Levéltári Közlemények, 83. (2013)

Közlemények - Laczlavik György: Várday Pál helytartói működése 1542-1549

LACZLAVIK GYÖRGY VÁRDAY PÁL HELYTARTÓI MŰKÖDÉSE 1542-1549' 30th December 1542 Ferdinand I, King of Hungary appointed Várday as Royal Regent. He had the widest range of powers among the 16th century royal regents, and at the end of 1538, Ferdinand took steps to appoint him to be a cardinal, but did not succeed. The Hungarian Regency Council led by Várday until his death in 1549 created lasting values in several ar­eas. Using the renewed authorization of the parliaments the Royal Regent judged continu­ously. After appointing Ferenc Révay to be a Deputy Palatine (1542), Tamás Várday, the Royal Regent's brother served as a Personalis until the appointment of Mihály Mérey (September 1544), of which so far the research was not aware at all. Besides Personalis Tamás Várday, protonotary tasks were appointed by Ambrus Chernél and György Pósa. After the departure of Chernel, protonotary personalis Antal Nagyváthy was addressing the Royal Regent's legis­lative tasks too. The Royal Regent could also use the smaller chancellery, and then led by the Personalis. The other area in which Várday's performance far surpassed his predecessor was the almost undisturbed cooperation with the commander in chief in Hungary appointed by the king and with the Hungarian captain generals. Várday took a great part in the shaping of the new border castle system as well. He also negotiated with the appropriate captains in order to hire them. Many sources remained to us on the Royal Regent's connection to the Pasha of Buda. The Royal Regent also intervened in chamber matters, namely in the case of getting the group of thirtieth of Nagyszombat (Trnava) out of the authority of the Hungarian Chamber, or when after the reorganization of the Chamber, several of his people became chamber coun­cilors. Overall, we can state that Várday had become such Royal Regent, who could use his experience as a head of Hungarian administration and in the new political environment as well. Public administration did not have an area that he did not reach and affect. Thurzó Elek helytartó Perényi Péter országos főkapitány 1542. október 10-i elfo- gatására, valamint megrendült egészségi állapotára hivatkozva leköszönt poszt­járól. I. Ferdinánd magyar király (1526-1564) december 30-án fogadta el lemon­dását, majd még ugyanezen a napon kelt utasításával - a megszokott in absentia nostra formulával - Várday Pál esztergomi érseket (1542. december 30. - 1549. október 12.) nevezte ki helytartóvá,1 2 a Thurzóéval megegyező jogkörrel.3 1 Jelen tanulmány szövege PhD értekezésem egyik fejezetének átdolgozott változata. Témaveze­tőmnek, Pálffy Gézának ezúton is szeretném megköszönni a dolgozat elkészítéséhez nyújtott segítségét. 2 „Nos Ferdinandus [...] recognoscimus per praesentes, quod [...] eundem in absentia nostra praefecimus et constituimus in locumtenentem nostrum in praedicto regno nostro Hungáriáé conditionibus infrascriptis.. R. Kiss, 1908. Függelék No. XX. Ezt az oklevelet 1549. március 3-án megküldte Ferdinánd a Magyar Kamarának.: Mittimus etiam ad vos cum praesentibus, prout petiistis, exmplum literarum authoritatis locumtenetis nostri in Hungária, archiepiscopi Strigoniensis, ut in negotiis delictorum ne facinorosi impuniti evadant, tanto melius agere possitis. Eredeti fogalmazványa: MOL A 351550-1559. No. 2., amit Újlaky kinevezésekor átjavítottak. 3 R. Kiss, 1908. L1I. Az 1532. október 4-én, Bécsben kelt kinevezés szóról-szóra megegyezik a Várday kinevezési oklevelével. R. Kiss, 1908. Függelék No. X. Levéltári Közlemények, 83. (2012) 3-67. 3

