Kothencz Kelemen (szerk.): Víz, ember, örökség. Tanulmányok a 90 éves született Solymos Ede tiszteletére - Bajai dolgozatok 21. (Baja, 2017)

Szilágyi Miklós: Solymos Ede életművének tudománytörténeti jelentősége a halászat történeti és néprajzi kutatásában

Miklós Szilágyi The importance of Ede Solymos’ works on the historical and ethnographic research of fishing This article overviews Ede Solymos’ publications of fisheries which were based on his contemporary research. This study not only summarizes the research of Ede Solymos on the fisheries of River Danube but also lists his other works of fishing on lakes and other rivers. Miklós Szilágyi highlights that according to Ede Solymos both tradition and innovation had played important roles at that times of his data collection. The author of this article emphasizes that from the results of Ede Solymos’ research we have to modify the findings of Otto Herman and János Jankó about the history of fishing tools (absolute or relative chronology), the organisation of fishing work, social institutions (for example the relationship between fishermen and fishmongers). [Translated by the editor] 12

