánya. After shutting down the mine, the miners carried on their trade in other mines located at different regions of the country or found employment in other branches of the industry. On the site of mining settlement other industrial branches were erected, such as Electric Equipment and Device Works, district plant of Metropolitan Enterprise for fancy-leather goods, ensuring living possibilities for local population. After shutting down the mine, there was a change on social structure of the settlement. Because of erection of new plants there was an increase in number of active bread-winners, women in great number took up work, chan­ging the traditional way of life. The change of social structure set the school and local library new and greater tasks. 137 /

